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>> No.22766995 [View]
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Might is right has always been the coward’s way of affirming his alliance with the status quo without putting any of his philosophical/political beliefs on the line to defend it. More often than not the wignat fucktards who buy into this kind of hogwash don’t even have the intelligence to recognize the contradiction inherent in aspiring to fascism when liberal capitalism dominates our lives just fine as is. In these cases most of it can be chalked up to pure stupidity but the few of them that are bright enough to grasp it will handwave it away with a kind of Marxist false-consciousness argument where the average middle manager would just as easily slaughter a degen as he would file paperwork were it not for the Jewish conspiracy without seeing that he’s just kicking the can down the road so to speak. The smartest of them all are pure and simple Machiavellians in that the phrase “might is right” to them is a literal definition of right as pure praxis as opposed to an equivalence between separate domains of theory and praxis. They completely destroy any kind of theoretical self-sufficiency and thereby reduce their political project to what it really is for them effectively: a series of power games where the only goal is power and more power. Any sane man would realize this as political suicide to bring out into the open so they don’t. They keep these beliefs in their heart of hearts and usually end up as the Hitlers and Goebbels of the world once they finally get the chance. It’s a fundamentally apolitical statement and the idea of using it as justification for a political system is asinine. It’s an open invitation for psychopaths to do whatever they want and for idiots to believe whatever they want while retaining national solidarity: the perfect matrix for fascism.

>> No.22733730 [View]
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It’s so weird to me that people are still trying to milk the covid lockdowns as this societally traumatizing event like we should feel sympathy for people who had to sit inside and binge watch youtube for a month or two before returning to work but just wearing a mask. I keep hearing people say the phrases “post covid depression” or “covid suicides.” I genuinely cannot fathom the galactic levels of hypocrisy and disconnect these people have to be able to experience the deepest sympathy for fellow normoids who had to party only once a week for a month or two while there are people walking the face of this earth who haven’t had a hug or even physical contact with another human being in literal decades. I have become so jaded that I can’t even feel the pain anymore although I can remember what it should feel like. I remember how sick these thoughts should make me: the searing flame, the nausea, the fumes trailing up the back of my throat. All I can feel now is confusion. Even a slight measure of pity. The older I get the more I understand why these people are regarded as cattle by people in positions above them.

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