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>> No.9676420 [View]
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>Rereading Shakespeare with sovereign goggles would be a worthwhile endeavor. You can't treat them like normal folk.
A Don Logan yes to this. That's the thing. That's the fucking ultra-thing. You cannot treat the king like normal folk (and you can basically hear the screeches and the howls break out when these distinctions are overheard by Das Man).

Abstraction, capitalism, and all of this stuff...sovereignty is in this *other* place. And it's there in the psychoanalytic relationship, how the analyst dispels the hysterical sphinx - and Zizek has been wielding a Lacanian crowbar into political thought for his whole career, but...maybe we need something else. The Left doesn't work because it *won't fucking listen.* It can't; there's too many people in it, too many conflicting and ill-understood interests. The memes don't cohere.

There has to be at least an understanding of that something else. For some reason I have fucking decided to ruin my wits thinking what this is and how it works. It's not a *myth* and it's not an ideology and whatever it is it is very hard to *represent.* It probably involves math and I suck at math too. I'm clearly at the edge of what I know here but w/tf/evs. I am dead certain that I know nothing about politics, at least. I think it's downstream from metaphysics but at least sovereignty/absolutism is something that has the capacity to be discussed.

As far as politics goes I'm basically out of trying to come up with Great Suggestions now. I think it's downstream of metaphysics (which includes mimesis). But I keep getting hung up on these questions of sovereignty and power and so on that only make sense when I think of them politically...and I have no fucking clue how politics works. As if that weren't perfectly obvious. So that's more or less why I'm here, I think. Trying to clean my room but things from Nick Land's imagination keep crawling into it from extradimensional space.

Pic related is in the mail and it cannot get here fast enough. And if you have a book to recommend that wouldn't go amiss either.

Really an awesome conversation. Thank ye sir.

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