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>> No.20898925 [View]
File: 219 KB, 800x522, B6EFF167-CF3C-4A4A-988F-E65FEA19D2B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are people like you so adamant in informing the Capital owners that their wasting millions

Leftists intentionally or unintentionally shilling the statues quo will never stop being funny to me.

>> No.20668135 [View]
File: 219 KB, 800x522, 92502CB8-B6E7-4B3E-BCE2-48B68CE837EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how the uprising of November 1918 was interpreted within Social-Democracy: “Fight against capitalism and for its overthrow,” was the motto. And what was the outcome? Just another political upheaval – an irony of world history – to the benefit of that very capitalism which the Marxists – and they alone – allegedly combat so fiercely, and whose absolute rule they directly helped to establish.
But how could this have happened? It happened because the socialism proclaimed by Social- Democracy was not real. It was born out of envy instead of coming from the heart; instead of love it preached hate. For only love can build things up, and this false socialism thus inevitably had to degenerate into orgies of hatred and destruction.

>> No.20629846 [View]
File: 219 KB, 800x522, 2D0F826D-A49A-4CCA-A7B6-064726D8B966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reason what the US and Europe are currently doing to their populations is bad is because they enervate the spirit and create what Renaud Camus calls UHM, "undifferentiated human matter." What the mainland Chinese have done and are doing to their own population is the same thing, by different means, and a hundred times more effective.

If you removed the CCP from power right now, China would splinter into a thousand warlord factions who don't even have the vision to reunite the country with a new Mandate of Heaven. Even if you somehow avoided this, and created a stable Chinese state that also isn't tyrannical, which is impossible because the current tyranny with its faded Mandate is the only thing holding the country together, the country would remain mostly dormant for a century or likely several centuries, because that's how long it will take to heal the psychic wounds inflicted on the Chinese spirit.

The CCP is a container made of dead but still rigid flesh, it's just an exterior wall barely holding the Chinese mass inside. But what's inside is putrefied liquid, the most optimistic take you can have on it is that it's the primordial soup and raw genetic material for a LATER robust nation.

If the CCP starts listing in any way, the whole container will burst. And the more rigid it gets, the more it outwardly proclaims its strength, the more brittle it gets, since it has no organic lability anymore, like a state is supposed to. It can't weather any shocks or absorb and redistribute energy.

The CCP knows this and they know the one hail mary play they have left in their playbook is to start WW3 so that at least the "default" direction of politics within China is to trust whatever reigning power can still organize violence and maintain Han territorial integrity. The CCP basically needs a world-ending war to stay in power. But they are also militarily weak. America and even much smaller nations could wipe out all Chinese infrastructure within days even without nukes and mass starvation and rebellion, not to mention the disloyal, poorly trained, paper tiger army with no internal unity, split into regional sub-armies, would implode the country without even needing to fight pitched battles. The one hope the CCP has is to fight basically a Vietnam-style asymmetrical ethno-war for survival while taking massive 100:1 casualties and just hope to outlast the enemy while the world burns.

All this is true even though the US military is a fucking joke too. Doesn't matter because they still have Nintendo video game consoles that can incinerate continents, for now.

>> No.20619883 [View]
File: 219 KB, 800x522, A7C40BB7-BC86-44F5-884B-5B573FD04331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would also like to give an honorable mention to Richard Sombart for he famously coined the term “Late Stage Capitalism” – being something he described in his two books Modern Capitalism and The Jews and Modern Capitalism. Even though Sombart never joined the Nazi party, he was a major supporter of Nazism up to his death. Sombart, besides providing the key academic analysis for National Socialism to reject capitalism, even provided another key theoretical foundation of National Socialism that would include Jung along with everything else to come. For Sombart, the highest ideal is the German idea of the State. As formulated by Fichte, Lassalle, Hegel, and Rodbertus, the state is neither founded nor formed by individuals, nor an aggregate of individuals, nor is its purpose to serve any interests of individuals. It is a National community in which the individual has no rights but only duties. For Sombart, Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity are characteristically capitalistic ideals that have no other purpose but to secure certain advantages to individuals and therefore are counter to any nationalistic mindset. All of this would become key points to Hitler’s ideology.

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