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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.7764212 [View]
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>he killed 16 Czechoslovakians
>guy was an interior decorator

his house looked like shit

>> No.7505944 [View]
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Seven Samurai

>TV show
The Sopranos

>artist (hard mode: post album)
Talk Talk - Laughing Stock
Conveniently enough it's also a "post" album

Dota 2

>> No.7502342 [View]
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>if you were smart you would listen to only these genres that are generally accepted as having academic merit
>if you are smart you will blindly follow the opinion of others in favour of what you enjoy and what stimulates you intellectually
>implying there aren't incredibly intelligent people who listen exclusively to top 40 shit and complete idiots that champion Bach as the pinnacle of music
>implying you aren't the ultimate pleb

>> No.7452268 [View]
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They say that some people

Don't know what they want

But I don't know people

Who do what they want

When life gives you lemons

You suck that shit dry

Mmm, mmm, lemons

Tasty, tasty lemons

Lemonade is for pussies

Sugar is for the sharks

Grind that rind

With tooth and nail

It goes great on a chicken

Or even candied with some coffee

So tasty

Mmm, mmm, lemons

Tasty, tasty lemons

Fuck the patriarchy


>> No.7295018 [View]
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Absolutely, watching the Sopranos was a literary experience, there's no other way to put it

Each episode is a self-contained pseudo-short story while still referencing an overarching narrative that spans 6 seasons of the greatest story television has ever told. Even if the content itself wasn't amazing (which it is, a psychological spin on the cops x gangsters tale that's more humanist than it is pulpy, taking as many elements from Shakespeare as it does from Scorsese) it's delivered with such confidence and attention to fine detail that even if you hate every character (which you won't, Tony Soprano alone is the most complex character study to ever be put to television) are completely disinterested in the story and can't stand the setting, you're still going to be enraptured in the grade A cinematography, obsessive attention to detail and 10/10 dialogue.

It makes New Jersey into something out of the most compelling of mythologies, perfectly captures the zeitgeist of a post-9/11 world and to top it all off it's one of the most genuinely funny shows I've ever watched.

Top it all off with a layered script conducive to analysis and re-watches and I would say it's mandatory viewing even if you've already seen it all twice before, let alone if only a single of the dozens of major plot points has been spoiled for you.

Also there are memes a plenty if you're into that sort of thing

>> No.7150607 [View]
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take fucking 2 with this shit

awhile back I asked pomofags to defend their philosophy. i dont like it when people rash on my /lit/ darlings without having read them so here i am giving them the benefit of the doubt. again. cause there were no fucking takers

so post passages from post modern philosophy that are actually cool, interesting, and relevant to us out here in 3D land. no wank

>inb4 >no wank ayy lmao

>> No.6520121 [View]
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>mfw a Peruvian woman at my work thought it was 'doctor the little' instead of doctordolittle

>she talks about the movie 'The Life of Billy'

>> No.6488309 [View]
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>happy is a decision

>> No.6487122 [View]
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>> No.6461625 [View]
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Alright kid, here's what you do

First things first, quit the job, dumo the girlfriend, tell the parents you're a commie. We need to get you isolated and fast

After you're alone and proper, you need to get some quality LSD, just hop on the deep web and find the closest thing to a reputable seller you see. Now find a room you can be alone in, stock up on beans and lock the door.

You're gonna want to drop 300µg and take out your copy of Phenomenology of Spirit (don't have a copy? well go beg your disenfranchised parents for money to go back to the used book store you quit to purchase a copy). Keep reading until the gnosis flows through you like the beans surely will.

>> No.6446970 [View]
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you're alright

>> No.6421758 [View]
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>3500 word essay on Mysticism due at the end of semester
>don't go to class because it's nothing but discussion and scholarly articles with little to no source material
>I signed up hoping for some close readings of the Bhagavad Gita or the Dao de Jing
>did not sign up for 3 hours of liberal 20 somethings telling me why medical materialism is the shit
>stop going to class
>show up to midterm
>quizzing us on scholarly articles and defining terms like Gnosis or noumenon
>don't do the paper
>skip the final

And that's how I wasted my parents hard earned cash

>> No.6414364 [View]
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hey mom i bumped the thread again!

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