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I know I'm late to the party, but I really enjoy reading this womans reviews on goodreads. She's a Jewish suffrogette type who psychopathically projects all sort of malicious anti-woman sentiment into absolutely everything she reads. She's also a non-profit ultra feminist who sits as the director of the reason foundation, a liberal propeganda machine. She's a professional "think tank" spastic.

Here's a random excerpt from her review of a negotiation handbook wherein ex-hostage negotiator Chris Voss teaches the fundamentals of negotation:

>"**Edit as of 5/31/22: It appears I’ve gotten under some people’s skin. Welcome to the exchange of ideas, friends! I understand that your comment means you really want my attention and read what I have to say! That’s awesome. I, however, don’t give a shit about what you have to say. You’re free to comment and I’m free to ignore it. LMFAO.** Did I really just read 288 pages of a white dude describing the world and how he manipulates others to "get the right answer" to his questions? I feel sick. With the preface, you really believe Voss is the expert in his field (and a humble expert, which is refreshing beyond belief). But you'll also start to realize about 15 pages in that Voss' techniques only work because he lives in a world where everyone is systematically inclined to make men like him happy (either for fear of retribution or because they are men who hope Voss' success mirrors (hey, I used his favorite word!) their own). The world already accommodates him. Can't wait for Never Split the Difference 2: A Woman's Perspective. It would be about 250 pages shorter because no one takes her seriously enough to answer her questions and instead asks to speak with the man in charge."

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