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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.18581108 [View]
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I mean have you tried bringing up nietzsche or any western philosopher for that matter around your local lgbtsjwtfnpc marxist cattle? In no time you will see their beady stupid cowlike eyes light up in panic. Soon enough they will start with the usual subhuman bleating "wasnt he sexist? Arent you being dangerously eurocentric? Hasnt it been deboonked as fake news russian bot pseudoscience?Why read books by dead white men when you could have been streaming the latest diverse and inclusive workplace comedies at netflix hulu and disneygo? Didnt you know reading antything beyond YA literature is ableist towards people who are too retarded to read? How does this further the short term electoral goals of the democratic party? Are you saying child sex workers arent real sex workers?Have you been taking your SSRIs and HRT? it is very important that you take the medication dr goldstein prescribed otherwise we will report you to corporate for mandatory sensitivity training as per the domestic terrorism act of 2021"

>> No.18545511 [View]
File: 224 KB, 875x546, 1605732811027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imean have you tried bringing up nietzsche or any western philosopher for that matter around your local lgbtsjwtfnpc cultural marxist cattle? In no time you will see their beady stupid cowlike eyes light up in panic. Soon enough they will start with the usual subhuman bleating "wasnt he sexist? Arent you being dangerously eurocentric? Hasnt it been deboonked as fake news russian bot pseudoscience?Why read books by dead white men when you could have been streaming the latest diverse and inclusive workplace comedies at netflix hulu and disneygo? Didnt you know reading antything beyond YA literature is ableist towards people who are too retarded to read? How does this further the short term electoral goals of the democratic party? Are you saying child sex workers arent real sex workers?Have you been taking your SSRIs and HRT? it is very important that you take the medication dr goldstein prescribed otherwise we will report you to corporate for mandatory sensitivity training as per the domestic terrorism act of 2021"

>> No.18533635 [View]
File: 224 KB, 875x546, 1605732811027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean have you tried bringing up nietzsche or any western philosopher for that matter around your local lgbtsjwtfnpchiv/aids cultural marxist cattle? In no time you will see their little stupid cowlike eyes light up in panic. Soon enough they will start with the usual subhuman bleating "wasnt he sexist? Arent you being dangerously eurocentric? Why read books by dead white men when you could have been streaming the latest diverse and inclusive workplace comedies at netflix hulu and disneygo? Didnt you know reading is ableist towards people who are too retarded to read? How does this further the short term electoral ends of the democratic party? Have you been taking your SSRIs and HRT? it is very important that you take the medication dr goldstein prescribed otherwise we will have to report you to corporate for mandatory sensitivity training as per the domestic terrorism act of 2021".

>> No.18508191 [View]
File: 224 KB, 875x546, 1605732811027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What have leftists and their corporate masters done beyond replacing christ on the cross with a pink haired faggot on a wheelchair? Except the queer wont even grant me eternal life or even forgive me for the sins of my bigotted white ancestors. Im just saying it would be prettty funny if we could get together a bucketfull of nails and two planks of wood and actually crucify the fucker for real.

>> No.18447994 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 224 KB, 875x546, 1605732811027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean what have leftists and their corporate masters ever done beyond replacing christ on the cross with a pink haired obese faggot on a wheelchair? I mean at least the old christian clergy kept alive classical culture tried to keep the child raping at a respectable level while the politically correct lgbtsjwtfnpc crowd wants to brainwash us into thinking its progressive and normal their only culture is corporate propaganda. I mean the queer wont grant you eternal life or even forgive you for the sins of your bigotted white ancestors so im just saying itd be pretty funny if we could get together two planks of wood and a bucketful of nails and actually crucify that fucker for real.

>> No.18302342 [View]
File: 224 KB, 875x546, 1605732811027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean have you tried bringing up nietzsche or any western philosopher for that matter around your local lgbtsjwtfnpc marxist cattle? In no time you will see their beady stupid cowlike eyes light up in panic. Soon enough they will start with the usual subhuman bleating "wasnt he sexist? Arent you being dangerously eurocentric? Hasnt it been debunked as fake news russian bot pseudoscience?Why read books by dead white men when you could have been streaming the latest diverse and inclusive workplace comedies at netflix hulu and disneygo? Didnt you know reading antything beyond YA literature is ableist towards people who are too retarded to read? How does this further the short term electoral goals of the democratic party?Have you been taking your SSRIs and HRT? it is very important that you take the medication dr goldstein prescribed otherwise we will report you to corporate for mandatory sensitivity training as per the domestic terrorism act of 2021"

>> No.18262740 [View]
File: 224 KB, 875x546, 1605732811027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean have you tried bringing up nietzsche or any western philosopher for that matter around your local lgbtsjwtfnpc marxist cattle? In no time you will see their beady stupid cowlike eyes light up in panic. Soon enough they will start with the usual subhuman bleating "wasnt he sexist? Arent you being dangerously eurocentric? Hasnt it been debunked as fake news russian bot pseudoscience?Why read books by dead white men when you could have been streaming the latest diverse and inclusive workplace comedies at netflix hulu and disneygo? Didnt you know reading antything beyond YA literature is ableist towards people who are too retarded to read? How does this further the short term electoral goals of the democratic party?Have you been taking your SSRIs and HRT? it is very important that you take the medication dr goldstein prescribed otherwise we will report you to corporate for mandatory sensitivity training as per the domestic terrorism act of 2021"

>> No.18168846 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 224 KB, 875x546, 1605732811027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean have you tried bringing up nietzsche or any western philosopher for that matter around your local lgbtsjwtfnpc marxist cattle? In no time you will see their beady stupid cowlike eyes light up in panic. Soon enough they will start with the usual subhuman bleating "wasnt he sexist? Arent you being dangerously eurocentric? Hasnt it been debunked as fake news pseudoscience?Why read books by dead white men when you could have been streaming the latest diverse and inclusive workplace comedies at netflix hulu and disneygo? Didnt you know reading antything beyond YA literature is ableist towards people who are too retarded to read? How does this further the short term electoral goals of the democratic party?Have you been taking your SSRIs and HRT? it is very important that you take the medication dr goldstein prescribed otherwise we will report you to corporate for mandatory sensitivity training as per the domestic terrorism act of 2021"

>> No.17953308 [View]
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These so called anarchists are undistinguishable from the hr and marketing departments of major corporations an indistinct mass of purpose engineered biopolitical clientele for pharmaceuticals psychiatrists and alphabet agencies who dont breed think or question authority. The lgbtsjwtfnpc marxist cattle are going to call you a fascist for the crime of reading old books having thoughts unapproved by dnc corporate media or not wanting children to get molested, so you start thinking gee can fascism be all that bad?

>> No.17897862 [View]
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The last man has nothing left but 'identity' that is consuming product and proudly getting fucked up the arse.

>> No.17704105 [View]
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Its obvious these "people" are nothing but purpose engineered mindless biopolitical clientele for NGOs multinational corporations and the democratic party. I mean have you tried bringing up nietzsche or any western philosopher for that matter around your local lgbtsjwtfnpc marxist cattle? In no time you will see their little stupid cowlike eyes light up in panic. Soon enough they will start with the usual subhuman bleating "wasnt he sexist? Arent you being dangerously eurocentric? Why read books by dead white men when you could have been streaming the latest diverse and inclusive workplace comedies at netflix hulu and disneygo? You should know reading non YA literature is ableist against those who are too retarded to read. What are you a russian bot trump supporter? Have you been taking your SSRIs and HRT? it is very important that you take the medication dr goldstein prescribed otherwise we will have to report you to corporate for mandatory sensitivity training

>> No.16851992 [View]
File: 224 KB, 875x546, gaypitalism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be the technocratic capitalist elite
>States are the last barrier you have to overcome to acquire global domination
>Demonize Trump and his more-or-less aligned head of states around the world for having protectionist measures and close borders
>Turn the left into a neoliberal transexual faggot who loves amazon, google, twitter, facebook and starbucks
>Demonize any kind of border/limit/frontier be it physical or metaphysical

Strong states is the only thing that can save us collectively and in the flesh; yeah, they're the ones for the most part doing this crappy half orwellian-half huxlian thing. But in a stateless society the globohomo is 100% free from all restrains.

At least personal and in the soul salvation is always possible thru Christ


>> No.16817367 [View]
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>neoliberalism is right-wing
pic unrelated, you remind me of those feminists who say "capitalism is inherently patriarchich" meanwhile, capitalism destroyed the two most patriarchich institutions in the West: the churcha and the monarchy.

>> No.16759720 [View]
File: 224 KB, 875x546, gaypitalism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could you explain yourselves?


>Welcome to 2030. I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better


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