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>> No.15070304 [View]
File: 260 KB, 960x1200, billie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She just puts on the apathetic look to be cool. She is actually a pretty happy person

>> No.14937219 [View]
File: 260 KB, 960x1200, billie+finn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"she's an industry plant"
Aside from the fact that this has never been demonstrated, so what? The Beatles, Beach Boys, David Bowie, and Kate Bush were all industry plants. Does that take anything away from their musical abilities or achievements?

>"she was only signed because her parents have industry connections"
Her parents are part-time actors whose biggest roles have been bit parts in films and TV shows. Any connections they have probably had no influence on why she was signed.

>"her brother writes and produces all her material"
Almost all pop stars have ghostwriters and barely any of them produce. The fact it's only Billie and her brother writing and producing together should indicate they're miles ahead of her contemporaries and very authentic.

>"her label planned her image change in order to pander to hip hop fans"
Billie is friends with several rappers and has said hip hop has a huge influence on her as an artist. Of course she's going to imitate the styles of artists she admires. Besides, it's not unusual for teens to take an interest in urban culture.

>"she's a terrible vocalist"
Anyone who tells you this simply doesn't understand the female voice. Billie's singing is excellent and her timbre is extremely pleasant to listen to. Just because she doesn't belt or sing very high or low doesn't mean she's a bad vocalist.

>"she's fake deep and fake woke"
Billie never claimed to be socially or politically conscious or "the voice of Gen Z." She's 18 for crying out loud. Since when do 18-year olds write about anything deeply profound or philosophical?

>"she has a Calvin Klein ad, that makes her a sellout"
Again, she never claimed to be counter-cultural or anti-system so how would product endorsement deals make her a "sellout?"

>"her music is boring"
If that's the case, why does she get universal acclaim as a singer-songwriter?

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