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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.20930530 [View]
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I never said it was a sign of quality. If anything, the lack of full systems is just the result of philosophy becoming more specialized and splitting into sub-branches. This is because we know more today. Philosophers of mind study neuroscience. Philosophers of physics and many focusing on ontology study physics. Political philosophers study political science. Today too much expertise is needed to make such broad contributions, but it means contributions are more focused and better, less ass pulls.

Who is putting out full systems today and is having anyone actually embrace them? The point is that Hegel can't be summed up in a soundbite about his philosophy of history because he did everything and was actually influential across all these areas.

If anything, he might be more influential in logic because he prompted the rise of analytical philosophy and logical positivism as a reaction against him.

Same with biology now that folks like Deacon have finally made biosemiotics and information theoretic approaches more mainstream, though this is largely through Hegel's influence on Pierce.

>> No.20813879 [View]
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These are very similar copes.

The real key is to study the sciences, logic, mathematics, and religion, spend time in introspective speculation and meditation, discipline oneself so as to be guided by the logos, and achieve Absolute Knowing.

One must move beyond all desire and all instinct, to be guided by reason alone so as to become a self moving being, not merely the effect of unfathomed causes. This is the attainment of the Absolute Spirit. Such a thing is not possible by natural reason, but only through the Logos, the light of the world that grounds cause and effect, the Son.

Then to teach others, and together to further the inevitable, the coming into being of the Absolute.

>> No.20796050 [View]
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Not bait. The fractal system interests me as well as the tie ins to category theory.

Mathematics is the other place I see his name popping up, particularly category theory.

>> No.17657829 [View]
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/lit/, what is your philosophy of life and which book influenced you the most in developing your current views?

>> No.17615424 [View]
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From your OP it sounds like idealistic philosophy is your shit. I havent read any Hegel myself but I have watched a couple of lectures/debates and read some online. My basic interpretation is:

Everything is idea/thought/mind. The physical reality we see is merely a manifestation of underlying information (think code for a game or the brainprocesses when you dream/think). This foundation of reality is what he call "absolute spirit". This absolute spirit manifest for us in the individual and society, the latter being the combinations of the first. Individually AND together mind tries to understand itself and understand truth/reality. It does this through history as it posits a theory/society and progresses by fixing the contradictions within each stage before moving to the next.

>> No.17615363 [View]
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Just think in triangles and it will make sense

>> No.15167531 [View]
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meditate on these triangles, young one. then you shall find enlightenment.

>> No.13545476 [View]
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>> No.13413998 [View]
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Was he right about the Trinity?

>> No.12691865 [View]
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Lowkey thinking about getting one of the Hegel.net posters for my dorm room


>> No.11534909 [View]
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This, the only outstanding question is if the Form of Forms is the Good or triangles.

>> No.11507315 [DELETED]  [View]
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any books on why America is so anti intellectual?

I know a Trump supporting Mormon who doesn't really understand what he's talking about at all. He denies evolution but says he'll only talk about why in person. He thinks faith is above reason, and he does cringey stuff like tweet "I am a walking genius anyone who disagrees doesn’t actually know me" and "I’m smarter than anyone who doesn’t believe in God". you can say this is fake and that's fine i don't want anyone harassing him since he's my friend and these are ostensibly private personal sentiments of his. He says it's a myth that the Republican and Democratic parties' traded their base/ideologies, that Donald Trump is the best president ever, Marx was one of the worst people who ever lived, that trickle down and the rich getting richer works, that israel should exist because hamas is terrible, the iran deal is terrible, that since he's a straight white male he can't keep an opinion in "their" eyes. Lastly he worships Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro (he says he listens to his podcast everyday... but also implied he felt like he was in an echo chamber -- he says he wants to start a podcast with me).

There's a lot more I could say, but the big thing for me was noticing the way he understood the world from the information presented to him, mainly he was understanding it through video, talking. I think that seeing someone's face is the way he takes what being presented to him legitimately. His identity is practically his beliefs, he has MAGA pics on social media.
Whenever i present to him an article or anything you need to read, he doesn't do it. He had a similar cheating habit in high school. How do you get someone to see the world through literature and letters? how do you get it to inspire them? he's equally obsessed with rap music (which he says he disagrees with shapiro on) so i know he can see beauty understands at least a bit about art (he thinks art should be meaningful so he hates abstract art).

I know some of you will think he has reached enormous based levels and i should take the red pill. I'm his friend because of his passion, but I still feel kind of bad that he has no idea above what he sees on twitter, youtube, and on the sabbath, how do you show someone that there is a whole world around them? I don't disagree with him having beliefs but i do with his narrowness and arrogance.

thank you /lit/

>> No.6022899 [View]
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Not him but Euthyphro instills the skepticism of everyday thoughts of a common man

Also what do you guys think of this Hegel poster?

Me being big on Hegel and having shekels to spend I wouldn't mind a material object to anchor Hegel's abstract thoughts

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