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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.11687179 [View]
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>> No.11151428 [View]
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Books about the art of finesse/finessing?

>> No.11151413 [View]
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Recommend books on the art of finesse/finessing

>> No.11147520 [View]
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>tfw the teachers will never found out who rubbed vaseline all over the door handles

>> No.10491548 [View]
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> lolita

>> No.10428514 [View]
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>listens to audiobooks while playing video games

>> No.10255035 [View]
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>it was a blur of _ and _

>> No.10186856 [View]
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>> No.9703589 [View]
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>when you see a video of a navy seal / NFL player / martial artist talking extremely earnestly about the power of teamwork / hard work / believing in yourself and you just think he's so adorable and you get the urge to wrap him in a warm blanket and rock him to sleep as you whisper softly, "Yes, snookums, the world really is that trite and simple, don't you ever think otherwise."

>> No.9680644 [DELETED]  [View]
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>You can never bring intellectual topics to the masse-


Damn, guess you just weren't smart enough, were you, /lit/?

>> No.9675437 [View]
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This sums up literary culture.

>When people get rich, they shed their skin-in-the game driven experiential mechanism. They lose control of their preferences, substituting constructed preferences to their own, complicating their lives unnecessarily, triggering their own misery. And these are of course the preferences of those who want to sell them something.

>I once had dinner in a Michelin-starred restaurant with a fellow who insisted on eating there instead of my selection of a casual Greek taverna with a friendly owner operator, his second cousin as a manager and his third cousin once removed as a receptionist. The other customers seemed, as we say in Mediterranean languages, to have a cork plugged in their behind obstructing proper ventilation, causing the vapors to build on the inside of the gastrointestinal walls, leading to the irritable type of decorum you only notice in the educated upper classes. I note that, in addition to the plugged corks, all men wore ties.

>Dinner consisted in a succession of complicated small things, with microscopic ingredients and contrasting tastes that forced you to concentrate as if you were taking some type of exam. You were not eating, rather visiting some type of museum with an affected English major lecturing you on some artistic dimension you would have never considered on your own.

>> No.9648746 [DELETED]  [View]
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I've no idea what "Hegelian dialectic" is but I have a strong suspicion that it's to logic what troll physics is to physics.

>My 500 page treatise that concludes that if we can bench our body weights we can fly by lifting ourselves up. Hasn't happened in practice yet? Read and understand the whole thing, it will.

>> No.9641213 [View]
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>> No.9607445 [DELETED]  [View]
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Female litizen here. I wouldn't normally disclse my gender but I have to make an announcement. Guys, when girls who read good books are in the library and you see them browsing, DON'T act so desperately and talk to them like you found a raft in the Pacific. It's honestly kind of creepy and annoying.

Girls would read have the same standards as girls who don't. Having a love of books in common doesn't excuse an unshaven face or clinginess. And if you read and play on a rugby team that's even better ;)

>> No.9602948 [View]
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>Hahaha, this Jordan Peterson guy is protesting against laws that prosecute people who use the wrong pronouns? That's kind of silly, these laws will never be enforced. This story is silly. It's not worth paying attention to.

>Wh-why is this Jordan Peterson story still getting attention? Why is he looking for more publicity? Wh-what, he mentions Marxism and post-modernism? Heh, that's all tangential at best, he's clearly hopelessly ignorant... This is still a silly story you guys, stop posting it.

>Why does this Peterson faggot bring up Marxist mass murders! There was no pattern! It's irrelevant! Why does he protest the pronoun laws? Hate speech isn't free speech! What, n-no, of course I want free speech! And post modernism is irrelevant, it was just a joke by a few left wingers, it meant nothing! Anyway, non left wing academia is widely considered a joke.

>REEEEE! Stop watching him, stop reading him, stop posting him! He is an evil right winger! We need another Stalin! Non Marxists shut the hell up! Purge the right wingers! Use the hate speech laws to get them!

>> No.9527691 [View]
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>be me
>be living life
>feel good about good stuff and bad about bad stuff
>if only there was a way to only feel good and not bad dot jay peg
>find out about Stoicism
>realise I can mentally create a super awesome force field that does what I want
>use my force field
>everything turns out fine

>> No.9524702 [View]
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The problem with great contemporary books is that they don't give you the warm fuzzy feeling of superior over normies after reading them.

>> No.9400871 [DELETED]  [View]
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Look at this video from 25:10. There was found to be an SAT (correlated with IQ) cutoff below which you couldn't succeed in the Maths or Physics majors but there was no such cutoff for Sociology or English.

>> No.9376466 [DELETED]  [View]
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I saw the below on /tv/ and had to post it here. This person is seeing his art form die before his eyes.

>i find it curious how "I'am very smart" anons will defend these movies to no end just because Snyder put a few religous metaphors, philosophy and symbolism in them.

>It's almost like an fail-safe for his movies being shit.;

>The bad scrip dosn't matter, poorly developed characters, bland cinematography, weird ass decisions by the characters, because that one shot is suppose to be Jesus looking down at people, don't you see? Or Superman dad's sacrificing himself represents "blabla". You'll have these guys write like 10k essays about how something that felt really poor and bland in the movie actually is good becaus - symbolism - and you just don't get it.

>It's really uncanny, never seen anything like it before to such a degree.

>And finally you have the "le'marvel conspiracy". Honestly the marveldrones (that will defend anything marvel, i mean) are just normie fanboys that have shit taste, DCucks/fans are delusional plebs that think they're some kind of clever, outsider patricians that sees some grandeur everyone else just arent clever enough to get

>> No.9360750 [View]
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Icy Calm's comeback has been pretty damn good.

>763. Italy's Five Star Movement wants Athenian democracy online. Direct democracy via constant referendums on the internet, and not even on small regional matters but precisely over the biggest = most complex, where non-specialists shouldn't be allowed to speak let alone vote. Disastrous for the states, but beneficial in one respect: removes politicians as scapegoats and reveals unequivocally that the real fight is not between citizens and corrupt politicians but between citizens themselves and that democracy is not a system of government but a system of peacefully managing ressentiment. When bad things happen in this regime the mob will have no one to blame but itself — meaning each other, meaning the various groups; and the bitterest fights will be waged between the elites and the genetically inferior masses. But since one-man-one-vote, the elites will always lose. Before they were bribing politicians, or even running for office themselves, but once there's no representation there'll be no mediator to bribe but directly the billions of the unwashed (and that is precisely what redistribution is: the bribery of millions to assuage their envy and hatred and avert a civil war). In the end, competition between states for taxable subjects and the increased ease of immigration in EU-like single markets will drive all the elites to a single state, or a few states that offer best conditions, least ressentiment (say a flat 1% income tax), at which point every single wealthy person on the planet will move there. A new type of migration pattern, not according to ethnicity any more, but brain power pure and simple. Thus a nation of supermen will evolve, with a natural eugenics program since the mere mashing together of all those superior people will naturally result in an army of superior babies — informed moreover by philosophy (which by then will mean: mine) — against the sea of genetically inferior masses frothing with ressentiment. It is at that point that a new fiction genre will arise: the subhuman apocalypse genre, and if I find the time I will write the first work in this genre: I'll call it "Democracy's Last Days".

>> No.9330124 [DELETED]  [View]
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Does anyone else get the impression that people at your wagie job see you as the loser beta and they make fun of you when they're not around but they still get majorly butthurt when you quit? It feels that way to me, as if they disliked me as a worthless loser but they hugely resent me being removed from the pecking order.

This is a recent feel. I quit and feel great.

>> No.9253512 [View]
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When did you realise that audio books and the oral medium are far more patrician than books?

>oral is much older
>oral requires much less technology, which is impure and inherently pleb
>oral can be listened to while walking or jogging
>literature, like vidya, magic the gathering, and sex dolls, has spawned its own nerdy subculture that instantly makes all adherents much less attractive to potential mates (a sign of evolutionary failure)

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