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>> No.11840868 [View]
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>It's all a matter of perspective. Possibly a farmer in a Congo village next to the jungle is the main direct threat to the leopard population in that area.
No, I meant envoiremental dangers like burning tires o sell some scraps, their industries shitting up the rivers with hormones and toxins unfiltered and similar fun activities which no european country could do. And to top it off, africans once they have the money consume far more shitty goods than europeans, Same goes for asians. They also are far more into the throw-away culture.

> But it is also true that it is the most industrialized region of all human civilization.
And despite all that they produce less shit together than even a single third world shithole.

>That table had been set by former colonizers and they just continued making profit of it after decolonization, not exploting slaves nor ivory, but oil and arable lands on this occasion.
This has been happening through human existance, not just since the 18th century. Have you never read Herodots Histories? You should.

>glad to know, do you have any twitter account?
I hope that was ironic. Shitposting for books recs is the only electronic past time I have, and that mostly due to the fact that most of those books are forbidden in my country and I possibly could go to jail for my position.

>but there's literally no point in achieving larger populations by mass reproduction either
Never argued that. I argued leaving the native alond and giving them the opportunity to remain at sustainable levels.

You don't need to archive and "family models" nature equals that shit out on itself. Humans can only fuck it up, just like china did, evolutionary cucking itself because due to the lack of women now the chines single-children-boys go out and buy non-chinese stolen women and slaves to marry. A far larger catastrophe than just letting those starve to death or giving those unable to pay for their life a sterilisation for gibsedats as a more human solution.

Everybody with which you argue isn't at fault for over population. It's those to retarded to even grasp responsibility concepts.

>> No.11732402 [View]
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>What's this? Are you saying the world is not overpopulated?
It's not, technically the world can support far more people, distribution and wasting are the problem BUT the main point here is the application of those "measures" against overpopulation which gets nearly always only applied to european countries or those at a similar level, never at even nearly the same pressure at those lower civilizationally (pure digenics). On the contrary, through "food for the world" programm certain elements in the goverment are breeding the later AND promoting their migration to those which have been told to stop getting kids for the envoirement.

And last but not least, those which are presured the most with "stop breeding goy" propaganda, are those with the smallest envoiremental food print on this planet despite living in the most civilized places, while practically all waste and trash comes from "shithole" countries. So the argument that europeans simply need stop breeding because they cause the most damage is a lie. Meanwhile they are importing the biggest waste producers into countries which give them even more money and opportunity to produce waste.

>> No.11641399 [View]
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Daily reminder that as a civilized White human there is nothing you can do about it with the exception of hardcore forced colonialism and birthcontrol on the non-White countries.

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