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>> No.20346968 [View]
File: 697 KB, 824x1795, Alexandria.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19877294 [View]
File: 697 KB, 824x1795, Alexandria.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

culture of critique, secret powers behind revolution, Trail of the serpent - Miss Stoddard,International Jew - Henry Ford, Mein Kampf, Siege

>> No.19642171 [View]
File: 697 KB, 824x1795, Alexandria.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this level of cope
Jews never create anything, only steal what other people do and it has all you have ever done fucking lolz

>> No.19474991 [View]
File: 697 KB, 824x1795, Alexandria.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Trail Of The Serpent - Miss Stoddard

>> No.18888484 [View]
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HSAHAHAHAH actually it was the Jews who . learned it alexandria you stone cold fucking retard. Buddy you very clearly have no idea wtf you are talking about but do know just enough to sound like you do to other idiots. You very clearly watched some Christcuck retards on jewtube or bitchute who fed you all this shit verbatim, who also had no idea wtf they were talking about. Everyone can see it plain as day. Stop posting, you are stupid

>> No.18821122 [View]
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>> No.18818575 [View]
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>> No.18774924 [View]
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No they weren't. They may not have been full yogis but the founding fathers were way more advanced than gnostics they were schooled in Egyptian mysteries which are 100 times more advacned than negro tier gnostics. The Egyptian mysteries were still practically hindu before it got jewed by the jews like everything else they touch and turn to shit.

>> No.18718934 [View]
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forgot pic rel

>> No.18709913 [View]
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>> No.18707512 [View]
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Not cover to cover but I have read them. I read three of them all the way through and most of the others

trail of the serpent

>> No.17274827 [View]
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>seems like

>> No.17231664 [View]
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The only way to combat lies is with truth. If you know the end goal of what the people who are lying to you is then you will see through their propaganda fairly easily.

Neuro Lingustic Programming And How The Hustle Works

everything you need is here

>> No.17124442 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 697 KB, 824x1795, Alexandria.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know why everyone hates you butters? Aside from your name fagging for attention of course. It is because you never fucking learn. I have seen you here for years get pwned on the daily. Completely fucking rekt on every point yet the next day you just pretend like it never happened, like it is Groundhog day and spew the same exact simplistic retardation which shows you are either too stupid to understand why you are such a simple plebeian or you suffer from some sort of personality or mental disorder that prevents you from learning from your mistakes and evolving. Since when you get pwned you generally scurry away from the discussion quietly with your tail between your legs it signals you must not be too stupid to understand you got pwned so what it that keeps you from being able to evolve and admit you were and are wrong.

You got played by master magicians. There is nearly nothing you think you know that is true as these people have been cooking the history books and "news" for millennia. Every single framework you operate from and use for reference in your ideological worldview, is the exact opposite of reality in most cases. They play with your mind like a cat plays with a mouse, you are a fish in a bowl that doesn't even know you are in the bowl with absolute no clue there is an entire world outside of it. This is why you are a joke and no one takes you seriously. You are like a child clamoring for attention in a College level physics class. People humor you a bit but ultimately just want you out of the way as soon as possible so the adults can have an adult conversation yet you always come back and start the cycle all over again.

I don't even have anything personally against you, I dont even give a shit about the name fagging but you are a like an abusive relationship where one partner knows it is going to end it is just a matter of when because they know that person will never change, they likely arent capable of changing no matter what you show them, tell them or help them try to understand. They are too narcissistic and lazy to listen or care so you just write them off as hopeless and move on with your life. Is this really what you thought you were going to be when you grew up?

>> No.17046449 [View]
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if there are masons who believe in zombie space jews then they are flunkie retards. It is astrotheology which is what your stupid asses should have learned with your study materials.

>> No.16463333 [View]
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Anyone ever read trail of the serpent? I am reading it now, p good

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