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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.12928327 [View]
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That feel when you read a bunch of nick land, deleuze, and Derrida and you realize the best way to create art in the 21st century and to undermine capital would be threw a process of either acceleration, hauntolgy, combined with a rejection of the dogma of representation.

Which would when put into practice undermine identity politics and nostalgia by embracing a future of ai destruction or mining the past for lost futures and by being anti human or post human

And you just look at all the faggy pol threads whining about culture war garbage or sjw shit and you basically feel like there is a chance for a better world but the rest of society is still trapped while you have found the escape pod

>> No.11302596 [View]
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Im a 27 year old virgin neet. Every day i wake up i want to die. Im probably going to do it soon. Been reading up on how bordain did it. short drop method.
Anyways. There is no hope, There is nothing to be passionate about. Art is dead. rendered a product to be mass produced for profit. Our nations are being flooded with shitskins, they call you racist if you dont accept your nations death. There is nothing in the future. Its just a capitlist boot stomping on your face forever and then maybe climate change kills us all.
Automation and AI will destroy the middle class making everyone poor.
Everything is remake sequal based on a comic book, but with more diversity™

I think the fact that i have lived this long should be applauded. The suicide rate has sky rocketed. My soul is just a screaming void and i hate everyone and everything


>> No.11203083 [View]
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Read the bible, quaran, Talmud, Pāli Canon and the upanishads.

Read marx and engels, bakunin, Kropotkin, Stirner, Hegel, Heidegger, Nietzsche, kant, Schopenhauer, Thomas Aquinas, John Locke, Voltaire, Adam Smith, read the greeks, all those greek guys.

read Guy Debord, Jean Baudrillard, Gilles Deleuze, Michel Foucault, Theodor Adorno,

read nick land, max fisher, ted kaczynski, julius evola, Alexander dugin, Slavoj Žižek, René Guénon, Oswald Spengler

read Aleister Crowley, Robert Anton Wilson, hermes trismugestius

read wilhelm reich, Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, Jacques Lacan, edward bernays

read about cybernetics, managerial neoliberlism, Marxism, anarchism, the occult, the abarhamic religions, capitalism, psychology, history, technology, the eastern religions, paganism, philosophy, art, propaganda, marketing, conspiracy, aliens, science, math, war.
Study who the elite are. the plutocrats, the lobbyists, the politicians, high ranking military.
Gain a class conscious.
Read about materialism and spirituality.

Live for something other than consuming

read how things are made, how to make them, and also make things.

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