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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.22545911 [View]
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>god as an impersonal absolute grounding of reality is just the positive version of emptiness given in post-Nagarjuna or post-Chandrakirti madhyamaka
wow how very enlightened of you and I am sure all those wise Christian and Muslim philosophers were against the destruction waged against Greek neoplatonists, Hindu advaitans, and Buddhist non-dualists in their respective historical epochs, it's only the madhyamika who is a hypocrite for not being "open-minded." You see, this is the exact problem with your guenonism, you have merely reformed abrahamism with new arguments from India and Persia to keep it going in an age where myths are again understood as allegory, not unlike the "borrowing" of Greek neoplatonism back in the day. If you aren't actually going to believe in the Koran or the Bible why be an apologist for them. Buddhism (and Hinduism) have the tools for syncretism and orthopraxy, these do not and you are making a foreign graft which will eventually snap off as the nature of those religions always resurfaces.

>> No.22127302 [View]
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Even his favorite jeet was a cryptobuddhist. Tradsisters it's literally over

>> No.22023344 [View]
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>the notion of an uncaused Absolute remains as coherent
No it doesn't. MMK argues against a number of competing Indian Buddhist and non-Buddhist positions and attempts to show their incoherence. That your version wasn't covered doesn't mean it isn't refutable. You do seem to agree with these refuted definitions being deservedly refuted... you wouldn't be about to steal Nagarjuna's homework would you?

>> No.21391557 [View]
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how very crypto-buddhist of him

>> No.20846984 [View]
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Nagarjuna, Aryadeva, Asanga, Vasubandhu

>> No.20811737 [View]
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that's just Buddhism for hereditary pajeet priests

>> No.20668516 [View]
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>'refutes' Buddhism by becoming a crypto-Buddhist
based and offshorepilled

>> No.20582865 [View]
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>Advaita doesn’t deal in proofs as they are all fallible
based crypto-buddhist poster

>> No.20364857 [View]
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The brahmin breaking will continue until he admits Shankara is a crypto-Buddhist, as was apparent to then-contemporary Hindu theologians.

>> No.20362497 [View]
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>> No.20120909 [View]
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It goes something like this
>anatman or momentariness cannot be true because there must be a permanent self
>no i don't have to demonstrate that permanent self, just argue that you need it to avoid the problems I have with Buddhism
>refer to this scholastic theological commentary on the Dead Jeet Scrolls for Shankara's refutation of x

>> No.20004864 [View]
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>> No.19939346 [View]
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>> No.19807215 [View]
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You missed the point. Too committed to some refuted position I'm sure

>> No.19554438 [View]
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>When the obstacles are removed, the truth that 'the Atman has always been Brahman,'
Very cool find-and-replace of Nagarjuna, Shankara.

>> No.19514702 [View]
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>vedanta proves god
No it proves Buddhism can be made compliant with the Vedas if you do a find and replace of sunyata with brahman

>> No.19503474 [View]
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>I don't have a relation with what is my own self-nature
How is it your own self-nature if you have no relation with it? Incredible that this is what finally won the wars of veda scholasticism—pure crypto-buddhism

>> No.18769386 [View]
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If nothing exists except Brahman and everything is just Brahman casting illusions you are denying the world and you are a nihilist, not a non-dualist. Simple as.
>nooooo it's not x and y it's and a and a even though i'm calling a by b and c
Mayavadin cope.

>> No.18664730 [View]
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Yes I am familiar with /lit/'s glossing of Guenon's summary of Shankara's commentary on the Upanishads, written after the Buddhists had brahmin-broken India for centuries. Somehow phenomena are still empty but now it's because Brahman makes them that way to sell copies of the Vedas.

>> No.18628128 [View]
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>Shankara only taught the truths that were already in the primary Upanishads including in the pre-Buddhist ones.
Extreme cope. The Buddhists brahmin-broke India for a thousand years. That's like saying theosophists aren't influenced by Christianity.

>> No.18584142 [View]
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Protip: Although your simulacrum of guenonfag is dangerously based, hindu scholastics typically do not write sutras. You are more likely to come across bhasya, which is commentarial literature, shastra, which are original treatises, or karikas, which are in verse and often meant to be mnemonic. You should check out the Mahapugdalalamkarabhasya for more on how jivas are just brahman sniffing his atmans.

>> No.18436592 [View]
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>part of a larger process whereby Buddhism was vanquished from India
Not true, it lives there rent-free to this day in every post-classical Hindu commentary.

>> No.18425906 [View]
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Now I KNOW Advaita Vedanta was influenced by Mahayana. This reads exactly like the dedication portion of some sutra or the hagiography of the author.

>> No.18403234 [View]
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Top kek that's what I'm calling guenonposting from now on

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