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>> No.7243611 [View]
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Than you are mentally deficient in some major way. Not surprising since this is 4chan and all.

He doesn't seem mad in the slightest. This is a weak trolling attempt. Here's your response anyway.

>> No.6206706 [View]
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"The Globalization of Poverty and the New World Order" by Michael Chossudovsky.

The book is examines how groups like the International Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organization commit economic warfare under the auspices of "free-trade" to rape economies and transfer most of the wealth out of developing countries and into the pockets of wall-street and it's European counterparts.

The author just uses the term NWO to refer to groups like the IMF and WTO or world bank, there is nothing tin-foil about the book and it is very scholarly and professional. It details examples on a country by country basis and the section for each country usually has around 30+ citations.

The book was really eye-opening for me, I had always known on some level that businessmen from rich countries do stuff that is bad for people in poorer countries but I never realized how insidious it was. There are multiple cases of financial groups using blackmail to force countries to accept the conditions attached to further loans, the conditions end up leaving the county in further debt in cycles that leave the people at the IMF richer but with the country left with a ruined economy and widespread poverty. It's funny because through the books" the author quotes IMF and WTO officials as admitting sometimes that there isn't any evidence that their reforms benefit countries.

It was also interesting to note how this played into setting the stage for conflicts. We are taught in school that the wars and massacres in Rwanda, Darfur or Kosovo started because of religious or ethnic conflicts but they leave out how prior to the disasters there were IMF- or WTO-imposed reforms that fucked everyone up and cause starvation and poverty, setting the stage for the later conflict in what had been previously peaceful areas.

I would recommend this book to anyone who seeks to understand how 1st world countries economically subjugate poorer ones. It's good reading also for people who seek to understand the real leftism of the 80's and 90's that led to major protests against free-trade instead of the pseudo-left nowadays that just cares about identify politics.

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