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>> No.20271359 [View]
File: 124 KB, 1200x675, https___s3-images.ladbible.com_s3_content_75b673e460b86485308e00c1c0d856bf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost nobody has the courage of their convictions. This is true whether you consider yourself a left-winger, a right-winger, a communist, a monarchist, anything and everything at all.

The vast, vast majority of people, when the chips are down, will do what "feels" right, what gives them pleasure and helps them avoid pain.

Ask yourself this, OP: your principles. Your beliefs. The things you consider to be important.

Would you die for them? Would you die, rather than give them up?

Would you endure being whipped, and beaten, and potentially having fingers and toes cut off, rather than give up what you hold to be true?

I didn't think so.

Almost nobody would.

The people who can hold fast to their convictions in the midst of pain and fear are special. And most people aren't like them.

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