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>> No.8463759 [View]
File: 13 KB, 228x346, Demons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fyodor Dostoevsky "Demons".

In which a hapless and weak generation of liberals gives birth to a wild generation possessed by the "Demons" summoned ignorantly by their parents. The generation possessed by demons proceed to sow chaos, ostensibly to create reform but mostly just because they can, and to act out various petty vendettas.

It's kind of an odd book. It goes from light novel about Russian aristocratic society, to a weird conspiracy novel to dead by: Murder, murder, murder, suicide, murder, suicide, disease, disease, disease, suicide. I think I may be missing a couple of suicides and a murder there though.

>> No.7379312 [View]
File: 13 KB, 228x346, theDemons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started reading Dostoyevsky's 'Demons', and I already like it. For the most part, I find it humorous, considering how much the characters so far remind me of modern-day hipsters, Tumblrinas, and edgy contrarians. Stepan is like a Tumblrina - unknown, unimportant, but he has a victim complex and thinks he's "exiled" due to his edgy 'progressive' views (which he mainly holds just because he likes to play the part of an exiled philosopher), despite his stay at the provincial town being self-imposed.

I love when Varvara and Stepan go St. Petersburg, and meet all the analogues of hipsters and even more radical Tumblrinas: they get BTFO'd completely. Varvara gets called out despite her Progressive-leaning sympathies due to being a member of the landed gentry (but they still ask her for money despite insulting her); and Stefan gets ridiculed and ostracized for differing on one small point (he doesn't think poetry should be utilitarian). Kek, reminds me of the recent Steven Universe suicide crap on Tumblr recently.

Is this book going to keep being entertaining? I've read up to where Varvara and Stefan just returned to their provincial town from their disaster at Petersburg and some months of vacation.

I guess humans really don't change at all.

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