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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.19894383 [View]
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oh i know the answer but i just want to see if you think you know it (you don't)

>> No.18623988 [View]
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by laughing at the fact that that is what is killing the west today

>that that

>> No.17501992 [View]
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Is disliking poetry low or high IQ?

>> No.17032098 [View]
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>> No.16268536 [View]
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>The hispanosphere must take academic positions against the global, academic discourse of the anglosphere and against all of their ideological and political operations whose agents are planted in postmodern and decadent universities.
>This type of institution has lowered the teaching of literature at every level and grade and has replaced it with the myth of culture. It insists upon its error by trying to force the hispanosphere to substitute true literary studies with cultural studies.

Based thread

>> No.15752490 [View]
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I've never heard of this retard but apparently the rest of /lit/ has. That being said if you boil his advice down and rid it of the retarded edgy non sequiturs it's pretty much
>you have to make time to write
>you have to actually write
>sometimes you're going to write garbage, that's okay
>keep working on what you're writing until it's good
which is really not that bad advice
/lit/ always gives franzen shit but he's honestly pretty good and certainly levels above somebody who apparently writes post-disney purchase starwars fan fiction
>The bigger the series, the likelier it is that it unspools into minutiae and footnotes and chaos.
>Killing characters is a cheap way of building emotional effect.
Both of these are generally true
>Read THE EXPANSE instead
I've never heard of it but it's probably fucking gay

>> No.14594125 [View]
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it's time anons. A race to see who will be remembered.

>> No.14570397 [View]
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change is merely an illusion of the senses

>> No.14277161 [View]
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>tfw i am a mateeialist (mind is matter, no soul, etc...), yet i am christian and believe in God

>> No.12656445 [View]
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>tfw i always judge a book by its cover

>> No.12591951 [View]
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A part of what makes the dialogues fun to read nowadays is to see Socrates' opponents squirm in the face of his logic while you yourself have come up with a better retort.

It's also fun to see how similarly the brainlets of today argue with the brainlets of Greece. Take Eutyphro for example: a self righteous moron who thinks he is somehow in contact with the divine and is thus justified in persecuting his father of a murder and yet he tries to prove the general by a single example, dodges defining his terms because it would be too long of a story (how often do you hear that?) and literally runs away because he can't handle the heat in the end.

>> No.12286410 [View]
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>tfw read War and Peace 10 times in one day

>> No.12136827 [View]
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>> No.11922683 [View]
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>/lit/ has a thread on ITAOTS
>start a thread on /a/ about Infinite Jest
>start a thread on /mu/ about NGE
>4chan meme trilogy in full circle
Let's give it a try

>> No.11895880 [View]
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>biology book starts each chapter with a few untranslated quotes

>> No.11889649 [View]
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>After the theory of Marshall McLuhan, André Leroi- Gourhan, and other thinkers of technics in the twentieth century, it is no longer a surprise to say that technologies are the extension of the body. This also resonates with the work of some cognitive scientists and analytic philosophers, such as Andy Clark and David Chalmers, who have proposed an understanding of the “extended mind.” The mind outside of the skull conditions the appearance and hence the experience of the phenomenon. Let’s follow Clark and Chalmers’s example of two protagonists, Otto and Inga, in their article on the extended mind. Otto suffers from Alzheimer’s disease. He is not able to remember things, so he relies on his notebook, in which he stores his notes and which acts as his externalized memory. Inga is normal and has proper access to her memory. If Inga wants to go to the Museum of Modern Art, she recalls that it is on 53rd Street, whereas if Otto wants to go to there, he will have to access his notebook to find out this information. Now there is a relation between Otto and the notebook that is comparable to the relation between Inga and her mind. These extensions are spatial. It is probably only in the work of Bernard Stiegler that we see technics as time in the form of retentions. The body can extend following a technical lineage, but only through time can we retrieve the status of existence and put extension into question. This chapter is very much in debt to the works of Bernard Stiegler, especially his analysis of Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason in the third volume of his Technics and Time 3— Cinematic Time and the Question of Malaise. I want to develop the implications of the hypothesis that imagination itself is no longer the imagination of the subject but rather shifts from subject to algorithms and digital objects. How about things that we cannot experience, or that we can call nonexperience, such as the execution of an algorithm that gives us the givenness of digital objects? On one hand, as we have already stated in the first chapter, discussions of lower- level realities, such as atoms, electrons, or logics, ignore the concreteness of phenomena, that is, the other factors that give rise to a perception of reality as such. On the other hand, we have also noted the ignorance of phenomenological inquiries, which bypass the lower-level reality and its relation to higher-level presentations. We cannot have an experience that an electron has just struck our skin, but we can imagine it; in like manner, we cannot experience the algorithm itself, but we can more or less imagine it within the limits of our cognitive capacity. What happens when such nonexperiences now concretely participate in our imagination?

>> No.11886877 [View]
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What is the point where a pseud becomes a true intellectual?

>> No.11869730 [View]
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No, but my STEMfaggotry has.

>> No.11734445 [View]
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>wake up
>practice violin
>shitpost on 4chan (now)
>eat something small
>go to college
>read between class
>go back
>practice trumpet
>fuck around with melodica
>draw shit
>eat something small
>shitpost until i go to sleep

>> No.11536346 [View]
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Post youtube recs please.

>> No.11470949 [View]
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Any philosopher who doesn't have a solid knowledge of metaphysics and epistemology can be safely disregarded.

>> No.11245540 [View]
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takes pawn

>> No.11100194 [View]
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>tfw just going to Staples and buying regular spiral bound notebooks

>> No.11025082 [View]
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Then go ahead
I spent the time to make the list, go ahead and point out the "important texts" I'm missing.
Go ahead faggot.
I hope to god you're not looking at the supplemental sections and thinking those are the only philosophical books.

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