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>> No.23437221 [View]
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I got through a pretty extensive job screening and interview before I realized the whole thing was a scam. They were pretty slick and professional, and they presented themselves using the identity of a real company.

They might have fooled me, if they weren't using a scamming method I've encountered before and long since gotten familiar with. The old "We'll send you a check, deposit it and send most of it along to another address" scam. Seen it before, actually been hoodwinked by it years ago. They've gotten a lot more sophisticated at running it but the core of the scam is still the same, after all these years.

>> No.20535436 [View]
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Chastity used to be considered virtuous. Why isn't it anymore? Aside from being labelled an incel, or missing out on the hecking sex, what are the downsides of remaining chaste?

>> No.19398033 [View]
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Becoming by Michelle Obama

>> No.17081888 [View]
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It's time to ask the real question: why the fuck do wizards need indoor plumbing?

Like, we know about Rowling's infamous declaration that her wizards and witches used to shit themselves before the advent of indoor plumbing in the wizarding world. It was bizarre, it was disturbing, I'm sure multiple people have fapped to the mental image of a big-booty witch creamily pooping her robes, and so on.

But, okay. They eventually had toilets. Yet Rowling goes further and says that Hogwarts has full-blown indoor plumbing. Why?

Why, when she's literally established, through the "wizards used to shit themselves" story, that they don't need it? They don't have electric lights because they don't need them, they have magical candles and other means of magical lighting that provide them perfect light at all times.

So why would you bother ripping up what must be thousands of years of stone and masonry at Hogwarts to put in indoor plumbing, when you have literally established that wizards can magic away their piss and shit whenever they want?

So maybe they have toilets. Fine. And restrooms. Fine. But there's no reason for plumbing. Just make toilets with nothing at the bottom, and cast an enchantment on them that, when a wizard or witch pisses or shits in the toilet, the piss and shit gets magically disintegrated.

There's no reason to mention "indoor plumbing" at all, since wizards, by Rowling's own establishment, have no need for plumbing and sanitation in the first place.

Now, you may say: this is overthinking it. Well, guess what, asshole? Rowling overthought it first. She could have kept her dumb English mouth shut about what wizards and witches even DO when they take a shit. We didn't need to know this. But she mentioned it anyway and now we are stuck here.

Although it has the handy side benefit of me being able to fap to the mental image of a sexy big booty blond witch moaning somewhat sensually as she deposits a heavy log into her magical cotton panties.

>> No.17038898 [View]
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I used to think that Trump was America's Sulla, but I think I have fucked that up. I think I was just a little bit inexact in my comparison of our current times to the Late Republic.

It now makes more sense to me that Trump is our Tiberius Gracchus or our Marius: two men who attempted to launch extreme versions of the aristocratic Roman political system, and who were both put down by the Senatorial class.

In this regard, what makes more sense is that BIDEN is our Sulla. Sulla, after all, wanted to "restore normalcy," which is exactly what Biden has promised. But Sulla resorted to extreme measures to put down the threat of social change, including marching on Rome and initiating the proscriptions.

By the time Sulla was finished, Rome was, on the surface, restored to normal. But beneath the surface, there had been so much wreckage and destruction that the Republic had been severely weakened. And within a few decades of Sulla's death, Pompey emerged and seized total control of Rome, destroying the Senate's power, ironically using methods pioneered by Sulla.

So Biden as Sulla makes a fair amount of sense. The only question, now, is who America's Pompey will be.

>> No.16023625 [View]
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>can't even spell "writing"
>criticizes Tolkien

>> No.15979317 [View]
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If you need some kind of "special program" for writing you are not going to make it. I write in Libre Office, which is literally just an open source copy of Word. You absolutely should not need some fancy, special, "boutique" writing processor. You can bang out your manuscript in something widely available like the rest of the plebs. If you're truly good enough, you won't care.

>> No.15967647 [View]
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As a teenager, I liked how Salinger expressed angst, I felt like he was reading my mind. As an adult, I can appreciate it for what it will do for future angsty teenagers. But I probably won't read it again.

>> No.15953849 [View]
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The evidence is in your words, fool.
>The book is a reaction to the cumulative actions of the church. As people may find themselves avoiding organized religion, this book was made to help those people find their path with God.
>Due to the growing issues with organized religion as well as the many historical failings of the church in the past, many folks such as myself have moved to an entirely personal and anonymous relationship with God and it was because of this movement that I believed a new guide for this way of life was needed.
>I wrote this book for a new way of practicing religion, written for those that would leave the church behind in their path to God. Welcome to Anonymous Christianity, a way of life for those disillusioned with organized religion.
Only one does not put the self between God and man, yet all say the same thing. Even in your posts here your pride is evident and where sin exists, it persists to taint everything you touch.
By no means can you be a perfect person, but one must be wholely aware of their failings before they seek to raise up anyone lest they pass on said failings.

>> No.15790826 [View]
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Reminder that this thread is off-topic. Be sure to sage and report.

>> No.15766753 [View]
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those are ok but if you really want a comprehension of moral and political issues i suggest you check stephen west and his youtube channel philosophize this!

>> No.15751195 [View]
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This statement is one of those clues that should make you realize that Hitchens was not as smart as he liked to think he was.

I mean, does he think we can have a knowledge base without axioms?

>> No.15668223 [View]
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Fucking awful. It was like a band-aid that merged with the outside layer of skin but it had to come off anyway. If you want half-decent advice, keep track of your dough for at least 3-4 months keeping in mind how much you spend on the big 3, bills, food, and stupid shit. Work around that to have an idea of what you can afford and try to start out maybe just renting a room. Might not be all that different from your current situation but people are more likely to leave you alone in that scenario and you get used to bill-paying and what not. You got it in you lad, you just gotta see it through.

>> No.15310749 [View]
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I think that if you cannot appreciate fiction there must be something wrong with your brain. I mean that you must somehow be aberrant from the vast majority of humanity, not just now but throughout recorded history. Humanity has been telling stories that didn't actually happen for its entire existence. This is not just a matter of folklore and religion; we have been crafting fictional accounts of fictional people for as long as the spoken word has existed. Telling stories (fiction) is the default mode of conveying information and emotion to humans. I think if you therefore do not appreciate fiction you are somehow deformed. You might not even be human at all.

>> No.15257415 [View]
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>Incoherent rambling
>"Don't question it, child"

>> No.15197703 [View]
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>he thinks that the Western Canon itself isn't full of tropes

>> No.14753700 [View]
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>he doesn't find innate beauty in rhythm and meter

>> No.14673767 [View]
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>> No.14526417 [View]
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Is there anything that marks an OP out to be a moron more than them posting a "books for this feel" thread?

>> No.13365562 [DELETED]  [View]
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Fuck The Cathedral.

>> No.13361500 [View]
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>Daniel's book projects four beasts out of the sea.
>One of them is a bear.

Mother of god.

>> No.12717984 [View]
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who says all artists are cat lovers?

>> No.12536297 [View]
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>YA novel by woman of colour cancelled
Is this a bad thing?

>> No.11864198 [View]
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>vaguely christian upbringing
>atheist in high school
>read religious texts from islam, christianity, daoism, buddhism, and hinduism searching for truths that don't require me to make impossible assumptions
>turns out I agree with basically every religion and am a deeply moral person but don't identify with any in particular
>tfw i'm a fucking deist

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