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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.10727563 [View]
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Does anyone have experience converting .acsm files to .epub? What is the best way? I'd like to share a lot of philosophy, etc. texts but they all have DRM.

>> No.10579220 [View]
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>Literary criticism = pop film reviews

>> No.10500556 [View]
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You gotta read his letters to Ginsberg as well as Queer and Yage Letters to really get a hold of it.
I don't think it was very satirical. Burroughs describes his vignettes ("routines") as expressions that originate necessarily from an obsession. He believed he was inhabited by an evil spirit after the death of Joan. He also doesn't remember writing the majority of it. It isn't very dour -- Burroughs seemed to revel in his addictive mire. It really isn't satire, either. David Lodge has a pretty good argument about the blue movies routine as satire in his "The Modes of Modern Writing." Comparing him to Swift was more a device to evade obscenity charges. Naked Lunch certainly is funny and ironic, but I don't think it was ironic in form.
>I'd read non sequitur nonsensical rambling if the prose was good
Burroughs's prose is some of my favorite. What did you find lacking about it? Remember that scene I think was in the blue movies routine where the young boy leaps the hermit's fence and runs off into the trail of autumn leaves? That has to be one of my favorite impressionistic vignettes. The contradiction of the boy being dead, his bleached bones beside the fence and shotgun, and the boy exuberantly laughing as he escapes the hermit is so masterfully done. Once you're familiar with the origins of Burroughs's pederasty (a botched love affair with a young peer) and concurrent addictions you'll see the connective tissue between the routines. You also need to know what was happening in Tangiers at the time. Naked Lunch reads like Decline of the West in that, w/r/t Spengler being called a poet rather than a historian, the connections it makes between addiction, geopolitics, and ancient history are tenuous but necessary for the poetic project of the work which I think succeeds.

>> No.10494014 [View]
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>Cultural Marxism.
Okay, for real you guys, stop putting me on. Are you or are you not Ben Shapiro?

>> No.10425114 [View]
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The faculty salary and maybe the classroom space are the only expenses for the humanities. It's my tuition that's used to make sure stemlord computer engineers have enough resources to learn the art of making mobile games with which they can fleece a population of mouth-breathers. My tuition also goes to an extravagant athletics program designed to lure potential students. The cost of any humanities dept. is nothing compared to the budget devoted to tumescent administrative costs. How the fuck are you concerned about the cost of a PHI dept. or an English dept.? The tuition of the students in those departments more than covers the actual costs of the department. The rest goes to chem labs, athletics, infrastructure, administration, etc. Admit you just want to whine about people that you find obnoxious.

>> No.9928525 [View]
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>cultural barbarians who find pleasure in raping our history

Whose history? Genocidal Italians? I don't really have a dog in this greaseball race.

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