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>> No.20037346 [View]
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There unironically glowniggers in this thread right now lmao.

I’d just like to let you faggot know you are fucking pathetic to the fullest extent of that word. In a single generation, less then 20 years, you destroyed American society. In the year 2000 the west and America in particular was the greatest economic, military, cultural force in world history. It had a stable and robust social and political order. Generally it was a great place to live too.

In 20 years through your sheer incompetence you fucked that all up. Not just in one thing but in anything. Watch a fucking comedy movie from 2000, anyone involved in it would never be able to work again in Hollywood if it was released today.

I’d almost be impressed if I didn’t have to live in this hellscape, and I’m not being dramatic in using that to describe modern America.

My recommendation for you is to skip town and lay low, try and disassociate yourself from this shit while it can. Throughout history the best run political organizations breakdown, this ship has been tragically run for decades now. You do the math what’s going to happen to you when shit hits the fan. Don’t make the mistake thinking it’s too big to fail either, that just means things will be extra brutal and cruel.

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