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>> No.18640513 [View]
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3 chads wya ?

>> No.18618938 [View]
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I have accepted that all coping will lead back to my initial belief that the world is doomed and that it holds nothing of value for me. I am incapable of looking forward to waking up every day, living one day at a time.
books about sodomy, terrorism, cults, anti-natalistm, satanic rites, murder, sacrifice?

kill yourself

>> No.18605574 [View]
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>why yes, I approach philosophy atpgpwdditively

>> No.18564257 [View]
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when you realize that "something" is inevitable it changes your entire world view

>> No.18507772 [View]
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>they all actually teach theistic union, which some call qualified non-dualism

>> No.18464984 [View]
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It's true from, It's true identity, It's true reality is always forever and ever self-revealing to Itself. It's being consists of the constant revealing of It's own infinite presence to Itself continuously; this is always going on, even right now. This knowledge of Itself doesn't require anything else other than this presence to simply have intuitive knowledge of itself, which is in fact indicated by the very notion of the word "presence", the notion of a conscious presence that is unaware of itself (unconscious presence) is inconceivable and nonsensical, and this is because conscious presence necessitates that 'presence' be conscious of itself in order that it be a conscious presence at all (unconscious things have no subjective experience of presence).

Presence doesn't depend on external accessories in order to "be" presence; "presence" is by nature, presence that is conscious of itself; and this is immutably true independent of any association of this presence with other things. What you asking implies that presence relies on external accessories in order that it "be presence", which is wrong.

The "realization" of this infinite presence is not a relational notion as in "this A is like B", which would indeed be impossible if there is nothing related to A. Beings in spiritual ignorance already have this presence as their essence, as the ground of all their mental/psychological activity, but they don't realize it because they cover it up from themselves with their ignorance, ignorance has the effect of veiling the Real from the ignorant. When the ignorance is removed, the veil is removed from the Reality of non-dual presence, and this allows what was always there shining as the foundation of our being to clearly shine without any obstruction of ignorance covering it, like the sun seeming to suddenly start shining after the clouds in front of it dissipate, even though the sun had always been there shining even when the clouds were placed in between us and the sun.

Awareness or Consciousness always knows itself immediately, directly, intuitively, without mediation. Realization of this Awareness is the correct knowing of what was already known in the background in an incorrect vague way, it's the ending of it being known incorrectly and the replacement of that with it being clearly and correctly known when the false concepts projected onto it are removed, these false conceptions and their removal alike (both only inhere in the mind, not Awareness) induces no change whatsoever in Awareness itself however, they only impact and change how the mind represents it. When you correctly realize Awareness it becomes clear that it was never affected in the least by how the mind represented it previously.

>> No.18459664 [View]
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>The Lord Of The Rings?
>I'm not interested in childish Anglo self-insert fairytales
>now the Silmarillion, that's a good book!

>> No.18458660 [View]
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>He isnt already tanked from lifting his books containing divine knowledge all day

>> No.18440917 [View]
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>> No.18386023 [View]
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>here to stop me from affirming life as it is
That consciousness is self-revealing independently of and simultaneously with the things that are revealed by it is supported by an examination and analysis of how we experience the world.

>The so-called momentary flashing of consciousness is not due to the fact that it is momentary, that it rises into being and is then destroyed the next moment, but to the fact that the objects that are revealed by it are reflected through it from time to time. But the consciousness is always steady and unchangeable in itself. The immediacy of this consciousness is proved by the fact that, though everything else is manifested by coming in touch with it, it itself is never expressed, indicated or manifested by inference or by any other process, but is always self-manifested and self-revealed. All objects become directly revealed to us as soon as they come in touch with it.

>Consciousness cannot be regarded as momentary. For, had it been so, it would have appeared different at every different moment. If it is urged that, though different consciousnesses are arising at each different moment, yet on account of extreme similarity this is not noticed; then it may be replied that, if there is difference between the two consciousnesses of two successive moments, then such difference must be grasped either by a different consciousness or by the same consciousness. In the first alternative the third awareness, which grasps the first two awarenesses and their difference, must either be identical with them, and in that case the difference between the three awarenesses would vanish; or it may be different from them, and in that case, if another awareness be required to comprehend their difference and that requires another and so on, there would be a vicious infinite.

>If the difference be itself said to be identical with the nature of the consciousness, and if there is nothing to apprehend this difference, then the nonappearance of the difference implies the non-appearance of the consciousness itself; for by hypothesis the difference has been held to be identical with the consciousness itself. The non-appearance of difference, implying the non-appearance of consciousness, would mean utter blindness. The difference between the awareness of one moment and another cannot thus either be logically proved, or realized in experience, which always testifies to the unity of awareness through all moments of its appearance.

>> No.18370517 [View]
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>why yes I take platonic metaphysics, neoplatonism, western spirituality 100% seriously

>> No.18357871 [View]
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>> No.18353160 [View]
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I desire to meet freedom itself, that is, God, the source and the meaning of all things.

>> No.18319784 [View]
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>muh mirrors
>muh maths
>muh brain is totally capable of transcending biology!

>> No.18308806 [View]
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>> No.18304729 [View]
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Any books for why these are basically exactly the same with only differences resulting from how you word things? Have I just reached such a level of meditative awareness that I have transcended the doctrines themselves?

>> No.18294657 [View]
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Based digits, also alot of what Upton has written has been good so is probably a good rec

>> No.18281112 [View]
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Because repentance in the form of introspection and contemplation of Vedantic truth clears away the obstacles that block the luminous Truth of what has always been from revealing itself to you when it's pre-existent light is reflected in the receptacle of the intellect. That supernal light is always shining and bathing the intellect in its light even when the intellect is covered in a layer of impurities that prevent a clear reflection within it.

>The eye of knowledge contemplates the being which is life, intelligence, and all-pervading happiness; but the eye of ignorance cannot contemplate That, just as a person who is blind cannot perceive the shining sun.
- Shankaracharya, Atma-Bodha

>> No.18277003 [View]
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>he used to go to his nurse, bare her breasts, and ask to suckle even when he was 7 years old

>> No.18270487 [View]
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>Nigger. Lol!

>> No.18266697 [View]
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>the chad version of both

>> No.18249927 [View]
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>the occult
>guenon! evola!
>ancient secret teachings
>muh hecking spooky and ritualistic knowledgerino

>> No.18187331 [View]
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>> No.18120123 [View]
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Science is for literal retards. It is a degeneration. Literally the lowest level of reality is mistaken for all that exists and matters. Once one has a mystical experience they will realize that people millennia ago had it all figured out and were right about literally everything.

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