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To illustrate the reasonableness of this position, here's an anecdote:
I grew up in a suburban neighborhood, maybe 30% black, the rest white. Middle class. Mostly nice, not rich, but not poor. I had black families on either side of me. Both were absolutely wonderful. They maintained their property, they were trustworthy, they were nice, they minded their own business, et cetera. Perfect neighbors.
Right now, I live between two white families. Shitty, drug addled, loud, white trash pieces of garbage.
I would take back my two black neighbors 7 days a week.
But that doesn't mean I'm incapable of recognizing patterns, doesn't mean I have to believe in childish propaganda that every single shortcoming of another race is the fault of my own people. It doesn't mean that I watch example after example of white on black violence in the news and don't bother to look up basic crime statistics. It doesn't mean I can't connect the dots.
Understanding that Africans are, on average, less intelligent than whites does not mean I hate them. I get angry when I'm told every day that their underperformance relative to every other race of man is my fault. But I don't hate them.

>What is the end purpose of claiming a group of people are inherently inferior
The narrative pushed in the educational system and by the news and entertainment industry (the majority of which are controlled by Jewish Americans, this is not a "theory," this is an easily researchable fact) is that we are all equal. Therefore, when Africans have lower test scores, higher crime rates, lower graduation rates, higher unwed pregnancies, lower incomes, higher welfare usage, etc etc, there is only one explanation: they are being held back by whites/society/capitalism/whatever. This causes whites to blame themselves for the shortcomings of others. And this ethnomasochism will only end when complete equality of outcome is achieved; in a word, never.

The worldview you've been taught and never questioned: EQUALITY is natural. Therefore, INEQUALITY is unnatural, and must be derived from group A artificially suppressing group B's natural potential.

Reality: INEQUALITY is natural. There is no scientific reason to believe that the various populations of man all magically have the same cognitive ability. This is a fool's errand, and you will find no proof of this.

Does this mean we should have INEQUALITY before the law? Of course not, anon. We should all have the same rights. The only ones who argue against this are the LARPing fags on /pol/. But equality of rights is completely separate from equality of performance.

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