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>> No.19137329 [View]
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I would like to point out that you still have not addressed the entire point of this discussion, and simply resorted to ad-hominem attacks. Once again, I will repeat the thesis I am defending here, which you have not managed to rebut in any way, shape, or form (as all reading can see):

"I understand that we have observed spontaneous formation of organic molecules up to all the basis of RNA in laboratory, as well as RNA-like molecules duplicating with darwinian style increases in frequency, but because we haven't observed those basis spontaneously forming the RNA strands yet, and have no idea of the naturalistic mechanism whereby this might even potentially happen given a time period approaching infinity, I believe science has absolutely no clue how RNA ever formed, in addition to being similarly clueless on DNA and carbohydrates - and that based upon this complete lack of knowledge of the most basic constituent elements of life, it is intellectually dishonest to say that it is likely that life arose from naturalistic processes, and all proponents of that idea should add the qualification that it is a baseless hypothesis."

>Both of you claimed selection can't exist on a prebiotic earth
Care to point out where he claimed this?
>Good luck with eveything, retard.
You're the one who needs it - you seem to be quite prideful, hateful, and egotistical, but hopefully it is just growing pains, and you don't die in this state. I hope God blesses you, and that you open up your heart to the truth that is already written on your heart - that God exists, the heavens testify His glory - Jesus Christ is Lord, and that He rose from the dead, and He knocks on the door. If you seek, you will find, and if you ask, it will be given to you.

Hey, thanks brother, me too. I should have been clearer in my wording, you are right. My point was that the evidence for my positive claim (although I admitted that it could potentially be misattributed) was a reference to the written works of Heisenberg's protege Carl von Weizsacker, who puts it forward as an adage (possibly from his mentor). I much prefer his quote here, though: ""We can console ourselves that the good Lord God would know the position of the [subatomic] particles, thus He would let the causality principle continue to have validity". It just illustrates even further that some of the most intelligent scientists to ever live have been theists who perfectly reconcile their scientific work and their religion, while only middle-of-the-bell-curve men reject God. God bless you too, brother!

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