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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.20005984 [View]
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>> No.19707573 [View]
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Underrated! The film is my favorite film of all time (awesome dungeon synth sound track too) and the book is great if you like medievalism. Like with Borges, researching obscure references can give you a nice education. If you don't like reading through all the references, just read past them, the plot and philosophy are compelling enough imo.
The atheism and "anti-authoritarianism" are small themes among many others: Italian pride, blind faith vs rationalism, what defines heresy, and the rise of secular academia are just some of the many topics the book covers. Even then the book only posits Eco's personal philosophy through questions, and I never got the impression it was being overly pushed in a way that does harm to the story. Overall 10/10, very metal, and I'm looking forward to foucault's pendulum!
>jorge did nothing wrong
>william's a whiny bitch
>fuck the renaissance
>salvatore best character

>> No.19045125 [View]
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>If God made Adam in his image, why can Adam sin?
>If Adam can sin due to free will, why can't God sin?
>It's over for christianity
im going to pretend you were asking sincere questions despite your sign off proving you weren't. someone might benefit from a real answer, even you.

God can't sin because to sin is to fail to achieve one's potential for good. God, being perfect, does not lack in any way. Nevermind being good and the source of goodness himself.

Adam can sin because unlike angels after the creation, he has free will. He is made in the image and likeness of God in the sense he has a mental faculty for reason. Logos. Read the Gospel according to John.

Verification not required.

>> No.18718302 [View]
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>he didn't know liberalism was doomed
anon, its a system that caters to mans worst vices and the lowest common denominator. capital has no morals. corporations, as you just have seen last month, will push quite literally any message if they think it will sell their product.

stfu pagan retard.

>> No.18142369 [View]
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Replying only because you got triple trips.

the enchiridion of Epictetus
the Gospel according to John, and the New Testament in general
the Didache
St. Augustine's Confessions
St. Aquinas
St. Athanasius On The Incarnation
Maximus the Confessor's On the Cosmic Mystery of Jesus Christ
The Secret of the Rosary
The Catechism of the Catholic Church

tldr: the world is a vale of tears, I just want to go home and be with God. suicide is not an option.

>> No.16223854 [View]
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and by "college" I mean something like Theology major, or History, or Classics.

>> No.14714513 [View]
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finally OP was not a faggot

yeah it's a great work of scifi / philosophy. thanks for spreading the word.

>> No.14696436 [View]
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apu is a model for fallen men, anon. his knowledge is imperfect, but his heart is pure. be as he is, a pleasure to man and God as he is. and then: strive to be even better.

>> No.14606611 [View]
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>God is blind
>implying God is not omniscient and lacking in any way (not perfect)


>> No.14577670 [View]
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don't listen to this poster, anons. he didn't even present an argument, only an assertion.

>> No.14055023 [View]
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>the monk

>> No.14021015 [View]
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was raised a lukewarm catholic: mom made me go to CCD and get confirmed, but i didn't go to Mass regularly since i was like 8. i hated Mass so much, especially the music. my town had one of those parishes with a boomer rock band, complete with a literal drum set in the sanctuary. got super depressed and it came to a head when i had a mental breakdown. i was a NEET at the time and all i did was browse chan and masturbate all day, sleeping during the day. was basically insane for the next three months after the mental break, but hid it well enough from my parents because i never talked to them anyway. during this time i found a rosary and i would just hold it in my hand while i fell asleep, because it comforted me and i was very afraid of sleeping. i had to sleep with the lights and tv on and put on a shitload of clothes, wear a hoodie with the drawstrings pulled completely shit, tuck my pants into my socks just to fall asleep. as i eventually got over this, i started looking into catholicism, and eventually worked up the courage to go to confession (this was like 8-9 months later, i was scared shitless of going back to church). then after that i just started going to Mass every sunday and i would have panic attacks the whole time, but i eventually got used to it. worst part was the handshake part. now its been a year and 4 months since i came back to the church, and i still haven't talked to anyone there, not even the priest outside confession or shaking hands at the end of Mass as everyone leaves. i'm still a fucking outcast and a pariah. honestly i have no idea why i do it, i just know if i don't i'm gonna kill myself, so it doesn't really matter if they like me or not. yeah, shit sucks if you're a weirdo who wants to just get better, no one really cares about you and you do kind of just feel like a LARPer.

>> No.13600396 [View]
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>If yes, each parent should kill their children immediately
Thou shalt not kill.

>If no, the consequences are also fairly clear: God is not all-loving
The will of God is unknowable. Bad things happen to good people, and the final cause of these events -- called Providence -- is likewise unknowable.

In short, the only thing you have proven is you don't know jack shit about Christianity or philosophy. Not surprising since you're a cringey fedora.

>Do small unbaptized babies go to heaven?
And the actual answer from the catechism is we don't know but assume yes. Similar to how we don't know for a fact that hell is full of unrepentant, but it may very well be that God's infinite mercy has left it empty (but you should not depend on it).
the relevant paragraph
>1283 With respect to children who have died without Baptism, the liturgy of the Church invites us to trust in God's mercy and to pray for their salvation.

>> No.13276752 [View]
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first post worst post, worthless demonposting

neets have always been a holy people.

>> No.13170646 [View]
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Where do you lads reckon is the center of Catholic monasticism? The main thing that I admire about Eastern Christianity is that they really seem to have a strong monastic structure. Everyone in the East has a "spiritual center" through monasteries. Maybe it is just xenophilia, but there really doesn't seem like there is anywhere in western Christianity like Valaam or Mt. Athos or St. Catherines's of Sinai.

I know that the purpose of monasticism isn't to obtain some secret gnosis, but certainly spiritual knowledge is a fruit by which ye shall know them. There seems to be relatively little fruit coming from the monastic trees of the modern west. I really do not want to dedicate my life to live in a place that spiritually stagnant. I live in America and there are some Monasteries near me that practice a lot of anti-traditional spirituality like centering prayer that leaves a lot to be desired, especially in the face of the Hesychastic practices I've learned about in the east. Tell me if I'm wrong.

>> No.12916199 [View]
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>tfw Butterfly is dilating in the women's lavatory again

>> No.12707753 [View]
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The Seven Storey Mountain

>> No.12628681 [View]
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You are right, I am not serious enough. I am fickle and don't make big choices well. My piety tends to fluctuate anyways. For better or worse though, I don't think I will have to worry about a nice girl making me miss my vocation.

>> No.12595777 [View]
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>for aesthetics
>not for Truth
Sound like a meh idea, but you can still convert wholeheartedly after you "convert for the aesthetics" so try it out.

>> No.12595067 [View]
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The mind of God is incomprehensible. God's nature is known in part, discovered in philosophy and revealed by Jesus Christ.

>> No.12582600 [View]
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>is being a neet the only /lit/ profession out there today?

>> No.12216460 [View]
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I haven't read Dante but I can tell you he's a moron and a stalker and needs to leave Bea alone. His portrayal of Hell is as accurate as Bosch's; Scripture says there is fire and brimstone, not ice cubes. Artistic liberty is fine, as art is not Scripture, and typically the works get the message across. Hell is a place of torment. I think it exists as a metaphysical 'place', but also sometimes as a state of mind for some of us living who have not yet accepted Christ. The subtlest and most accurate depiction, I think, is that Hell is the absence of God; not because he has rejected you (that is impossible), but rather a stubborn mortal's rejection of Him, who is the source of all love and mercy and forgiveness.

>> No.11983010 [View]
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It's been a few years since I read it, and mostly I chose it to get a better grasp on the relation of the person to the cosmos. If you have read Campbell or Jung and were paying attention, you won't get much out of it. If you're new to religious study it may introduce some new ideas: city as center of the world or axis mundi, man as relative to divine, why sanctity is important and must be periodically refreshed. It may give you a new perspective or context on first century Temple sacrifices, and how the rituals of Catholicism are more than just empty motions. The way Eliade talks about spaces reminded me very much of Bachelard.
Overall it's a good "glue" book for putting together various ideas from other anthropologists and recognizing the ancient threads in contemporary mystical practice.

In the same vein, some further reading would be Girard's The Scapegoat.

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