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>> No.15632387 [View]
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So I pick up Burn Cycle by Joel Dane.
A second installment in a fairly typical military sci-fi series, with sci-fi as soft as a baby's bottom and author's idea of military life seems to come from late night TV shows (you know, the shitty ones).
I crack open the book and I start reading and lo and behold what do I get to read:

"“Everyone bores her.” He clasps his hands on his belly and launches into squad gossip, telling me who is Gospel Safa and who is Theodaoist, who is asexual and who is grim.
“That’s a slur,” Kumeyer says, his ears pinking. “You shouldn’t call people that.”
“What, grim? Two of my sibs are grim.”
“Dimsalan has seventy-five siblings,” Theca tells me.
“Thirty-five.” Dimsalan frowns. “And two are, excuse me, monosexual.”
I’m with Kumeyer: at least in Coastal Vegas, grim is a slur against people who only sleep with a single sex."

Or this doozy:
"I’ll never change, though. I know that now. I’m a nationalist in my heart, an insurgent. I’m the kind of person who poisons a planet to pay his family’s rent. The kind who pulls the trigger for a paycheck, telling himself that he’s putting food on the table.
I’m not proud of my sordid inclinations, but I know what they are. I can’t see the big picture, I can’t serve an abstraction. I’m too small-minded, too petty and selfish. All I care about is my tribe—my people, my squad—and now I’ve lost them.
I’m a patriot in my heart, an insurgent, a nationalist. I’m petty and selfish; the sworn enemy of the big picture, of the greater good. I’m a grunting caveman bound to his tribe and I’m scared."

There is so much unabashed corporate dick sucking (on top of actual dick sucking) in this book. It's amazing. The author is trying so hard to present this corporate, multi-kulti, full on faggotry culture as being superior.
And all this corporate dick sucking is coming from your run of the mill antifa, punch Nazis, etc. Twitter trash.
I am not really sure how he reconciles those two positions.

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