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>> No.20529643 [View]
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I am interested in what other people are writing, but admittedly I'm more interested in getting feedback. Personally I feel confident in my prose, but I feel like pacing and tone are the things I struggle to be consistent with. There was one anon who posted a story a while back about some tribesmen happening upon a birth or something and taking the woman as a thrall or slave essentially. I couldn't remember the whole premise, but I was very impressed by the tone and the consistency.

I struggle to walk the line between writing in a voice that feels natural to me without wanting to sound psuedo-intellectual. Though in truth it's probably hard to divorce the two because part of writing is inevitably going to include some vanity I think.

>> No.20391891 [View]
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Hell-Anon here after some time away. I've had a very busy week.


Some alterations, I still have a lot of restructuring to do, but I have figured out the idea for the main plot/conflict arc thing moving forward and I have to say I actually think it's a pretty good idea.

Love you all.

>> No.20373450 [View]
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Hell-Anon reporting for duty. I have some ideas for creating conflict/drama/stakes, but I am worried that what I want to do might be overly ambitious in terms of scope and scale. I've spent the first leg of the story establishing the main character as someone who was sort of hanging on by a thread in his human life on Earth before the "offer" he is given in Hell is presented to him. Now I've built the character up as someone who is career-oriented, handsomely paid for their talents, and overall just really loves their new life. The cruelty of the situation I'm about to throw them in is what's meant to kick off the whole story, but I just don't want it to seem too cheesy.

>> No.20357065 [View]
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Hell-Anon here, working really hard right now on establishing the tone in the first section better. Rewriting/renaming some of the early chapters. Amara leans in even harder with the knife I think, and it makes her seem pretty cruel.

Thank you Anon, the aspect of being one of the downtrodden in Hell is meant to be the source of so much of the dread and anxiety. It's possibly a bit of social commentary on my part, that the version of Hell I've concocted is one where it's only Hell in relation to others and how you spend that eternity. There's a coldness and indifference to the Hell I'm trying to write. There isn't a themed amusement tour of bespoke punishments catered towards each individual's particular blend of sins or vices or crimes. They don't have the resources for that. It's basically just getting kicked to the curb and left to establish yourself. I want to present the idea of that as being pretty daunting, especially for such a disaffected generation as our own. The idea of working endlessly to uphold a nameless, faceless oligarchy in Hell, and to support an economy that allows the hyperrich and hyperbeautiful to exist in Paradise, always within view.

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