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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.14155222 [View]
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>fiction readers haven't had anything good to read in decades

>> No.11853589 [View]
File: 121 KB, 500x584, smuganimu14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine writing these paragraphs and then being proud of yourself for having done it

>> No.9433599 [View]
File: 121 KB, 500x584, smuganimu14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your hero
You can't seem to separate your actual points (some legitimate, others not) from your desire to project an air of contempt everywhere you go. It's one thing to talk down to someone, it's another to continually misrepresent them. If I were a lesser shitposter I would make some extended reference to insecurity prompting sarcasm as a defense mechanism, but I think you can follow that train of thought well enough yourself.
Did Marx plagiarize from Hegel? You're trying very hard with this one, and the fact that you didn't finish the book before passing judgment on it really makes one think.
>the topic of this thread, etc
Now this is a sly one, prompted by a slight lack of clarity on my end, which I'll take responsibility for. You certainly were quick to leap on it.
The topic is "why are threads...deleted" and you responded with a (I believe wrong) opinion. However, there is nothing wrong with you posting in the thread. The problem arises when part of your post reads "I come here to get away from /pol/," to which I pointed out that you seemed to be seeking /pol/ out. This is the reason I told you not to post in this thread or any other conservative-leaning thread on the board, and the reason I don't take you seriously in conversation. You're not trying to get away from /pol/. If you were here for comfiness you would hide this thread and move on, but you keep replying to me. You want to fight. For whatever reason, you want /pol/.
>don't make general "why no liek" threads
Context changes many things. It's equally standard practice to refer to a work or an author in an OP. Sometimes we have "why no liek Rand" threads, other times "why no liek Atlas Shrugged" threads. Also unique circumstances surround Peterson in particular as a subject of moderation, pushing him further outside standard discussion. And as long as the mods (or you, with dedicated enough shitposting, or more likely people like you and people like /pol/ feeding each other) continue to shut down discussion around him we'll never be able to address Maps of Meaning and establish him somewhere in the unwritten list that dictates who gets talked about on this board and who gets six "kys" posts before their thread dies on page 10.
As for unironically quoting the sticky, well, bless your heart.

I see your tumblr image and raise you smug anime. Reply to me again.

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