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>> No.22258339 [View]
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The only success Peterson achieved was the prevention of a Far-Right ethno-centric movement from forming. This was his goal all along. He has harmed the Right far more than he has the Left, which he has not harmed at all.

>> No.22255401 [View]
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Wild how it lasted all that time in a homogenous society but collapsed entirely when confronted with a multi-cultural and multi-ethnic society.

>Man, I thought that last post I replied to was dumb. I assume this thread only gets worse so this'll be the last one I read. You guys are all fools who deny the obvious.

So can you say what this objective truth is? Is it just 'something happened in history' akin to the Black Death, is the plague Objective Truth too? The Spanish Armarda? Hamlet? If so the standard for objective truth is very low indeed.

>> No.21737899 [View]
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Yes. Worrying about poverty makes you a whiny bitch. Worry about lifting yourself out of poverty. If everyone did that, no one would be poor.

>> No.21706393 [View]
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Every thing Peterson has said he set off to combat has come to pass and has now been forgotten. Gender pronouns, marxist language, idpol, growing racial polarization. All these have happened and he contributed to the speed at which they have happened.

The one thing he did accomplish, which i suspect was his true goal all along, was steering a generation of white/european men away from Idpol when every other ethnic group uses idpol against them.

He has disarmed these young men of the only thing with which they can defend themselves with. He is truly an evil man, as he knows this, it is plain to see. The Right has completely obliterated its ability to protect itself. Peterson will claim the Left will gradually come to see their morality as superior and adopt it if young men conduct themselves morally. That has never worked.

>> No.21662800 [View]
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>Leftists hide behind minorities to signal their virtue
>Check his twitter
>loads of posts about his minority brother cope with this tragedy
>direct links to a gofundme
>Ignore the fact that he is worth tens of millions liquid, if not hundreds of millions of dollars in assests

Peterson is a joke and only ever wanted the status quo to continue downwards.

>> No.21653337 [View]
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Peterson's unique world-view cedes ground to groups that can only be countered with mass collective movements. Something that he is utterly against for White Europeans, especially those on the Right. By refusing to embrace any Idpol he is unaware he is losing a battle that is critical that we win. But then that statement implies he wants us to win.

All his valid points about self improvement, virtue and being yourself all fit perfectly in a homogenous ethno-cultural landscape.

The sad truth is that you can only he an individual in an ethnically homogenous society because you no longer have to constantly fight for posession of the middle ground of your nation, or positions in it.

Thus idpol, his most detested of ideologies, is rendered impotent as we are all one ethnic group, one heritage and of shared history and culture. There is no discordance between the neabry nations of Europe, there is when you introduce non-Europeans in to it.

Why is he against this for us?

>> No.21633469 [View]
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When he was in an area he knew about and argued based on facts, data and academic research he was great. He knew about motivation, about brain psychology and all manner of things that aid a young man finding himself. This was wonderful during his early rise to fame. He helped millions.

Now he does not care about that, now he lies, omits data and tailors what he reads and who he talks to so that it may match his own preconcieved notions of what should be. He has become the very imbodiment of the concepts, the lies and the obfuscation he was trying to stop. Everything he has tried to stop, gender pronouns being the first, and have now long since passed as we have children transitioning. He is a failure. He has failed. He continues failing and the longer he continues failing the more it becomes apparant that the Far-Right, which was until now, the only thing he successfully stopped in it's tracks.

>> No.21609420 [View]
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If you could beat or rape one self-help author who would it be?
I’d kick the shit out of Tony Robbins.

>> No.21606318 [View]
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I have read they would sweeten the wine with honey as well as mix grape types indescriminately. One must also drink to quench the thirst.

>> No.21547072 [View]
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>Jordan Peterson's advice to young men has always been "pick up a load - that's what you were put on earth to do." In other words - do your part to build a better society, a better world, as your forefathers did.
Our forefathers were raised in a world without pakistani rape gangs, without nigger gangs that destroy entire cities. Do you know what they did to them? The hanged them from trees. They despised the jew for his low cunning and had no problem employing violence to protect what they love. The West they came of age in is gone and it his generation that destroyed everything. From out streets and towns to our future and economy. All of it, destroyed, down to the very foundations.

>So you are quite wrong: Peterson argues that the individual is the building block of society, and - by logical extension - that you cannot build a robust and civilised society without robust and civilised people
The single, unattached individual, be they male or female, is the biggest danger to the real building block of society, which is the standard family. The individual is utterly worthless without a family. But he does not share that, does he? He is adamant that you not build any lasting bonds or collective experience lest it boil over in to a unified nationalist movement that aims to rectify what damage has been done to White Nations.

>> No.21515259 [View]
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He purposefully built up a great bedrock of useful and helpful advice for disenfranchised men.
Now these types of men are the key demographic for revolutionary/reactionary movements, and has been able to sufficiently get them to reject the natural feelings of ethnic solidarity and some sort of ethno-cultural collectivism. What they get is a few boring years of moral superiority for being able to overcome these beastial urges of nationalism, race and in-group preference. Further, they get to feel pride and a (false) sense of accomplishment for cutting themselves off completely from the bedrock of their culture and people.

Well done Juden Peterstein. That said, it is already crumbling.
the obvious gaps in his odiois thought is becoming clear. What is more the terrible conditions in the west being caused by blacks and browns are becoming impossible to ignore. It is only a matter of time before a new voice rises up ans is able to firmly and directly address the problems that plague us.

>> No.21495701 [View]
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>shills daily kosher
hahah no

>> No.21487400 [View]
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He is part of the problem now, he initially began with good takes that helped a great deal of young men, this built up a bedrock of trust with which he can now abuse and steer away from any national movement to fix the state of the West, he also attempts to fracture any ethno-cultural solidarity which would firmly fix many of the issues young men have.

>> No.21416704 [View]
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>> No.21414560 [View]
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You are either a crude liar who thinks it is fair to completely change what is being said or a dumb, idiotic minority type who is unable to understand what is being said to you. Maybe you are both.

>> No.21324388 [View]
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>Peterson doesn't deny the existence of groups but rejects the way in which group identity is used... ....for people who have become atomized and resentful.
If only there was a way to prevent lonely people being cut off from land, love, culture, blood, history and heritage.

>He says you should recognize how effective you are on a small scale and check your motivations.
Remain small, alone and don't try to address the crippling liberal system that wants you dead. Don't try and gather likeminded people and start a movement.

Come on anon.

>> No.16946476 [View]
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>There are plenty of studies that show groups of large people perform much worse than smaller ones in task completion, groups of two being the most efficient one across-the-board.

>> No.12097340 [View]
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destroying the west one beta at a time

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