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>> No.10505792 [View]
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Read SIEGE by James Mason, dude, Bourgeois race realists like Taylor and Sailer are condemned to blogging endlessly about muh skull shapes while their degenerate happa offspring turns against them. The alt right are racist liberals, they believe in nothing and stand for nothing. We are not fooling around in here, it's about total war, the day of the rope, casualities in the 10s of millions AT LEAST, total drop out and total revolution, Charles Manson was imo, the greatest National Socialist since Hitler, a prophet, I believe in Helter Skelter, race war now, we gotta bring it about by any means necessary, Burn the cities to the ground and wipe the slate clean. We have fallen for our own propaganda aimed at man's nobler instincts. America needs more men like Manson, Jim Jones, McVeigh, Commander Rockwell, Elliot Rodger and Steven Paddock. those are the real patriots, the martyrs of the coming war, I salute them. Bring down Fuck ZOG, death to the pigs and Sieg Fucking Heil! that is our creed as National Socialist. Take no alternative.

>> No.10464974 [View]
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Peterson is a fag, but I can't disagree with the sentiment, the products of the modern culture industry are nothing but propaganda, streamlined, soulless, focus grouped propaganda. intersectional feminism is a banal managerial ideology, in the last instance defined by nihilsm and a total disregard for aesthetics. Everything has to be turned into a vibrant slut empowerment session, like big brother's 2 minutes of hate, a spectacle calibrated to produce pavlovian empowerment reactions and impose the ideology of the managerial gynocracy. There is no craft in storytelling anymore, 'representation' is a purely technical administrative problem. Never before has such a reduced pool of pop culture has been so important to many people. Notice how prestige middlebrow outlets such as the nyt and vox have completely abandoned 'high culture' for the secular religion of pop culture and identity politics, remember, the product is FUN , GOOD FOR SOCIETY AND GOOD FOR YOU. The media class can orchestrate a 'national conversation' filled with 'diverse voices' all united in unanimous praise of the Product, which is of course always extremely relevant. I'm using Hollywood as an example, but you can't deny the same mechanisms are at work in the publishing industry. The end goal is the same: to debase humanity into a single homogenous, sexless and culturless mass of drones devoid of independent thought and identity.



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