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>> No.18975842 [View]
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Hell no! Obviously not. I wrote this whole post >>18971067 where I hinted at how he basically calls out Republicans too on their bullshit (“bipartisan consensus”). But he calls out Democrats on their bullshit, too, and also how liberalism is overpowered today, and it’s always “bash the Republicans” from official sources, so he wants to divert from this precisely because it’s so easy and what’s expected.

For some liberals’ brains, this breaks them, so THEY are the ones essentially going, “He’s gone to the dark side, he’s a Trumpist in spirit simply for giving credence to some of their arguments and sympathy for them being the new target and calling us out on our bullshit.” I’m not saying that.

The average age of death in the United States — first-world countries overall, actually — is about 80. The average age of death from COVID-19 in Western countries is about 73. As much as 95% of the recorded COVID-19 deaths had multiple pre-existing conditions (an average of four), one of the most common amongst these being obesity — so it’s a minuscule minority recorded as dying OF and only WITH COVID-19 (as opposed to already being obese, diabetic, or what-you-will). The average vaccine has 10-15 years of testing and they never used mRNA technology in them before. Some sources are claiming the SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins produced by the mRNA vaccines are themselves a mild “toxin” to the body, just like COVID-19 is, with coagulant effects, possibly damaging blood vessels, the lungs, the heart, the internal organs, and even crossing the blood-brain barrier and potentially causing neurological damage. The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is actually permeable across the blood-brain barrier. It’s true. Sources can be coming up if you don’t believe me (cherry-picked, sure, but the media cherry picks in the exact opposite way — get it?).

There’s such a thing/potential as targeted lockdowns, giving people the chance to opt in or out of this stuff, and tailoring the policies by age and health condition.

Look at pic related. If they focused on all the young and healthy flu and cold deaths (rare, but they happen), they could make you afraid of the flu, too. That’s how easily propaganda works.

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