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>> No.14544937 [View]
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Alright /lit/, a full-throated critique of this fucker is going to take more legwork than I originally thought. Tried reading Capital 2 years ago and knew I was wasting my time trying to get into this with zero economics background. Here is the reading list I put together for this year:

As groundwork (no not grundrisse lol) for Capital -

Adam Smith - Wealth of Nations (going with Eamonn Butler's condensed version because ain't nobody got time for the 1000-page original)
-David Ricardo's Principles of Political Economy
-Perhaps the early utopian socialists ie Proudhon? although Marx did not seem to be particularly influenced by them
-Sowell's Basic Economics cuz it's here on my bookshelf (I have already read his Marxism and intend to come back to it when this is all done)
-Obv Capital itself, with all the help I can get and hopefully by now some understanding of Smith, Ricardo and modern economic theory
-Early 20th century refutations by Sombart, Mallock, and Bohm-Bawerk
-Austrian school responses - Mises' "Socialism: an Economic and Sociological Analysis", Hayek's Road to Serfdom
-Schumpeter's Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy
-Kolakowski's Main Currents of Marxism if I can ever find it in a goddamn library
-Skousen's Naked Communist (I have read this book has some issues with sources and citations so it's not high priority)
-Archie Brown's Rise and Fall of Communism to study actual commie regimes and how they implemented Marx's ideas (or didn't)
- A few other modern odds n' ends - Gottfried's Strange Death of Marxism and Lise Vogel's Marxism and the Oppression of Women to see the unholy birth or Marxist Feminism

How's this look anons? Any obvious duds in the list or crucial omissions?

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