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>> No.23477320 [DELETED]  [View]
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>As supercomputer is afraid of
being misogynistic
Wait what? I thought all forms of literature would point to empowering literally women, not just intelligence

>> No.23052538 [View]
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recommend a philosopher for me: I think I am severely autistic, if something looks contradictory or does not make logical sense to me I boil with rage, irrational things cannot exist in my world.

>> No.22992115 [View]
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Kek yes I do admittedly do that (I delete, retype/reformat, then repost comments shortly after writing them). It’s simply to fix typos or to reword phrases that I find sound awkward/ungrammatical after posting it then rereading my post to see what I sounded like. Please see pic related.

Faulkner on Joyce (interview in 1958):
>Unidentified participant: May I ask what you think of James Joyce?

>William Faulkner: James Joyce was one of the—the great men of my time. He was electrocuted by the divine fire. He, Thomas Mann were the—the great writers of my time. He was probably—might have been the greatest, but he was electrocuted. He had more talent than he could control.


The monologue of a character in Philip K. Dick’s “The Divine Invasion”:

>It’s impossible that James Joyce could have mentioned "talk-tapes" in his writing, Asher thought. Someday I'm going to get my article published; I'm going to prove that Finnegan's Wake is an information pool based on computer memory systems that didn't exist until a century after James Joyce's era; that Joyce was plugged into a cosmic consciousness from which he derived the inspiration for his entire corpus of work. I'll be famous forever.

And this itself likely goes back to Dick’s own inspiration by Robert Anton Wilson’s interpretation of and response to Finnegans Wake in some of his published works in which RAW alludes to it like the Cosmic Trigger series, Prometheus Rising, etc. RAW particularly had a mindblowing section, showing with quotes included, Joyce’s bizarrely prescient predictions of seemingly future phenomena (after the book’s publishing in 1939) of scenarios like men sitting together in a bar watching TV, quantum physics, the atom bomb, and the casualties of Nagasaki. RAW on this passage of FW’s he’s elucidating:

>And the ‘atoms and the if’s’ is a pun on the ‘Adam’s and the Eve’s’, the basic Yin and Yang duality, but it also refers to the uncertainty principle in atomic physics, atoms and if’s, everything is uncertain on the quantum level, and Joyce has all these quantum puns running through the chapter, not only atom’s and if’s, but ‘blown to atoms’, which takes you back to Garden of Eden again, and there are “sullied bodies all atom’d”, and then there’s a reference to “nokie-soakie”, followed closely by a reference to “lipinese long-wage” which is the Nipponese language, which is followed by “Sayonara Poke-hole son” which is Nipponese language for “Farewell Honorable Pookah”


If you can keep up with it, and just to repeat what RAW was saying, Nagasaki (and Hiroshima) were only “atom’d” (atomic-bombed) in 1945). Six years after Joyce published FW.

>> No.22837049 [View]
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You mean the one on /his/? Oh and the Hume thread on here? Yeah that's me.
It just keeps happening bro, it's not my fault.
I've yet to see any real arguments against my position, that's the real sad part.

>> No.21612013 [View]
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Books can't fix stupid. You just become a well-read stupid person.

>> No.21572488 [View]
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Apparently Tylenol causes autism. It was those sneaky fuckers all along.

>> No.21568811 [View]
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>be me
>be undiagnosed autist kindergartener
>need item for show and tell
>dad let's me borrow special coin
>show and tell happens
>cute girl gives me complement
>"hey anon I like your coin can I have it?"
>[blank stare] "ok"
>fast forward to home when dad gets back from work
>"anon, where's my coin?...YOU WHAT????"

tfw when my whole life has been variations of this on repeat. Parents never stop to ask if their kid might be "special". thanks mom and dad you're the best.

>> No.21531100 [View]
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>> No.21466295 [View]
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