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>> No.16528737 [View]
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Curiosity is the will to investigate one's relationships with the world. The purpose is to evolve one's effective understanding of the world by discovering novel aspects about it. Questioning is the mutagenic aspect of human experience, while choice is the selective. What happens if you have a species with no mutation? The result is that it can't adapt if conditions change beyond what is currently survivable, and inevitably genetic variation is whittled away.

If you consider the question mark as a holy symbol, a symbol of conscious awareness and freedom itself, it will take you farther than any other.

>> No.16477347 [View]
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Inquiry is the method of consciousness.

>> No.14989338 [View]
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There is a theme in Western culture that is wholly un-Christian that emphasizes life as an adventure and process of discovery, embraces the unknown and finds satisfaction in worldly wonder. It is from this spirit that modern science originated and owes its success. It is never found in the compulsion of necessity, moral or otherwise, but is whispered through inspiration by the suggestion of unexplored possibilities. The question mark is its holy symbol.
The Christian takes refuge in the promise of certainty and eternal permanence, the guarantee of success if one follows the necessary path ordained by an absolute central authority; it seeks to abolish all risk of failure. Adventure embraces risk and uncertainty, it wagers life itself and all meaning in pursuit. It is an intensely erotic relationship with the fullness of one's life and everything involved with it.
Wonder is an unexpected experience, a feeling of surprise at previously undisclosed beauty. It is a fleeting intensity, when it becomes routine it is wholly lost, and so it is always on the move - even when it rediscovers novelty in previously explored terrain.
Here's three short videos and a comic that will hopefully give an intuitive feel of this spirituality from people who have been greatly moved by it:

>> No.14454064 [View]
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Hi I'd have to write a lot of pages to fully cover the topic, but sometime I'll tell you about my experiences with meditation from which "Space Taoism" was derived. This resulted in the derivation of my own unique process philosophy that is astoundingly similar to Whitehead's philosophy because such a dynamic of relational change is truly at the heart of process philosophy, even when not directly implied. I became a Whiteheadean before ever knowing about Whitehead, and have my own unique insight into the problems of process philosophy. Some of them are quite radical and "impolite" as they demand a radical perspectival inclusivity such that even your boy Guenon is encouraged to enter the conversation as accepting of having something meaningful to say about the world by such sincere engagement with philosophical pursuit. The implications of Whiteheadean metaphysics is radical metaphysical inclusivity, so no, Guenon cannot possible retroactively BTFO Whitehead, as Whitehead preemtively welcomes him into the conversation about metaphysics.

Whitehead was sort of the ultimate fanboy of philosophy in that he legitimately loved all philosophers in that he greatly admired the sincere and committed spirit that inspired all of them. His only real implicit "argument" is that metaphysics matters, it is a spiritual artform. Do you think that Guenon would disagree with the premise "metaphysics is a spiritual artform?"

Anyways this is one of the most powerful translations of the sentiment I call "space Taoism," the immanently metaphysical implications of the fundamental theorem of calculus, that is best and most respectfully described as a sentiment, a chosen style of engaging with the world: https://youtu.be/2K_aHCJbxN0
Maybe the quests of your questions grow to newly discovered thrivings.

>> No.14447157 [View]
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Worship the question mark.
>What does it mean to worship the question mark?

>> No.14159670 [View]
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Process thought proactively advances the conditions of creativity by inspiring novel advance from the immediate gaspability of present being.

Process thought is truly about finding the future. In the conditions of the present, there is only one future left to find: to save the world for the final time, to thread the needle of the Great Filter itself ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Filter ) and to bring about the arrival of an age of humanity beyond all threat of war and violent conflict.

There are many others like me, we are future finders and together we are creating the future. There is nothing left to stop us.

>> No.14102639 [View]
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Amusing, because my own personal praxis is the very opposite of the Dzogchen described: the present isn't good enough, all intensity of my libidinal investments are projected onto the future. I enjoy the intensity of this future-directedness as the present as orgasmic release of such artistic intensities. So I have my becoming-cake and eat it too: satisfied desire and insatiable desire.

There is a brilliant theme song of this mode:


>Cruffatin: A word of unknown origin ingeniously used in the hip-hop song "Witness" (artist: Roots Manuva) - referring to a man-made hidden meaning, probably a South London word-mix of prophet and crocheting. Meaning: to make up a vision of the future and tell people about it without revealing everything at once by only feeding them encrypted information.

Okay, enough work for me. Time to go play a video game or something.

>> No.14000086 [View]
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Self-questioning is really what it's all about. There is no freedom except for freedom of inquiry. There is no freedom of inquiry except for freedom to self-inquire. To question yourself freely and fearlessly is the pinnacle of emotional adulthood.

It all boils down to simple self-acceptance in the face of self-hatred.


>> No.13940173 [View]
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When you begin to question your questions things get really different.
>Not worshiping the question mark as a holy symbol.

>> No.13937005 [View]
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I agree that desire originates from the nature of life itself, and that desire is the primordial activity of life.

However I see the reduction of desire to "that feeling you get when you want something" as removing all meaning from desire, turning it into a feeling-substance when it is an evolutionary process of feeling; desire is a movement through space and time. Desire is apprehended from experience of the world, moves towards satisfaction, and either succeeds or fails at achieving this satisfaction.

In terms of human language and narrative, a motion of desire is a quest or "line of inquiry" that begins in a particular question that arises from the questionability of present experience to existent understanding; a question comes from an exception to routine that demands an account for such an exception.

Questions can either have particular satisfactions, such as "How do I change the oil in my car?" or can be open-ended and initially indefinite or vague, such as "what do I want to do?" Moreover, one can modify their quests by asking meta-questions about their questions, such as "What is required to satisfy this question?" or "is this question worth asking?" Meta-cognition or "thinking about one's thoughts" is actually desire applied to desirability, the questioning of questionability. In this way consciousness can liberate itself from the impositions of immediate desires that fail to satisfy one's more general life-quests.

When you contemplate desire, consider the question mark as the symbol of conscious desire, and self-awareness or self-interest being "a question questioning itself." This analogy may inspire new understandings of desire, and possibly entirely new engagements with it.

>> No.13899260 [View]
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Consider a three-omni God as not an entity to be considered as existing or not, but a mindset. What if someone thought they were all-powerful, all-good, and all-knowing? They would be impenetrably stupid, incapable of ever realizing any error. We would call such a person completely insane with delusions of grandeur. However God is promoted as a role-model for many: to try to be Godly is to be good. The Christian Bible is a recipe for such a disaster.

Now consider an agnostic god who knows nothing but questions everything: an omniquerent god. Questions have little to do directly with the acceptance or rejection of propositional statements; questions are movements of questionability: quests. What is brought into questionability by conscious experience are elements of experience that are strangified in respect to existing understanding, unexpected and unaccountable to the automatable and causally predictable. An omniquerent god is in a constant state of surprise at everything. Questions ultimately arise from the initial experience of "WTF?" from an encounter with the weird.

From this understanding agnosticism turns from "the view that the existence of God, of the divine or the supernatural is unknown or unknowable" to a positive thesis of valuing questionability. It presents a view of the querent as an adventurer of experiences and an explorer of creativity; consciousness is a process of discovery.

This is the most brilliant example of this "questology" I've found, presented as a dialogue between a "question-collector" and an "answer-collector": http://kiriakakis.net/comics/mused/a-day-at-the-park

Carl Sagan also presents this agnostic spirituality as a positive thesis without talking about not-God or not-whatever: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLigBYhdUDs

Due to hyperpolitics many atheists are focused on not-God, but behind the politics and beyond atheism is a spirituality that speaks of the value of human inquiry that often leads to such a position.

>> No.13872712 [View]
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>Dude all you had to say is Tao.
I'd just say "change" or "movement" is all that is needed. A question mark.
>What does this have to do with so called 'discord'

Discordianism is a religion that is so anti-dogmatic that it presents itself as a joke, to call everything about itself into question. "Bringing everything into question" or "agnosticism about everything" was the goal of Robert Anton Wilson, who was a writer intimately involved with Discordianism.


>Delusions can also flow, which is why we need sound circuity with high integrity.

This circuitry I would describe as "the set of all possible questions from a given perspective at a given point of time" as an object, and as a process to "be all-questionable," to seek to expand the horizon of one's questionability. A question is a quest, a narrative movement. It's recursively self-improving epistemological self-improvement.

>> No.13766163 [View]
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Even if you burned all the books, it wouldn't matter: our quests would live on through our questions, and it is through our questions that our success is guaranteed. The Old World Order will crumble due to disuse from obsolescence.

>> No.13619744 [View]
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"There's always a bigger Ultimate" - the category of the ultimate.

>> No.12916840 [View]
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Imagine God stripped to hir naked organism, wholly un-deified, The Absolute de-absolutized, having nothing to do with omniscience, omnipotence, or omnibenevolence, but instead being all-desiring and all-questioning. This is a personification of one's basic relationship with life itself, that when un-personified is an immanent immersion into experience and an engagement with one's experience. It is life as art, not as creator-creation but as co-creative multiplicity, the anarchization of creativity.

Make the question mark your holy symbol and see what quests it inspires. It is right in front of your face, as awareness itself is a question mark. There is no path, no template, no plan.

>> No.12518373 [View]
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Recursive self-improvement is the ability of making improvements on one's own ability of making self-improvements, usually in the context of General Artificial Intelligence. Humans posess such a faculty to varying degrees and contexts, which is depicted visually here. Omniquery can be imagined as the theoretical set of all possible questions / quests from a given perspective, and as a process as taking a "questions first" approach to wisdom-building whenever possible This comic: http://kiriakakis.net/comics/mused/a-day-at-the-park)) is profound because of its premises of a conversation between a question-collector and answer-collector, and gives a sense of omniquery as active skepticism as the process of inquiry to all domains, including one's self-knowledge. The comic describes questions as participating "in the ever transforming dance of the whole universe" and to take a questions-first approach is to be ever-transforming. It describes the question mark as almost a sort of holy symbol, "the main condition to sustain infinite potential such as ours" being a "big question mark always out of our reach." Meaning-making isn't about imposing one's self-determined will on reality from some ultimate, static True Will, but our ability to transform ourselves, to evolve our own evolvability.

Another way of imagining experiential evolution is the evolutionary process extended into time and space itself. Our very ability to imagine the past, present, and future including ourselves is such an ability, and to take a "questions-first" approach this way is to be future-focused, looking into the present and past for knowledge of how to best give our actions to our potential future selves. This essay involving the concept of reality tunnels and creative agnosticism: https://medium.com/reality-tunnels/introduction-to-reality-tunnels-a-tool-for-understanding-the-postmodern-world-72cdd98af9d0 is one that I couldn't have written more perfectly, these "reality tunnels" are lines of active inquiry, or in Deleuzian terms "lines of flight."

>> No.12378846 [View]
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>Whitehead's organic philosophy replaces the centrality with relationships - mutually co-creative perspectives among all things. "Every creature both houses and pervades the universe," the interiority of an occurrence comprised of its relationships to everything else. Matter is made of energy which is a relationship between occurrences, but as these occurrences are made up of energy, which is made up of relationships, the universe is a strange loop of relationships of relationships of relationships. The implication is a synthesis of the dead nouns of creator and creating with an immanent creativity, the death of art as the process of reality itself is a creative process, a tapestry of co-creation among all strands that it contains - not as a whole relating the many to itself, but as the many becoming one in a novel subject, and increased by one. The thesis of Space Taoism is "we are life-artists who co-create with the self-creating tapestry of existence," rather than human creators creating meaning out of a meaningless existence, meaning and signification is omnipresent, co-created by a subject's personal relationship with existence - the artistic act of life.

>While the integral symbol is the inevitable symbol of Space Taoism, its true holy symbol is the question mark - a symbol of awareness, infinite potential, inexhaustible meaning and endless becoming. The Tao is literally defined as "path" or "way," a motion through space and time, and the guide along this endless quest isn't an answer but an omnipresent question mark. What does one do? How does one act? What does one become? Let your questions guide you, and follow them faithfully, and they will take you to where you need to go.

this is Aminom's text, not mine. he's the original visionary behind Space Taoism. but i co-sign it completely.

>> No.12056812 [View]
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>Whitehead's organic philosophy replaces the centrality with relationships - mutually co-creative perspectives among all things. "Every creature both houses and pervades the universe," the interiority of an occurrence comprised of its relationships to everything else. Matter is made of energy which is a relationship between occurrences, but as these occurrences are made up of energy, which is made up of relationships, the universe is a strange loop of relationships of relationships of relationships. The implication is a synthesis of the dead nouns of creator and creating with an immanent creativity, the death of art as the process of reality itself is a creative process, a tapestry of co-creation among all strands that it contains - not as a whole relating the many to itself, but as the many becoming one in a novel subject, and increased by one. The thesis of Space Taoism is "we are life-artists who co-create with the self-creating tapestry of existence," rather than human creators creating meaning out of a meaningless existence, meaning and signification is omnipresent, co-created by a subject's personal relationship with existence - the artistic act of life.

>While the integral symbol is the inevitable symbol of Space Taoism, its true holy symbol is the question mark - a symbol of awareness, infinite potential, inexhaustible meaning and endless becoming. The Tao is literally defined as "path" or "way," a motion through space and time, and the guide along this endless quest isn't an answer but an omnipresent question mark. What does one do? How does one act? What does one become? Let your questions guide you, and follow them faithfully, and they will take you to where you need to go.

>i want more Space Taoism!




>> No.12032826 [View]
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>Whitehead's organic philosophy replaces the centrality with relationships - mutually co-creative perspectives among all things. "Every creature both houses and pervades the universe," the interiority of an occurrence comprised of its relationships to everything else. Matter is made of energy which is a relationship between occurrences, but as these occurrences are made up of energy, which is made up of relationships, the universe is a strange loop of relationships of relationships of relationships. The implication is a synthesis of the dead nouns of creator and creating with an immanent creativity, the death of art as the process of reality itself is a creative process, a tapestry of co-creation among all strands that it contains - not as a whole relating the many to itself, but as the many becoming one in a novel subject, and increased by one. The thesis of Space Taoism is "we are life-artists who co-create with the self-creating tapestry of existence," rather than human creators creating meaning out of a meaningless existence, meaning and signification is omnipresent, co-created by a subject's personal relationship with existence - the artistic act of life.

>While the integral symbol is the inevitable symbol of Space Taoism, its true holy symbol is the question mark - a symbol of awareness, infinite potential, inexhaustible meaning and endless becoming. The Tao is literally defined as "path" or "way," a motion through space and time, and the guide along this endless quest isn't an answer but an omnipresent question mark. What does one do? How does one act? What does one become? Let your questions guide you, and follow them faithfully, and they will take you to where you need to go.

>moar Aminom


>> No.12027058 [View]
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>Whitehead's organic philosophy replaces the centrality with relationships - mutually co-creative perspectives among all things. "Every creature both houses and pervades the universe," the interiority of an occurrence comprised of its relationships to everything else. Matter is made of energy which is a relationship between occurrences, but as these occurrences are made up of energy, which is made up of relationships, the universe is a strange loop of relationships of relationships of relationships. The implication is a synthesis of the dead nouns of creator and creating with an immanent creativity, the death of art as the process of reality itself is a creative process, a tapestry of co-creation among all strands that it contains - not as a whole relating the many to itself, but as the many becoming one in a novel subject, and increased by one. The thesis of Space Taoism is "we are life-artists who co-create with the self-creating tapestry of existence," rather than human creators creating meaning out of a meaningless existence, meaning and signification is omnipresent, co-created by a subject's personal relationship with existence - the artistic act of life.

>While the integral symbol is the inevitable symbol of Space Taoism, its true holy symbol is the question mark - a symbol of awareness, infinite potential, inexhaustible meaning and endless becoming. The Tao is literally defined as "path" or "way," a motion through space and time, and the guide along this endless quest isn't an answer but an omnipresent question mark. What does one do? How does one act? What does one become? Let your questions guide you, and follow them faithfully, and they will take you to where you need to go.

Space Taoism Fuck Yeah
& based af AM


>> No.12017182 [View]
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>Whitehead's organic philosophy replaces the centrality with relationships - mutually co-creative perspectives among all things. "Every creature both houses and pervades the universe," the interiority of an occurrence comprised of its relationships to everything else. Matter is made of energy which is a relationship between occurrences, but as these occurrences are made up of energy, which is made up of relationships, the universe is a strange loop of relationships of relationships of relationships. The implication is a synthesis of the dead nouns of creator and creating with an immanent creativity, the death of art as the process of reality itself is a creative process, a tapestry of co-creation among all strands that it contains - not as a whole relating the many to itself, but as the many becoming one in a novel subject, and increased by one. The thesis of Space Taoism is "we are life-artists who co-create with the self-creating tapestry of existence," rather than human creators creating meaning out of a meaningless existence, meaning and signification is omnipresent, co-created by a subject's personal relationship with existence - the artistic act of life.

>While the integral symbol is the inevitable symbol of Space Taoism, its true holy symbol is the question mark - a symbol of awareness, infinite potential, inexhaustible meaning and endless becoming. The Tao is literally defined as "path" or "way," a motion through space and time, and the guide along this endless quest isn't an answer but an omnipresent question mark. What does one do? How does one act? What does one become? Let your questions guide you, and follow them faithfully, and they will take you to where you need to go.

Space Taoism Fuck Yeah


>> No.12004854 [View]
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>Whitehead's organic philosophy replaces the centrality with relationships - mutually co-creative perspectives among all things. "Every creature both houses and pervades the universe," the interiority of an occurrence comprised of its relationships to everything else. Matter is made of energy which is a relationship between occurrences, but as these occurrences are made up of energy, which is made up of relationships, the universe is a strange loop of relationships of relationships of relationships. The implication is a synthesis of the dead nouns of creator and creating with an immanent creativity, the death of art as the process of reality itself is a creative process, a tapestry of co-creation among all strands that it contains - not as a whole relating the many to itself, but as the many becoming one in a novel subject, and increased by one. The thesis of Space Taoism is "we are life-artists who co-create with the self-creating tapestry of existence," rather than human creators creating meaning out of a meaningless existence, meaning and signification is omnipresent, co-created by a subject's personal relationship with existence - the artistic act of life.

>While the integral symbol is the inevitable symbol of Space Taoism, its true holy symbol is the question mark - a symbol of awareness, infinite potential, inexhaustible meaning and endless becoming. The Tao is literally defined as "path" or "way," a motion through space and time, and the guide along this endless quest isn't an answer but an omnipresent question mark. What does one do? How does one act? What does one become? Let your questions guide you, and follow them faithfully, and they will take you to where you need to go.

Space Taoism, Fuck Yes


>> No.11989638 [View]
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>Whitehead's organic philosophy replaces the centrality with relationships - mutually co-creative perspectives among all things. "Every creature both houses and pervades the universe," the interiority of an occurrence comprised of its relationships to everything else. Matter is made of energy which is a relationship between occurrences, but as these occurrences are made up of energy, which is made up of relationships, the universe is a strange loop of relationships of relationships of relationships. The implication is a synthesis of the dead nouns of creator and creating with an immanent creativity, the death of art as the process of reality itself is a creative process, a tapestry of co-creation among all strands that it contains - not as a whole relating the many to itself, but as the many becoming one in a novel subject, and increased by one. The thesis of Space Taoism is "we are life-artists who co-create with the self-creating tapestry of existence," rather than human creators creating meaning out of a meaningless existence, meaning and signification is omnipresent, co-created by a subject's personal relationship with existence - the artistic act of life.

>While the integral symbol is the inevitable symbol of Space Taoism, its true holy symbol is the question mark - a symbol of awareness, infinite potential, inexhaustible meaning and endless becoming. The Tao is literally defined as "path" or "way," a motion through space and time, and the guide along this endless quest isn't an answer but an omnipresent question mark. What does one do? How does one act? What does one become? Let your questions guide you, and follow them faithfully, and they will take you to where you need to go.

Space Taoism, fuck yes.

>> No.11989433 [View]
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Whitehead's organic philosophy replaces the centrality with relationships - mutually co-creative perspectives among all things. "Every creature both houses and pervades the universe," the interiority of an occurrence comprised of its relationships to everything else. Matter is made of energy which is a relationship between occurrences, but as these occurrences are made up of energy, which is made up of relationships, the universe is a strange loop of relationships of relationships of relationships. The implication is a synthesis of the dead nouns of creator and creating with an immanent creativity, the death of art as the process of reality itself is a creative process, a tapestry of co-creation among all strands that it contains - not as a whole relating the many to itself, but as the many becoming one in a novel subject, and increased by one. The thesis of Space Taoism is "we are life-artists who co-create with the self-creating tapestry of existence," rather than human creators creating meaning out of a meaningless existence, meaning and signification is omnipresent, co-created by a subject's personal relationship with existence - the artistic act of life.

While the integral symbol is the inevitable symbol of Space Taoism, its true holy symbol is the question mark - a symbol of awareness, infinite potential, inexhaustible meaning and endless becoming. The Tao is literally defined as "path" or "way," a motion through space and time, and the guide along this endless quest isn't an answer but an omnipresent question mark. What does one do? How does one act? What does one become? Let your questions guide you, and follow them faithfully, and they will take you to where you need to go.

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