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>> No.16819520 [View]
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Then the question remains- will it be desirable to experience constant, unabating pleasure? Science can make it so, no? Science seems to be able to make anything happen, but that doesn't mean it will. All of the frontiers will be exhausted, and we'll just be barely human pleasure-machines. It's all a pie in the sky. We need to get there to see the problems it will raise.

We've barely even started moving towards nihilistic dystopias, there's nothing redeemable about our direction. Things aren't getting any better, and keep in mind the powers that be don't want "transhumanism for all." All that you said is just blind hope in science's magic ability to do anything. It can, but will it?

It didn't work? Hasn't every attempt at making a utopia fallen on its ass? What makes you think your scientific wet dream will be flawless and eternal? You advocate "transcending the prison" when the technology given to you by your scientist priests is a jumpsuit given to you by new prison guards. Their technology will have back doors; if it will even help you "escape your prison," it will also put you in another. Unless you really think they're brave philanthropists who just want to help us escape this "jail cell" of a life (not a necessary view) so that we can become mindless drones that spout enlightenment/gnostic slogans all day despite not having tasted any of that "transhumanist utopia" they are promised.

>t. sadomasochist
For a believer in the gospel of science, you're not awfully smart. I don't derive sexual pleasure from causing or receiving pain. Perhaps you get off on getting embarrassed, otherwise you wouldn't have made such a mentally bankrupt accusation.

Yes, and what a good thing to give up your free will and self awareness for the sake of feeling pleasure and avoiding pain. But who is administrating the system that allows you to exist in this catatonic state? It seems you've put yourself into another jail cell. You have to ask yourself, "who is making all of this technology that I am going to put into myself?" Either you'll dismiss it as a "conspiracy theory" or you'll be given pause.

I want something better than our current state, but I also recognize it's impossible and completely worthless to wish for a utopia unless you're an atheist. If you're an atheist, then of course you'll die advocating for something you'll never see or experience. You don't want something "better than our current state," you want to make us inhuman so that the "current state" that is a corequisite of human life can be abolished. At this point, it's a question of pleasure over humanity, and whether turning your back on your humanity and "evolving" (so you think) will really turn out as well and ever-lasting as you think it will.

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