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>> No.13145116 [View]
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Anyone who actually knows Chinese history and is not a brainwashed Chinese knows that China is simply in the height of another of its cycles.

China with its massive population and territory has always been a natural superpower. But what is China? Who are the Chinese people? What is their national identity? Unlike the French and France or Americans and America, the Chinese are simply a massive herd of people that occupy the middle territory ( where the word China comes from) in Eastern Asia. Don't take it from, take it from the smartes man who ever lived, Albert Einstein. China or the Middle Kingdom/State/Regime is the government that presides over this herd.

Through Chinese history, there is a cycle of this China emerging and dissolving and so on and so on. A powerful dynasty emerges and unites China, China rises as a world power, China begins to collapse, and China fragments, so that another dynasty rises and so on and so on. These dynasties gain power over an ideology that this Chinese herd adheres to called the "Mandate of Heaven".

Lets look at contemporary China. Before it fell, Qing dynasty China consisted of 40% of the world's economy, and was arguably the world's largest/most powerful nation. The Qing dynasty begins to collapse and during its gradual fall is defeated by the British in the Opioid Wars. China is fragmented and controlled by different Western powers, while a proxy government is set up in place.

Then comes Mao, with a new "Mandate of Heaven" disguised as communist uprising. He like the conquerors before him convinces most of the herd, and unifies China again.

> inb4 muh communism

China is the second country with most billionaires alive after America. How can a communist nation exist with billionaires and private corporations? Sorry to trigger you commie, but China is NOT a communist country and it was never meant to be one. It is simply an authoritative regime that uses communism as its religion.

Xi Jinping is a genius ruler who understands this and instead of moving China towards progressivism and liberal ideals, turns it further authoritarian.

Look at sesame or social credit scores, the surveillance system, and Chinese control of the internet. What is most surprising of these policies is that the Chinese embrace them. ( Actually look this up, please, it is shocking). The herd embraces its new master as it has done century after century.

Today, we start to see China at its peak however, its only downhill from here. As Trump's trade war has shown, China is extremely reliant on foreign investment and in US consumers. China will still be a strong player in the future but, will gradually demise until the cycle resets.

Thank you for coming to my Ted-Talk.

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