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>> No.11988339 [View]
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there is absolutely no reason why we cannot have a Matrix TV series reboot that tackles things from the ground floor - as in, how the matrix was built, in the first place, and including about 400 more characters in it, *all* of whom have read Baudrillard, and in which the prospect of one of them being the Chosen One and fucking re-loading their Samsaric imprisonment and doing a civilizational memory-wipe on their entire #Resistance movement is met with the appropriate degree of horror, comedy, and rage. now there's a fucking TV event i'd avoid scooping out my own eyeballs Oedipus-style for. the Matrix was too soon and way too soon at that. they bit off more than they could chew. it just needs to be re-made. that's all. can be, should be, must be.

yuk hui
yuk hui
yuk hui

needless to say i'm a big fan, personally. to counter Land raising Zombie Hegel from the dead, i like YH raising Heidegger The White ("Gandalf the Grey...yes, that was my name" &c). it all feels appropriately epic and profoundly meme-cringe tbqh. but waddaya gonna do, go insane, do drugs, and cry in a corner?
>okay but we've done that inner self
>i'm just saying we can try something else just to keep it fresh
>i liked the drugs and the crying tho
>gotta mix it up mi amigo. variety is the spice of life

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