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>> No.14041220 [View]
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I am a heterodox sort of neoplatonist Christian with some perennialist-ish and gnostic tendencies. I don't believe God is omnipotent and instead see the material world as unclean and hijacked by evil by means of original sin. I believe Christ and the Buddha Amitabha are similar in many ways, and that they were both sent by our omnibenevolent and omniscient God to show us the way in a sinful and cruel world. I am currently studying Taoism and Wusheng Laomu type salvationism and think that these traditions contain truth in them as well, salvationionism more so than the Taoism. Politically, I resent the sinful and corrupt state, but love my nation and support others in loving their nations. I am against unjust wars like the current neoliberal wars, against current excessive taxation that enriches well-connected profiteers, against corruption, against sexual degeneracy like "child drag queens," against corporate exploitation at home and abroad, against mass immigration, and against discrimination based on immutable characteristics like race, sex, sexual orientation, or legitimate transsexuality. I am in favor of strong and healthy families and the idea of society providing for the meek and the poor. I don't care for Islam much and I hate the governments and dominant cultural characteristics of most all Muslim countries, but I also don't want my tax money spent bombing people (especially innocents like children and people who do not participate in savage behaviors) overseas for the sake of degenerate profiteers' bank accounts.

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