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>> No.19123278 [View]
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>> No.17944727 [View]
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Is it authentic? Is it deviation/perversion? Who out of the Traditionalist thinkers would appreciate it the most? Evola? It is militant but at the same time very contemplative.

>> No.17764800 [View]
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>So do the karmic laws no longer function in modern society?
they still do, but modern society lends itself to disorder and to people not fulfilling the functions they are properly suited to

>As we have already pointed out, under the present state of affairs in the Western world, nobody any longer occupies the place that he should normally occupy by virtue of his own nature; this is what is meant by saying that the castes no longer exist, for caste, in its traditional meaning, is nothing other than individual nature, with the whole array of special aptitudes that this carries with it and that predisposes each man to the fulfillment of one or another particular function. Since the undertaking of a function, no matter of what sort, is no longer dictated by any legitimate rule, the inevitable result is that each person finds himself obliged to do whatever kind of work he can get, often that for which he is the least qualified. The part he plays in the community is determined, not by chance which does not in reality exist, but by what might appear to be chance, that is, by a network of all sorts of incidental circumstances: what exerts the least influence is precisely the one factor that should count for most in the matter, namely the differences of nature between one man and another.

>It is the negation of these differences, bringing with it the negation of all social hierarchy, that is the cause of the whole disorder; this negation may not have been deliberate at first, and may have been more practical than theoretical, since the mingling of the castes preceded their complete suppression or, to put it differently, the nature of individuals was misunderstood before it began to be altogether ignored; at all events this same negation has subsequently been raised by the moderns to the rank of a pseudo-principle under the name of 'equality'. It would be quite easy to show that equality can nowhere exist, for the simple reason that there cannot be two beings who are at the same time really distinct and completely alike in every respect; and it would be no less easy to bring out all the ridiculous consequences arising out of this fantastical idea, in the name of which men claim to impose a complete uniformity on everyone, in such ways for example as by meting out identical teaching to all, as though all were equally capable of understanding the same things, and as though the same methods for making them understand these things were suitable for all indiscriminately.

- René Guénon, The Crisis of the Modern World, pg. 69

>> No.17742456 [View]
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>Naturally, when we encounter ideas such as 'equality' or 'progress', or any other of the 'lay dogmas' that almost all of our contemporaries blindly accept-most of which were first formulated during the eighteenth century-it is impossible for us to admit that they arose spontaneously. They are veritable 'suggestions', in the strictest sense of this word, though they could not of course have had any effect in a society that was not already prepared to receive them; such ideas in themselves have not actually created the mental outlook that is characteristic of modern times, but they have contributed largely to maintaining it and to bringing it to a stage that would doubtless not have been reached without them. If these suggestions were to disappear, the general mentality would come very near to changing direction; and this is why they are so assiduously fostered by all those who have some interest in maintaining the confusion, if not in making it worse, and also why, at a time when it is claimed that everything is open to discussion, they are the only things that may never be discussed.

>Moreover, it is not easy to judge the degree of sincerity of those who become the propagators of such ideas, or to know to what extent they fall prey to their own lies and deceive themselves as they deceive others; in fact, in propaganda of this sort, those who play the part of dupes are often the best instruments, as they bring to the work a conviction that others would have difficulty in simulating, and which is readily contagious. But behind all this, at least at the outset, a much more deliberate kind of action is necessary, and the direction can be set only by men fully cognizant of the real nature of the ideas they are spreading. We say 'ideas', but it is only very inexactly that this word can be made to apply in the present case, for it is clear that they are by no means 'pure ideas', having absolutely nothing in common with the intellectual order; they are rather 'false ideas', though it would be still better to call them 'pseudo-ideas', intended primarily to evoke sentimental reactions, since this is in fact the easiest and most effective way of working on the masses. Indeed, for this purpose, the word used is more important than the notion it is supposed to represent, and most of the modern 'idols' are really mere words, for a remarkable phenomenon has arisen known as 'verbalism', by which sonorous words succeed in creating the illusion of thought; the influence that orators have over the crowd is particularly characteristic in this connection, and it does not require much reflection to see that it is a process of suggestion altogether comparable to that used by hypnotists.

>> No.17695069 [View]
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I understand that it must be hard news to realise that your secret club is actually not secretive at all, but that your lashing at me demonstrates your stage of initiation, or rather that you have never been initiated. Besides, what are you even trying to call nonsense - the very group you were so smarmy about exactly one post ago? In any case, Seethe, Cope and Dilate, Simp.

>> No.17586924 [View]
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>> No.17067357 [View]
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What would Guenon and the Traditionalist school make of the modern Iranian theocracy? Is it a degenerated and firmly modern thing or would they approve of it as a revitalizing, militant return of Tradition?

>> No.16539499 [View]
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How does someone remain a materialist once you read religious texts and philosophy like Plato or the Vedic scholars?

Is it just because materialist ideology is the power-incumbent and it nets illusory benefits in society, like the fake 'academia' circlejerk? Imagine thinking the lowest manifestation of existence is reality, and we need to direct all activity on earth to the heaping of resources in pursuit of fleeting bodily pleasures. How do hylics satisfy themselves with this trash?
>durrr free market make more dildo
>ung.. no! capitalist bad! not enough dildo to share!
You just KNOW Christopher Hitchens quaked like a little gerbil when he thought there was only an abyss of nothing to take him.

>> No.15129544 [View]
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>Kant gives a clear answer to that question.

>> No.15014267 [View]
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As the person who made that list, I ask that you stop insulting others when reposting it, if you post that everywhere while being disrespectful in random threads not even about that topic it will get on people's nerves and turn some people away, we need not sink to the uncouth behavior of the hylics brother

>> No.15011618 [View]
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>dualistic thought

>> No.14994444 [View]
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Brothers... I have awakened.....

>> No.14964705 [View]
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>> No.14937822 [View]
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just how baste are the brothers here?
someday i hope to be even half as based as you guys.....
and even a quarter as based as Our Great Teacher (pbuh).....

>> No.14895080 [View]
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>> No.14820582 [View]
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>> No.14815675 [View]
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>Go back to your containment thread and call yourself based hundred times.
Cringe. The brother is right. Vain philosophy has been retroactively refuted by Shaykh Rene Guenon (pbuh).
Holy based...

>> No.14768256 [View]
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>with his giant intellect
Kant merely had a profane intellect, while Guénon (pbuh) achieved permanent realization of supra-invididual supra-intellectual states during his lifetime (which Kant failed to do as a Westerner living in a degenerated order), thus showing himself to have a superior sacred intelligence.

>Does he ever get into practical advice for meditative techniques or behavior in general?
Guénon (pbuh) takes a viewpoint strictly above mere practicality; for that is the job of your sacred tradition and your sacred teacher leading you towards the truth.

>I too was a Kantian before reading Guénon's works, brother; I discovered that I was in the wrong through his teachings.
Holy based...
Truly pbuh...

>> No.14734851 [View]
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Not an argument.

>> No.14731743 [View]
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>agnostic scholar
Of course based Guénonposter isn't agnostic, for he has achieved the heights of Gnosis by diligently reading Shankaracharya (pbuh).

>> No.14714436 [View]
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You can save your time, he was retroactively refuted by Rene Guenon (pbuh)

The same trend is noticeable in the scientific realm: research here is for its own sake far more than for the partial and fragmentary results it achieves; here we see an ever more rapid succession of unfounded theories and hypotheses, no sooner set up than crumbling to give way to others that will have an even shorter life— a veritable chaos amid which one would search in vain for anything definitive, unless it be a monstrous accumulation of facts and details incapable of proving or signifying anything. We refer here of course to speculative science, insofar as this still exists; in applied science there are on the contrary undeniable results, and this is easily understandable since these results bear directly on the domain of matter, the only domain in which modern man can boast any real superiority. It is therefore to be expected that discoveries, or rather mechanical and industrial inventions, will go on developing and multiplying more and more rapidly until the end of the present age; and who knows if, given the dangers of destruction they bear in themselves, they will not be one of the chief agents in the ultimate catastrophe, if things reach a point at which this cannot be averted?

Be that as it may, one has the general impression that, in the present state of things, there is no longer any stability; but while there are some who sense the danger and try to react to it, most of our contemporaries are quite at ease amid this confusion, in which they see a kind of exteriorized image of their own mentality. Indeed there is an exact correspondence between a world where everything seems to be in a state of mere ‘becoming’, leaving no place for the changeless and the permanent, and the state of mind of men who find all reality in this ‘becoming’, thus implicitly denying true knowledge as well as the object of that knowledge, namely transcendent and universal principles. One can go even further and say that it amounts to the negation of all real knowledge whatsoever, even of a relative order, since, as we have shown above, the relative is unintelligible and impossible without the absolute, the contingent without the necessary, change without the unchanging, and multiplicity without unity; ‘relativism’ is self-contradictory, for, in seeking to reduce everything to change, one logically arrives at a denial of the very existence of change; this was fundamentally the meaning of the famous arguments of Zeno of Elea.

>> No.14712115 [View]
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So many seething hylics deluded by maya in this thread...
I pray that Guenon (pbuh)'s ineffable light shall vanquish all ignorance from their hearts.

>> No.14710792 [View]
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That's only if you read retroactively refuted garbage. Read Guenon (pbuh) instead.

>> No.14695486 [View]
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