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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.17905206 [View]
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So if what is real is just reality in it’s process of self making, is life just one big LARP?

>> No.15107395 [View]
File: 85 KB, 480x700, anti-oedipus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, Deleuze thread.

>> No.13615208 [View]
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what should I read in preparation?

>> No.12803877 [View]
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Capitalism deterritorializes and reterritorializes: A factory is better here than a field. A high IQ person is better than OP. Men become women.
Likewise, capital decodes and recodes. Semiotics represent man as wretched. Women become the future. In the genetic code, Y chromosomes will be come X chromosomes (CRISPER).

>> No.11851265 [View]
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>> No.11515897 [View]
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schizo-autist uprising when?

>> No.10784341 [View]
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anti oedipus is literally the 60s New Left version of SIEGE. After the Red Brigades guys read it bombs started going off, politicians were kidnapped and that sort of hijinks

>> No.10500448 [View]
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>> No.10341177 [View]
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it's time, OP.

>> No.9636503 [View]
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read anti-oedipus first

he's writing love-poems to the process of capital that is already inscribed on his mind

land is only a mystery until you read capitalism and schizophrenia and then it all becomes clear

>> No.8864910 [View]
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...one might say that Anti-Oedipus is an Introduction to the Non-Fascist Life. - Michel Foucault

>> No.8838172 [View]
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What do I need to have read to tackle this big boy?

>> No.7567159 [View]
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>> No.6911971 [View]
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Christianity has lost it's relevance because the West has ceased constructing trancedental narratives.

First it was Christianity, then it was the Enlightenment, then it was Marxism, now it's all in the abstract economy of the sign , Capitalism has become the most abstract thing there is.

Who needs God when capital is Immaterial? So it is safe to conclude that debate over God's identity has been resolved in the West. the identity of God is death, all reolutely idealist systems result to Spinoza's problem, you cannot have in terms of identity one ideal transcedental object (nevermind Christianitys contradictions over the holy triad), so in over to save it you make it into a whole by matching it's identity with the material world. So God/Capital become the process in which death desire can be identified, that absolute point zero of non-identity.

>> No.6603305 [View]
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The Internet by it's nature involves a practice of autistic scizofrenia. Pic related.

To all of you pretentious fucks who think that the OP is wong, check yourselves.

Reality check: We are all make-believe liberal arts graduates/drop-outs that think that by reading the Illiad or Gravity's Rainbow we sudenly become patrician.

Do you really think Kafka gave a shit about what the Greek's had to say?

Do you really think that Pynchon read Hemmingway, Joyce and Faulkner?

No, the true writter of literature is a thief of the highest order and is able to create his own style of writing.
>"Weren’t you amazed by the caution of human gesture on Attic steles? Weren’t love and departure laid so lightly on shoulders, they seemed to be made of other matter than ours? Think of the hands how they rest without weight, though there is power in the torso. Those self-controlled ones know, through that: so much is ours, this is us, to touch our own selves so: the gods may bear down more heavily on us. But that is the gods’ affair.If only we too could discover a pure, contained human place, a strip of fruitful land of our own, between river and stone! For our own heart exceeds us, even as theirs did. And we can no longer gaze after it into images, that soothe it, or into godlike bodies, where it restrains itself more completely."

R.M. Rilke

Avant-Garde is dead, do your own thing.

>> No.6544042 [View]
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Hay e/lit/ists,

Due to recent life experiences, I've decided I really want to find out why capitalism is schizophrenic.
I've read a good bit of Freud and some essays on Lacan. What else should I get under my belt before picking up a copy of this copy of a brick?

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