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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.6917659 [View]
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>sung tongs or strawberry jam are next on the vinyl get list.

>exactly this.
Wanted something physical for a change.

Thanks annon, Mom said almost the same thing

Thanks annon, Mom said the same thing at dinner.

Plan to finish meditations and Prometheus rising tonight so I can start on the rest of the pile

>He's reading stuff he wont really understand just so he can be smug / pretentious.

Again, Projecting much friendo?

implying I haven't
>linguistic turn will ever be over

Thanks anon, books make great gifts.

>>a-autism!! You are not the Real Human Experience!!!

fucking topkek

I enjoy books, fiction books count, and there are some good ones.

>muh prose
>muh Bildungsroman

>Meanwhile philosophers go about understanding reality, language, morality, consciousness etc.. etc..

Sure they do buddy.
>great fiction authors dont touch on the same subjects in their works.

this threads great.
>all these butt mad Kant shills.

Nothing is stand alone...


>pic related

Who would do that, who go on the internet and lie about things like that?

They are. Read some GEB

>so anus angry


Thanks annon, it was a great day.

>The internet makes amateurs and dilettantes feel like experts.

>Dunning–Kruger effect is strong everywhere.

Don't feed the trolls kiddos. Ill post a pic of the lobster tail and next.

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