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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.4924470 [View]
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>> No.4870446 [DELETED]  [View]
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Daily reminder that this board is full of whimpy reddit leftards and that our mod is from SRS.

>> No.4863894 [View]
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I first realized what my niche in life was going to be three Christmas’s ago when my parents bought me my first laptop. It was then after hours of staring at this incredible machine I realized what I wanted to do. I want to become an IT graduate and learn absolutely everything about how these devices work. I want my brain to be a plethora of information that is computers. And then with all of this knowledge I will create my own website that will revolutionize the internet. What that website is going to be I’m not quite sure yet but I have already taught myself a great deal of HTML on my own, and am very passionate about this vision. I’m trying to portray to you only the good qualities the left hemisphere of my brain has to offer.
So it is to you that I present this essay, knowing my future would be in good hands, for I refuse to apply to any college that isn’t an upstanding place to learn. I know now that I can’t get anywhere without a college education and have learned a great deal about life from my first car accident.
Ending isnt done yet

>> No.4846795 [View]
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Anyone know of any books with a Dark souls feel? With ambiguous lore, and lots of fantastical beings? Read all of the New sun books, and enjoyed them.

>> No.4756833 [DELETED]  [View]
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I've got my term's research paper due tomorrow and I haven't started.

How long do you reckon it'll take? It has to be five pages.

>> No.4734294 [DELETED]  [View]
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I wanna read something entertaining but not stupid. I mean, I'm willing to do some work, just don't wanna bust my ass or be faced with serious life-altering philosophy. I also tend to like newer stuff better.

>> No.4727091 [DELETED]  [View]
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Are there any books with tips for surviving in a society ruled by Vaisya tier faggots as an intellectual ? Also, let's share tips for surviving in a society ruled by Vaisya tier faggots as an intellectual .

>> No.4484819 [DELETED]  [View]
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any romance/sexual fantasy, horror or drama book/story recommendations?

>> No.4468931 [View]
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Doing the same thing over and over again day by day. After awhile you get bored, and just want to quit life(by blowing your brains out)

>> No.4382727 [DELETED]  [View]
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What are some virtuous or righteous professions/careers /lit/?

I think some include:
>police officer

any more?

>> No.4311310 [DELETED]  [View]
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is "deserved" pronounced differently as an adjective than it is as a verb?

like would it be "diss-err-vid criticism," or would you say "dis-served criticism"?

>> No.4284809 [View]
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>Have Utopia of Greed
>No qualified workers, only overqualified businessmen and intellectuals
>no one does shitty work

>> No.4264690 [View]
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Hannibal of Carthage. The entire Punic wars need a few epic poems on them, or some tragedies.
>Hamilcar realizes the threat Rome presents to Carthage
>spends his life fighting against them, with only the grudging help of Carthage, who'd rather be selling and trading stuff instead and don't think Rome is worth the effort
>regularly takes his son Hannibal to watch his battles
>has Hannibal swear to the gods to carry on his fight after he dies
>Hannibal does so, even though Carthage is now trying to actively prevent an open war from breaking out
>he's the only general who can defeat the Romans
>Hannibal gathers an army to cross the Alps with, nobody does anything because "lol who can cross the alps"
>crosses the alps
>starts fucking Romans up left and right, the only one holding him back is the general Publius Scipio
>Hannibal thoroughly fucks his shit, Publius Scipio stays with his troops to fight and is left for dead
>except he's saved by his son, who he also regularly brought to watch his battles
>son grows up to be known as Scipio Africanus
>the only general who could defeat Hannibal
The whole thing is bad-ass as fuck. Also, Hannibal married a Spanish princess.

>> No.4241469 [View]
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guys, can i talk about all my fanfictions here?

>> No.4191306 [View]
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Indeed he is. A flaming queer he is!

>> No.4191300 [DELETED]  [View]
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>> No.4177220 [DELETED]  [View]
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What was the source of procrastination 100 and more years ago?

pic unrelated

>> No.4112202 [DELETED]  [View]
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Hi I don't come here so excuse formalities

Are there any books that are like Metal Gear Solid? In the sense of having convoluted plots/conspiracies, good characters you care about, and preferably in the same spy thriller vein? The only thing I can think of are maybe the Bourne books (I haven't read them).

Pic unrelated

>> No.4098439 [DELETED]  [View]
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I've done this once before and it turned out pretty well. What's a book you wish you had read when you were 16?

>> No.4091451 [View]
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Please, /lit/, how do you all deal with the seemingly endless drudgery that is this place? Everything just seeps with boredom. If not at the outset, it is at its very core. Books get boring, ideas are stale. It all ends up as a cesspool of stagnant waste. Sure, something might be fun for a while. I might get lost in a movie, a fuck, or some other activity I enjoy. But that's just it. Anything you do is to 'get lost', you escape, you must. That's all there ever is, tiny slivers of time you never experience because you felt some pleasure.

Is that all? One pleasure stringing along to the next? But all pleasures become predictable, all become boring. The video game is the same video game, the next chocolate chip cookie tastes the fucking same. Go, interact with people? All are bores. And worst of all myself, what's the purpose of talking to me? Go, learn something, read philosophy? Ah yes, for days I might be enthralled by words of some thinker and yet, ideas don't move, none of them imply action and after the shortest while even the grandest become boring and lifeless. You can agree or disagree with ideas but you're still going to have to get up and take a shit. You can't escape yourself. To myself I am the biggest bore.

But this thought is self-defeating. You get bored of being bored recursively. But infinitely so. One is trapped with an idea that cannot be acted upon. I give you nothing new here, because there is never anything new. Kill yourself? That's the most boring answer of all.

So, /lit/, what the fuck?

>> No.3991683 [View]
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Is everyone reccommending books that they haven't read or did read and didn't enjoy just to pose here about them?

Some of these, although different, are lame as fuck

>> No.3909167 [View]
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Favorite quotes, /lit/?

>> No.3909160 [DELETED]  [View]
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Favorite quotes, /lit/?

>> No.3872196 [View]
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fuck it

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