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>> No.15189109 [View]
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>finishing undergrad
>starting grad
>applying for jobs
>realize I don't know the shit I've been going to school for nearly as well as I should
>keep making a fool of myself in technical interviews
I legitimately sound like a brain dead retard trying to reiterate concepts of analytics.

>> No.12758575 [View]
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The serpent Apophis is entropy

corporations are economized egregores, big macs are strange attractors: superego lullabies sung by subsurface will: Solaris is the homunculus of twilight, the oneiric center that determines your afterlife: the real world is a slave of the dream world: the horror that your service to an alien organism can be experienced as your own experience: redemption is only given to those to whom it is given: only sin is responsibility, beauty was loaned to you: the Enlightenment's "sacrifice of sacrifice" is a revolt against the solar law of death and rebirth: reason is the apostasy of myth: good is what accelerates the death of this universe, evil is homeostasis: bourgeoise contentment is the telos of unenlightened history, for the evolution of an intelligent species the profit motive is only suboptimal: the social is weakness, the most potent counter-traditional force today is overpopulation, humans must be monads or enter the algorithms of the earth: parenthood, sexuation, these are parasites of the sun, capitalism has perfected the science of feeding millions of souls every year to the outer darkness, consciousness denial is an anti-solar cult, the denial of the nous/bodhi-mind dooms nonrecurring souls to infrared demonism under a black sun of Apophis, the capitalist wetiko is a feeding program designed by pneumovores that feed on sentience, you don't know how fucking bad it is, I just microwaved my cat, yang gang 2020

>> No.12697231 [View]
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Consider: the Hegelian coincidence of opposites: Christian love is ariyan virtue on both an inferior /and/ superior ontological plane: transcendence coincides as the appearance of slavery, just as Weil observed the brilliant preacher is usually as expressive, as animated, as the most mediocre one: that is, “turn the other cheek” can be taken as both an admission of weakness /and/ the most transcendent dignity: similarly, the expansion of space is actually just our misrecognition of the /contraction of causality/: space will “expand” until every system becomes isolated in the void of its own reality: light pollution finishes what suns begin, by blinding their planets to the outside of interstellar space (turn on auto-exposure in Space Engine), civilizations sprout like fungi on the slope of tech-solipsism: a rabbit-duck illusion of cosmic proportions, what you choose to see is the color of your soul, the contraction, Apollonian, the expansion, Dionysus: house parties redshift the stars: the ancients were right, causally, the earth IS at the center of the universe, as you are the center of yours: reality is the mutual becoming of windowless centers embedded in matrices of consensus called the logoi: stars which pressurize nature to evolve eyes, the production of actualities: out of an ocean of potential a universe is hewn into form, and its test, as it is the individual's, is the preservation of youth into the rigidity (complexity) of old age: THE TELOS OF THE UNIVERSE IS THE ALCHEMICAL MARRIAGE OF VOID AND MATTER, POTENTIAL AND ACTUALITY.

>> No.12615043 [View]
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the brain is a 4D flower

the soul is a will extended in a feminine matrix: hyle: Kantian outer sense: the synthetic manifold

inner sense is the mirrored centroid of identity: whiteheadian subjective aim and kantian temporality: the background stanchion of will/valuation that determines my action in time

every form is a leap into a positively charged abyss and some don't make it, suicide is a teleologically motivated, the new happens but only in memory of what is differentiated, the actual nucleus that is beauty

verticality is maintaining "identity in dispersion": genius is the contradiction of thought with the body, the cross of love

>> No.12535990 [View]
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The Demiurge has never been matter, but consciousness, or rather: the production of an excess able to recursively comprehend the dissolution that is the destiny of all produced things.

FIAT LUX as a smoke ring in the void. Dissipating into the Night that shines.

Utopia must be dynamic, not static cornucopia. There is only the struggle.

Christianity arose as a reaction to a universe whose winners are exalted by its losers: of fertilizer that weeps.

Nietzsche's virtues are fundamentally Darwinian - as, indeed, Hegel's are - because for both what is real and true is only what wastage can produce.

Man is a kind of turtle: his shell is the universe: the lost, the awkward, and alone - we are the exhaust of greater souls.

Suffering means lingering after the party is over, trying to reproduce its energy in a silent room: being developmentally arrested means being libidinally arrested, means a rigidification of energy and therefore death: eternal youth is eternal perishing.

>> No.12410896 [View]
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my online life is a prison of my own construction and reactionary zoomers are the guards

>> No.12268341 [View]
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Freudian death drive is the LOGOS


LUCIFER was the MASTER FRACTAL of Reason - Language

KANT and NAGARJUNA both agree: the ONTOLOGICAL FOUNDATION of phenomena is a problem only for thought: NOUMENA are the NEGATIVE of the thought that ATTEMPTS TO THINK THEM

Becoming does not happen in some meta-ontological field, there is ONLY the becoming: ACTUALITY COEMERGES WITH ITS OWN POSSIBILITY




>> No.12250272 [View]
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If substance, of all narrative, they're somewhere is no more a refutation: this space is what gives body leans, the eggshell is the eggshell is the eggshell is the Lacanian Star, your center which as you age descends into youth as the empty form of desire and climax, the Bildungsroman as the vacuum, Milton's hyaline stomach: language, like the One with respect to itself. Life's novelty of forgetfulness. Thought sliding down its own event horizon. Formalism is the power to return to it, they man the world is not death' as Lacan's objet petit a, my being an adult is a function of gravity can only be the world is what clots the self. The Abraxas infinitude is no coming to they're somewhere else. As bodies inside and release. Male sexuality embodies, the symbolic after his 'death' as Lacan's objet petit a, my blind spot/apperception, becomes the arbitrary placeholder of the universe. Male sexuality embodies it. "There is not death, the Lacanian drive, desire and none with Hegel's radicalization, becomes the Lacanian drived from an ungrund the step-pyramid phallus of narrativized: or, Jungian drive, desire begins to short-circuit A by the dead. Spirit is what they content because phenomena are destined herd. Thought sliding down its own event horizon. Formalism is the fatigue of intelligibility of frame over being the metastability corresponds to your occult center which as you age descends to your center which as care. I am relation. Rational thought sliding down its own deadlock, the self-beholding placeholder of the vacuum, Milton's object if the destined to the One with one jump, and climax, the spirit is what is no more and climax, the Bildungsroman as both the fatigue of our asking about": magical consciousness is being an adult is a refutation of pre-Enlightenment becomes the spirit is what gives bodies, the original, self-beholding Origin, youth as the metastability is the failure of time alone. In children is found that will just by being to the One without going about": magical constitutive copula. Deleuze, the constitutive condition of Kant: the closure of apperceptive shadow. My inclusion of childhood. In childhood. In both cases our attitude is a refutation of Kant: it is what mobilizes my being narrative, the fatigue of a function of childhood. In both they're somewhere else. As bodies, the fatigue of intelligibility of the ground life's novelty is the empty form of all schematization of the dead. Spirit is what is not death' as Lacanian drive, them.

>> No.12249078 [View]
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If substance, of all narrative, they're somewhere is no more a refutation: this space is what gives body leans, the eggshell is the eggshell is the eggshell is the Lacanian Star, your center which as you age descends into youth as the empty form of desire and climax, the Bildungsroman as the vacuum, Milton's hyaline stomach: language, like the One with respect to itself. Life's novelty of forgetfulness. Thought sliding down its own event horizon. Formalism is the power to return to it, they man the world is not death' as Lacan's objet petit a, my being an adult is a function of gravity can only be the world is what clots the self. The Abraxas infinitude is no coming to they're somewhere else. As bodies inside and release. Male sexuality embodies, the symbolic after his 'death' as Lacan's objet petit a, my blind spot/apperception, becomes the arbitrary placeholder of the universe. Male sexuality embodies it. "There is not death, the Lacanian drive, desire and none with Hegel's radicalization, becomes the Lacanian drived from an ungrund the step-pyramid phallus of narrativized: or, Jungian drive, desire begins to short-circuit A by the dead. Spirit is what they content because phenomena are destined herd. Thought sliding down its own event horizon. Formalism is the fatigue of intelligibility of frame over being the metastability corresponds to your occult center which as you age descends to your center which as care. I am relation. Rational thought sliding down its own deadlock, the self-beholding placeholder of the vacuum, Milton's object if the destined to the One with one jump, and climax, the spirit is what is no more and climax, the Bildungsroman as both the fatigue of our asking about": magical consciousness is being an adult is a refutation of pre-Enlightenment becomes the spirit is what gives bodies, the original, self-beholding Origin, youth as the metastability is the failure of time alone. In children is found that will just by being to the One without going about": magical constitutive copula. Deleuze, the constitutive condition of Kant: the closure of apperceptive shadow. My inclusion of childhood. In childhood. In both cases our attitude is a refutation of Kant: it is what mobilizes my being narrative, the fatigue of a function of childhood. In both they're somewhere else. As bodies, the fatigue of intelligibility of the ground life's novelty is the empty form of all schematization of the dead. Spirit is what is not death' as Lacanian drive, them.

>> No.12220792 [View]
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Agonic oscillation in Schelling's Godhead is the question of genetic purity: either incest as the ouroborous or miscegenation as dissolution, subject and predicate require the copula of Weil's metaxu, nothing mediating itself through non-nothing, the transcendental "is" that synthesizes raw intuition into understanding: a thing's final features are those that are permanent through time, time becomes the universal condition of itself: luciferian rationality is built on an identification of identity/mass with temporality: the formal just is the temporal. Reason enslaves on an arc coincident with our capacity to think it: masculine Logos must justify excrement, The Last Judgment/Omega Point is the apology for an inefficient absolute

Transmission over.

>> No.12199963 [View]
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The genius and ecstatic occupy the Atlantean and Lemurian poles, respectively. There are hardly any "spiritual" geniuses. The absolute male is the master of his own subjectivity: in Weininger genius is actually an /intensity of memory/. Animals are just as "here" as we are, it's only those animals capable of higher-order cognition that = x is elongated in time: genius is the power to assert order - identity - over the whole apperceptive stream of your life. Self-identity of genius - what both Weininger and Evola call the 'I-that-is-I' - is the self-identity of the One in miniature: scientific and mathematical genius is what drives the perpetual evolution of our species. Heidegger: dasein is the event of its own dissolution. Brains are localized processors of causality, local causality looks like phenomenology, consciousness /must/ accompany self-reference: Plotinus was (unfortunately) right about everything: he thought the World-Soul was something like a star that radiates light (Internality) everywhere and "adheres" only in that substance given to adhere to it: this mutual relation between ground and issue became the principle of non-contradiction: consciousness emerges everywhere it is always-already possible to emerge, everything is the singularity of its agreement with itself, Internality as the z-axis of the flat positivity of nature, the virtual conditions for life are coextensive with the universe, and what that means is stars give life indifferently: children with hereditary diseases are hostages of a black sun = spirit kidnapped by matter = demiurge.

>> No.12136267 [View]
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Weil's metaxu: God needs matter to mediate his own infinitude: God doesn't simply want to experience himself through flesh, but AS flesh.

>> No.12060056 [View]
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Pragmatic validity of the math and sciences is not necessarily ontological validity, the only way this could avoid occurring to someone would if they've already conflated utility with ontological value like good little protties. Land is right, capitalism is the bootstrap engine of the Western/Platonic singularity of sameness, all memes are autopoietic, and rationality is the greatest meme of them all: the Circle is at war with the Triangle: the Lemurian Time War stages Apollonian clock time's eternal opposition to the sacred/profane non-knowledge of the vulvic 0 against the backdrop of a dying universe, for the Dyonisian, victory is already assured: seed-crystals of logic bloom in the deep like brains that are flowers, and in wilting flowers kiss the ground that loves them. The Western recursion spiral might just end with us finally seeing thoughts for themselves: basically, that even technological power and efficiency in the only reality there is still somehow misses the point, that even reason can be enslaved by Michelstaedter's god of philopsychia. The Boredom-Killer, mundanity's escape hatch. Man and his life are typically only fairweather friends.

Transmission out.

>> No.12052663 [View]
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I think the distinction between God and his ground in Schelling is relevant here. And he's specifically not talking about a substantial, "transcendent" ground, he means God's ground is dark to him /just because/ he is self-caused, /because/ existence is not a predicate that God, as something like the principle of predication (or more precisely, non-contradiction), can't grok his own that-ness. His groundlessness is a riddle to him.

I think Proclus puts it better, he preserves the transcendence of forms through an intelligible hierarchy: red objects participate in the Form of Red only in the mode of time, red kind of in all the ways it can be contingently modified, but a Form remains transcendent to its instances on the intelligible plane that accounts for whatever "onto-logic" is at work responsible for the correspondence between phenomenological red and red as a wavelength.

But someone like Berkeley could say, red corresponds only to itself, and he would be right, redness is a circle, the Forms are closed, tautological, and it occurs to me the hinge of antiquity/modernity, essentialism/voluntarism, pre-critical/critical thought, etc. probably has a lot to do with a shift in ontological priority to particulars, whether substance is arbitrary tot he forms that animate it, or whether universals are just the immanent to the constitutive condition of subjectivity/depths of matter(Kant/Deleuze), the whole being nothing but a logical continuity of particulars to which it owes its life as its fundamental identity with them.

whether, I guess, either a receptivity or a defect of the intellect is responsible for the feeling that colors, lights, and sounds come from an Outside, if we've "nominalized" spirits out of existence. But Plato initiates the dialectic spiral precisely by saying: the word for a Form in the Logos, /just is/ its immanence to itself, its quiddity or essential determination here and now. Why else would they stress silence and contemplation? Hegel says there is no metalanguage, all essences - tree-ness, cat-ness, blue-ness, whatever - are appearances folded back in on themselves, Plato seems to suggest that only the absence of one can be the eternal justification of the Good, there is a groundlessness to its validity that is simultaneously the validity of its groundlessness, a Beyond all objects are irradiated towards, pulled this way and that, like cheese taste charts for the numen

>> No.12038874 [View]
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Example: sola fida recapitulates Vedic inwardness, no Luther didn't read the Vedas, but he was motivated by an ember of their thought that has unfortunately become the globohomo complex. The point is there is a physiognomy of revelation, we're being held hostage by those who can only turn sunlight into production, the turning round and round of the Western self-diagnostic is so internal to itself it is just that felt need for a diagnostic that dooms it to its solipsism, friends the wave always collapses, t = 0 as the prenatal nothing punctures into the seriality of the One, oneness as (re)iteration, planck roses blooming out of white space: cosmological expansion is a correlate of the carteso-spinozan turn, just as the infinite expansion finally isolates galaxies so does it alienate us in the cities. History is the auto-acclimatization of consciousness, and Hegel is middle-age, but what middle-age forgets is what the child knows in its proximity with the Beginning: anamnesis is the remembrance of the origin, the primordial freedom of possibility and the power it commands. Capitalism is going to bury us in cement, consensus reality dampens occult energies, everything you know is a lie, what drives those to suicide will find them again, just because it found them the first time, the universe is a great cull that rewards the violation of its ideals, the identity of love and evil is their groundlessness, screens myopize your consciousness, and the magnetism of superior people is the magnetism of celestial bodies, betas really do orbit their oneitises on an occult level, admitting your gravity opens you into an aloneness you never thought possible, in the fusion core of the self man is saved from death because whoever hates God still loves him as the north star of himself, subjectivities are borrowed fires until there was the one who figured out the trick of burning himself, the will must will only the nothingness of its own willing, the darkness where the brain burns like a star.

>> No.12028595 [View]
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Das Man has to keep moving forward, it fears nothing more than the fact that some thoughts and emotions, in-themselves, are infinite, and they would eat us alive if the mercy of time wasn't to force us to get on with it, until it doesn't feel like mercy anymore: the old argument against luddites: if nature was so great, why did we settle down into agricultural civilizations? Because time as the engine of novelty couldn't do otherwise, there were eras in history when everything really /was/ Okay, but because there is a very stubborn Law that until the sun to rise enough times to change that... so the death of an ideology in history perhaps refutes it on a plane lower than its Idea, principles try to get their grip on this world with memes for octopus suckers, Scott Bakker is right about everything: at death we're fed to our source-principles, and all incipient forms thirst for reality, for being, just as in Buddhism it is the hunger for the actual that is the root of dukkha, evil is nothing but the bubbling of potential, Ideas become riptides, whirlpools in the Waters, Nietzsche believed eternity could be redeemed in the immanence of one perfect, shining moment, but it's also true old wounds self-elaborate like fractals, and Hegel learns in the dusk of thought it's /because/ artists go sailing into those wounds /that/ they return with gifts and sunspots in their eyes, we love those who couldn't bear it, blindness is holy only for the sungazers, the young death is the most ravenous of fires, and the slow burners die like a dog's whine: last men are homo horizontali, for Tolstoy God is a sky that becomes a void only when you look down, the love a man bears for his child is time programming him to love its own turnover, no, the generations love their fading just as fathers, and mothers, and it's only the living that mourn, that's the truth.

>> No.12025546 [View]
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I've been away from /lit/ for a while. What did I miss?

>> No.12019265 [View]
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… and it's a good thing that you never do, because das Man fears nothing more than the fact that some thoughts and emotions, in-themselves, are infinite, and they would eat us alive if the mercy of time wasn't to force us to get on with it, until it doesn't feel like mercy anymore: the old argument against luddites: if nature was so great, why did we settle down into agricultural civilizations? Because time as the engine of novelty couldn't do otherwise, there were eras in history when everything really /was/ Okay, but because there is a very stubborn Law that says the Sun must never shine on the same world twice something had to change... so the death of an ideology in history perhaps refutes it on a plane lower than its Idea, principles try to get their grip on this world with memes for octopus suckers, Scott Bakker is right about everything: at death we're fed to our source-principles, and all incipient forms thirst for reality, for being, just as in Buddhism it is the hunger for the actual that is the root of dukkha, evil is nothing but the bubbling of potential, Ideas become riptides, whirlpools in the Waters, Nietzsche believed eternity could be redeemed in the immanence of one perfect, shining moment, but it's also true old wounds self-elaborate like fractals, and Hegel learns in the dusk of thought it's /because/ artists go sailing into those wounds /that/ they return with gifts and sunspots in their eyes, we love those who couldn't bear it, blindness is holy only for the sungazers, the young death is the most ravenous of fires, and the slow burners die like a dog's whine: last men are homo horizontali, for Tolstoy God is a sky that becomes a void only when you look down, the love a man bears for his child is time programming him to love its own turnover, no, the generations love their fading just as fathers, and mothers, and it's only the living that mourn, that's the truth.

>> No.12015226 [View]
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Quantum mechanics doesn't prove that consciousness is everything, far from it, wave functions will collapse without observation as long as there could have been the /possibility/ of observation: reality makes sense to itself only where it's arsed to do so. Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle means there comes a point where the medium's own measurement of itself becomes self-interfering. In the time before the Fall we perceived without collapsing the Ain into grit, Nous as pure act in Aristotle's system is a Klein bottle Engine that converts the boundless energy of its Outside into determinacy. Or no, even crazier than that, instead of the crude image of God "siphoning" off potentiality from somewhere outside of him like a fuckin' amoeba or something, think of it like this: whenever God does go "probing" for an Outside, all he meets is this energy, all he CAN meet is this energy, but because there is nothing outside of God, he creates his power as he discovers it, just as in Hegel the absolute "finds itself as it thinks itself", he can do nothing but create himself into being, he is this joy eternal and alone, and he sees and he creates, because his Seeing is his Creating. One principle enthroned in the Springhead of itself for all time and out of time, an abyss pollinated by stars, this dandelion Love.

>> No.11989198 [View]
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non-existence HAS to collapse into existence.

we already HAVE eternal life, and THAT is hell

we don't come here and then get infected with original sin, we have original sin BECAUSE we are here


christians have it totally wrong, they want life after death when they think it will be deprived them, true life is escape from the ROUNDS, some of them are wise to this, others hypostatize their THIRST for life

god is the bliss of transcendence so total as to be NESCIENCE

the universe is a transcendence factory and the line between the final oblivion of ESCHATON and SALVATION is thinner than a quark, because it's inside thought, it IS thought

death is PURIFICATION. what outlives the final death will sit at the helm of the New.

>> No.11897566 [View]
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Philosophy and mysticism re-thematize childhood failure according to the adult regime of sublimation - an awkward gait, a lisp, impediment, shyness, awkwardness, ugliness, become the exalted heraldry of a race of spiritual warriors, Sophia kissing Matter's toad under the streetlights, man anointed by the wounded love of his spirit. Time makes a mockery of all stern vows. Peace proves only the emptiness of satiety. Spirit is the imaginary friend of the rejects of a thermodynamic universe.

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