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>> No.15128580 [View]
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>Happiness and physical/mental health aren't rocket science.
really bro? You have a comprehensive and holistic scientific theory of mental illness, one that is as precise, accurate, and repeatable as "rocket science"? You're going to absolutely revolutionize biology, psychology, and everything between when you publish it.

>> No.15055690 [View]
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what's your point? Imagine someone coming into your town, killing most of your people, enslaving the survivors, and then offering you some medicine (for the right price of course). Obviously a bang of savages. Don't be silly.

>> No.15023349 [View]
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>a christian calling a man's ideas and life wrong because he is weak and ill
my god you're stupid.

>> No.14954493 [View]
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but it was precisely because he thought of space and time as a metaphysical system that he was able to manipulate it like that. No one can possibly imagine curving or time dilation if they aren't scrutinizing space and time to the very foundation of their metaphysical assumptions. Einstein's proof that space and time are "real things" doesn't prove that metaphysical considerations of space and time are unimportant, it simply showed that the physicists before him had bad metaphysics.

Kant is not saying "I have an a priori judgement that space is like THIS" - he is saying that "I must have an apriori judgement that space is some kind of way. This is because I exist in space, if I truly could not make judgements before reasoning, I would be utterly and hopelessly fucked." He is trying to rescue philosophy from the jaws of empiricism by showing that you need to have fundamental assumptions about the world that are not empirically verifiable.

Empiricists sometimes end up with a naive belief that if you just were a skeptic about every single explanation of anything, the truth would just "reveal itself" to you, but this is only possible after it has been discovered.

>> No.14954103 [View]
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>Do poor women want an upperclass man to steal them away into riches and luxury
come on bro think.. this is obviously every immature girl's fantasy.

>> No.14818035 [View]
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you're just walking into the same circular fucking argument of now denying the reality of your experience, which must then deny the reality of observation, because observations cannot exist without experiences. about this is unclear?

You may derive a quantity from these experiences, and quantity is separate from quality. But this does not mean that quality does not exist! Quantity cannot exist without quality? else what then might you have a quantity OF? What is this math fetish you have?

I mean come on dude, you just invoked a thought experiment about "imagining something" which is an experience. You are denying experience itself while invoking it to prove your point. This is crazy, man.

>> No.14558468 [View]
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>Here my master sits, silent and judgemental,
>no sentiments, his domain far away
who? What master? God? Not compelling. Why is your faith in him so good anyway? I don't buy it
>my fears and promises gentle –
>he’s unwilling to ease the pain
what do these two lines have to do with each other? Why does a gentle promise and fear lead to pain that he (god is it?) refuses to ease? I dont get it. If they're not related, why are they in the same stanza
>a slave to luck, fate’s daughter -
>my strongest will her lightest whim
so are you in God's hands? Or are you just a slave to fate? If your fate is your god, then why would he have any say in your pain? How could he be judging a fate which is not in your hands?

none of this makes sense. Keep trying, but make it make sense for god's sake.

>> No.14395617 [View]
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>But he tried to take over a barracks! it was totally a coup!
Really? You really think the man sincerely thought he could take over Japan with one little speech from a balcony? You think he brought that sword that day to look cool? You think that was anything but one the greatest performances a man has ever fucking put on? You don't even have the intellectual balls to fucking entertain the idea of how incredible that is. To actually walk the walk, after talking the talk all of his life. You're too scared, you might start to think about death in a more positive and affirmative way.. that a grand suicide is actually greater than to wither and die. That you would get taken up by the whirlwind of passion that follows from this idea.. you're too weak. You're too immature to appreciate something without wanting to also be exactly like it.. one day, you'll get it.

>> No.14178521 [View]
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I can literally go look south and see only the top parts of exceptionally tall mountains past the horizon, on clear enough days. Once, I saw only mount rainier's tip, from over 150 miles away. Philosophy has broken your brain. Go to the real world for once, there is important information to be discovered there.

>> No.14172415 [View]
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Is your critcism against Nietzsche that he wasn't atheistic enough? By the way you never told me, are you christian or not?

>> No.14154932 [View]
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For the last time dipshit. Marxists economics say that capitalism inevitably leads to what we have now. We exist in a planned economy. There is some economic freedom, but its heavily constrained within an institution's ruleset. This is the definition of planned. The planners of this are the capitalists, the owners, the rich. They made it like this to enrich themselves at the expense of the workers. That the country becomes less free is a PRODUCT of capitalism, because the capitalists are in control. It is NOT an error.

>> No.14154123 [View]
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where in Marx does he "love progress"? Define progress, and then show me the quotes. I am waiting.

>> No.14141386 [View]
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how the fuck does deleuze soar so far above us

>> No.14104165 [View]
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>go into Nietzsche class
>like two guys have actually read his works, let alone his influences, and the rest have canned opinions on him

>> No.14098351 [View]
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fascists get some things right, it's just that the root cause is what is filthy, and what is filthier is the prescription. It is not jews, it is simply the want of power, for its own sake. That is what debases us. How can you, as a fascist, criticize kike women for wanting to tear down white men? She is merely trying to make her identity more powerful, through identity politics isn't she? But isn't ethnic nationalism, which is intrinsic to fascism, also a form of identity politics?

Isn't the fascist critique of the jew, self defeating? Isn't the solution to break from identity politics and to simply say, identities don't matter? Or to break from the worship of power and rebuild society so that there are no power hierarchies?

The only way fascism can ever work is by literally genociding everyone who isn't part of your group, or putting them in absolute chains. So what is your means for this? At least leftist thought that seeks to rebuild the social order has theories for when and how to rebuild. To wait for the system's own nationalities, for which it is built on, to cause enough social unrest to inspire revolution. Fascism, however, is doomed, without a final victory that can never be won.

>> No.14081870 [View]
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just write, bro, it's a skill you get better at it. If you have an interesting thought, write it down, and come back to it later. If it's flowing, keep going, if it stop, take a break and do something else. Drugs, every kind, help.

>> No.14023021 [View]
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nothing because I am not one, will never be one, this is true for literally every single human on earth as of now, and it doesn't matter because the eternal recurrence will take care of this, and bring about the overman. The Overman is not a prescription, like a Stoic's book. It is metaphysical, no, deeper, it is metametaphysical.

>> No.11808467 [View]
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Hope you don't believe in the christian-tier meme of free will anymore. Right, fags? It's 2018.

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