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>> No.23203693 [View]
File: 33 KB, 500x500, howthefrench.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>debord culture
AHHH yes

>> No.22728387 [View]
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>> No.22581042 [View]
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>> No.21763769 [View]
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>Amerisharts will defend their right to pay middlemen to provide for their "healthcare"(after squeezing every penny out of you, and finding any loophole to get out of paying when you're sick)

>> No.21755514 [View]
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both arguments are easily disproved when you simply look at the archives. Nobody is claiming 4chan was a paradise of intellect and discussion, but it certainly wasn't the current shithole full of /pol/ screeching and incel schizo posting. And this is not just on /lit/, pretty much every board is swimming with this >>21755421, when, pre-2012ish, those retards were far fewer and generally ignored.

I am not going to sit here and talk about muh good old days, but you have to be dense, blind or a newfriend to not have noticed the shift in attitude over the years in this place. From a more or less mixed soup of retardation and autism to an almost binary delineation of I FUCKING HATE _______/pol/tardism and the people who hate them. For fuck sakes, /pol/ and /n/ used to have constant Obama threads, together with RON PAUL /b/ threads and everything in between. /r9k/ used to be /b/'s more autistic cousin. And more amazingly, there wasn't the eternal screeching, there was le troll faces and the nigger posts yes, but not the eternal butthurt that permeates all boards.

4chan's traffic data shows clear jumps during gamergate and the '16 election aka the events that brought in the school shooters and incels. They saw dweebs calling each other "nigger" and they assumed that this place was a right wing forum. Fuck sakes Steve Bannon openly talks about the psyops his firm was running during gamergate towards incels and /pol/tards, he was corralling them and molding them into the sludge that currently permeates this shithole, anyone who keeps pretending IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN LIKE THIS is a fucking refugee that came here during the election. Just shut the fuck up

Simple as

>> No.21750746 [View]
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>> No.21731410 [View]
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>Also slavery barely existed until domestication took off
replace that with constant warring between tribes, which involved stealing women as wives
>Starvation was rare as wildlife and vegetation was plentiful.
Lmfao. The "Spirit/Monster that lives in the forest because he ate human flesh during a period of famine" is a classic trope among hunter gatherer tribes' tales. And guess what? You weren't born in a hunter-gatherer tribe. Crying about being born in le wrong generation doesn't make you any less of a fucking parasite

It's pathetic. I'm actually amazed at the shit that these losers are coming up with to try and justify their useless-ness. Literally "but hoomans society used to be different 50 thousand years ago!" like what the fuck is wrong with these people?

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