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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.23390529 [View]
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Sorry, bitch, but the cool kids are all epic racists. And if this kike wants our epic gamer dick, she'll write what tell her to write, how we tell her to write it. Capiche?

Let this be a lesson to ya: Speak up again and I'll flush your head in the toilet and give you the meanest swirlie of your life. Then I'll ram my foot up your cunt. Also lose some weight.

>> No.21880888 [View]
File: 36 KB, 400x313, heidegger_machines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brendan is stupid

>> No.21873872 [View]
File: 36 KB, 400x313, machine lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21409380 [View]
File: 36 KB, 400x313, heid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of the best philosophers of the last 200 years were either fascist or reactionary

>> No.15852520 [View]
File: 37 KB, 400x313, 1589662761384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you use the computer instead of reading a book?

>> No.15568656 [View]
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Is majoring in philosophy a bad idea?
I'm thinking about majoring in philosophy. I stand out and get close with professors and grad students by caring about material and working hard and not being a sjw (kant > cant -__-). I heard they will fight to get you into a good place if you're cool. it'll be at a top 20 university for no tuition

>> No.15533417 [View]
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you need to create rules for yourself regarding computer use, and when you realize you're breaking them, stop yourself with no exceptions. what helped me get out of that stuff youre talking about is making it no longer a basically vague wish (even though you may feel really strongly about how bad youre wasting time), and learning how to recognize when I'm doing something I'll regret even if it feels good. The thing is, it feels GOOD to scroll 4chan and even it worse, it actually feels uncomfortable, lonely, and wrong to close 4chan and sit down and read, at least in the beginning. this is only your reward circuits firing, it has no relation to what you will be proud of in the long run. making change will only come from recognizing discomfort and intentionally doing things that you don't feel like you want to do. now close 4chan nigga right now. seriously

>> No.15461591 [View]
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>> No.15379306 [View]
File: 37 KB, 400x313, machine lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14647684 [View]
File: 37 KB, 400x313, heid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fascism is literally the coolest thing there is. Just listen to this song:

>> No.14614803 [View]
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>> No.14581683 [View]
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That's based as fuck, now I can more efficiently find more Nazis to read

>> No.14545967 [View]
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>do you also think socialists are hypocrites for owning iphones and going to grocery stores?

Why would you even ask this as a rhetorical question expecting anything other than a perfectly unrhetorical yes?

>> No.13838379 [View]
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That's an interesting position but it's not mine. Besides, there are forms of unity that don't require the dissolution of difference. I can be united with you in friendship without us becoming the same person or sharing ownership of the same land.

Another thing by Johnson.

>> No.13731092 [View]
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A thread to talk about what it means for something to be. What exists and what don't? Can mind independent things exist (be)? Are physical laws real or just abstractions? Do sub-atomic particle have being? What is the mode of being behind each metaphysical perspective (materialism, idealism)? Each culture has it's own conception of what is to be, but what grounds those conceptions? Being precedes truth? Can something even ground or precede being? Wouldn't the ground of being have to beingless? Should we overcome metaphysics? Science test the validity of propositions by relating them to objects, for example, biology has that which has life as an objects, but since philosophy is no science, what is being related so that Hume is wrong and Kant is right, or vice-versa? What is philosophy's objects? It's not an object, because it's not an entity, because philosophy relates to being. Than what is being?

>> No.13714816 [View]
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Husserl is always criticized for reifying the transcendental ego and placing it "outside history," and it's often said or implied that Heidegger's hermeneuticizing and historicizing of Husserl's "Cartesian," ahistorical phenomenology was the necessary next step. The basic idea seems to be that Husserl treated the subject and its a priori configuration as a being (or beings), and Heidegger came along and posited fully immanent Being as the condition of ALL beings, including consciousness, the ego, subjectivity, etc.

But how is Dasein/Being not itself treated as a being in Heidegger? How is his phenomenology not just as ahistorical? This was Derrida's critique, and Leo Strauss' critique as well. If Heidegger is truly consistent, then he can't even keep "Being," since then he has to historicize everything, including his own ideas of Dasein with its clearings, disclosures, aletheias, and so on. But then you end up in "therapeutic" linguistic philosophies like Derrida or Wittgenstein, which are (Strauss says) simply nihilistic, they are merely ancient scepticism rehashed. Or if you follow Strauss, you end up actually going back to something closer to what Husserl wanted, which is the open acknowledgment that there may be real essences grounding thought/being, whether platonically or transcendentally real, and the attempt to grasp or approach these essences.

How would Heidegger have answered this? I know that a Derridean neoliberal yuppie piece of shit would simply tell me to embrace his therapeutic sceptico-nihilism. And I know that a Straussian would tell me to become a Jew living in New York or Chicago in the 1950s. But how would HEIDEGGER have answered? Clearly he didn't take himself to be a Husserlian, but surely he was smart enough to understand the stakes of reifying Being as an atemporal potentiality always supra-historically "available" to any culture? What were Heidegger's real metaphysical beliefs?

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