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>> No.17462354 [View]
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>the book is a colossal choose-your-own-adventure of possible translations and nuances that allows you to construct your own unique story out of nothing but conjecture and arbitrarily assigning meaning to the senseless babbling of an alien tongue

>> No.17462242 [View]
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>the translation is a colossal choose-your-own-adventure of possible translations and nuances that allows you to construct your own unique story out of nothing but conjecture and arbitrarily assigning meaning to the senseless babbling of an alien tongue

>> No.15539097 [View]
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>we love Christ because we're losers and He's the only one who cares about us
literal faggots and trannies:
>they're just being edgy LARPers who want to feel justified for hating gays
this much is to be expected from such narcissistic degenerates.

>> No.15510059 [View]
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>but there are still a ton who remain traditional.
>According to the same CDC data, 70.7% of 15- to 19-year-olds have had sex — which means about 30% have not. Other studies show similar results. For example, the Guttmacher Institute found that the average age at which Americans first have sex is 17.8 for women and 18.1 for men. SKYN’s 2019 Sex & Initimacy survey found that the average age respondents first had sex was 18, and that 30% of Gen Z respondents (ages 18 to 22) have never had sex.
lets say roughly 30% of zoomers are virgins. even if the m/f ration is 1:1, thats <15% of women, so its safe to say that roughly 9 out of 10 girls are whores. i would have to date 10 different girls just to find one who is a virgin, because obviously its fucking weird if you ask that right away. if i ask on the first date, thats 10 dates to find 1 girl who is even a potentiality. how long does it take to get 10 dates? if you have a good face and height and are in college (where all the girls are), maybe you can go on a date once a week. even then, i doubt it because you will just end up known as "that guy," so lets say every 2 weeks, and even that is optimistic. you're only in college for two semesters/9 months/~38 weeks, so operating at peak performance you can get 19 dates. lets round that to 20 for good measure, then add another 10 potential dates on off-time, so we have 30 dates a year if you are a chad with good social skills/standing in a place populated by lots of girls. 30 dates, 30 girls. 3 of them won't be whores. you will have, in a year, 3 girls to choose from. this whole virginity thing, isn't even a personality trait, its just the first prerequisite for being a decent girl, so even if you find a virgin, good luck finding one you actually have things in common with. let's say our chad does this for his entire 4 years at college, that will only get him 12 girls to choose from. this actually sounds possible, but think, he will have to go on 120 dates *at least* over the course of time when he is supposed to be studying and may or may not also have to work part time. and thats if he's already a well-developed chad at age 18. most dudes are not a)good looking/tall, or b) self confident enough to be dating around this fervently at such an underdeveloped age. and if you don't search this vigorously for a wife this early, you're basically fucked because the longer you wait to look for one, the higher the whore rate rises.
>The CDC reports that virgins make up 12.3 percent of females and 14.3 percent of males aged 20 to 24. That number drops below 5 percent for both male and female virgins aged 25 to 29 and goes as low as 0.3 percent for virgins aged 40 to 44.
once you start dating girls over 24 years old, your whore chances go from 90% to 95%. meaning you have to double your efforts to achieve the same results, without the aid of college. this is why marrying a 13 year old girl is only making more and more sense every day.

>> No.15494417 [View]
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just remind them about the colonial wars, the american revolution, the mexican-american war, the civil war, the spanish-american war, the french revolutionary wars, the napoleonic wars, the russian civil war, the chinese civil war, ww1 and ww2, the korean war, the algerian war, the cuban revolution, the vietnam war, the cold war, the soviet-afghanistan war, the gulf war, the yugoslav wars, the war in afghanistan, the iraq war

>> No.15264092 [View]
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my antithesis is that OP is a raging faggot and i didn't even read his post.

>> No.15130637 [View]
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>not filtering out normies from understanding your work

>> No.14769874 [View]
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>you're quite mistaken, good sir, for not once in my life have i ever stepped foot on the cursed soil of any such institution. no, no, not me! and in any case who could, i ask you? what man or men could walk those halls and remain oblivious to the evil therein? friend, are you not knowledgeable of the jews who own those halls you walk so fondly? do you dance down them with naive glee while i dance nobly in the gutter? oh, what cruel fate that led me to this place! you see, dear stranger, i myself am what the fashionable youth term a NEET (and i do fancy myself to be just that)! no, no. nothing to do with me, any of that business of yours! keep it to yourself, i want no part, nor will i ever. i shall remain here on the peripheries of society, and suggest that you make haste back to wherever you waltzed along from before happening upon me in my misery! leave me to it, lad!

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