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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.4345151 [DELETED]  [View]
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How to make money with the Amazon self publisher? I have a friend who can make a good cover for not much and I think that the title, cover and the first line from the book are the most important features.

Do you have any tips for me?

>> No.3782691 [View]
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So, you gonna start writing fanfiction /lit/?

>> No.3119462 [DELETED]  [View]
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How do I remove amazon's stupid pdf drm? I've been unable to get the fucking measly 50 bucks to buy a text book for over a month now. I finally broke down and downloaded it instead. The problem is every time I open it it says "cannot connect to amazon.com" I assume this is because whatever retard uploaded it didn't break the protection.

Someone here has to know.

>> No.2834720 [DELETED]  [View]
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>Everything from A to Z

Anyway, just bought 5 books

Prince of Thornes (It was 1.99)
Nineteen Eighty Four (1984)
The Stranger/Outsider
and a history book which does not matter

Wondering what /lit/s general opinion is on these books

>> No.2808702 [DELETED]  [View]
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Why do you guys not sell your short stories here?

>> No.2567358 [View]
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I like having physical copies of my books. But local bookstores don't always have what I want.

Amazon likes to charge out there ass. What are some alternatives that ship cheaply to eastern America?

>> No.2463138 [View]
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I'm talking to a 14 year old girl online and she said she'd do anything to see my face. Naturally, I asked her to write me a short story.

Here's the story:

"Every wish is a death wish."

Most people refer to the idea of having a house in the city, and a camphouse they can summer in. I’m the opposite – I have a house in the countryside, and spend most of my days working there, and then I summer in my New York apartment, where civilization is, and where I can get a pizza brought home in less than 30 minutes at any time of the day. Now that’s a summer well-spent, not living among the filth like an animal, shin-deep in manure and having to deal with the company of bugs who not only cause disease, but also prevent you from sleeping with their noises.
So one summer, I was entertaining in my apartment, and we were all trading stories about past adventures. I heard my friend Brad describe a small town in Sweden where the populace meets up once a month and hold a lottery, the winner of which is granted the right to have sex with whoever they want, in the town. He even attended the lottery, but he unfortunately lost. He says unfortunately, because according to him, some of those Swedes were pretty bangable. Alice, on the other hand, described a trio of Arabic brothers who made fame and fortune in Istanbul, selling twenty-sided dice that are used in the west for board games, but there were used as occult tools for contacting spirits and such.

>> No.1988432 [View]
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>Go to amazon.com
>Search for a book you love
>Go to the 1-star reviews
>Post here

It is a fitting testament to our times that this novel, which should never have been published in the first place, has come to be regarded not only as a modern classic, but as the finest novel of the last century. Only a thoroughly immoral man could have written it and only a thoroughly immoral age would celebrate it. The review cited on the cover - describing it as the "only convincing love story" of the century - is the perfect punch line to this absurd joke: what better way to demonstrate your unimpeachable sophistication than by characterizing an explicit account of pedophelia as a love story? If you want to read erotic descriptions of children and sickeningly-detailed depictions of child molesting, the law is apparently powerless (or at least unwilling) to stop you, but please, please, don't hide behind "art." Admit, at least to yourself, what you're really doing; admit what you are.

>> No.1949559 [View]
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You guys buy stuff on Amazon? eBooks and the like?

I've got a question.

I'm getting ready to publish a rather lengthy short story on Amazon, for Kindle. It's a translation (I didn't write it: I just translated it) and includes the original text, and I've illustrated it. (Cover + 2 full page pictures + "breaker" images). Plus an Introduction, Translations Notes, and a table of contents.

It took me about 8 weeks to translate, off-and-on. I can't say how many hours it was, sadly.

I'm curious... what do you guys think a fair price would be?

I'm thinking of selling it for somewhere between $0.99 USD and $2.99 USD.

>> No.1946787 [View]
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If I send a pdf of a pirated book to my Kindle email for conversion to the Kindle format will Amazon get mad?

I want to read Against the Day but it's not on the Kindle store.

>> No.1930545 [View]
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Can I get some recommendations for good free ebooks through Kindle?

I'm using the free app on my ipod. If there's a better way to get free books on it, let me know. I see the sticky, but I'm looking for one that is an app.

Thank you /lit/

>> No.1706715 [View]
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where does /lit/ get their used books from? if you get any at all, that is...

I usually just to amazon, but is there something better?

>> No.1575770 [View]
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Wishlist thread, /lit/. I'm buying.

I came upon a few dollars and I thought I'd give a little back to you for the rare occasion when you've been good. So post your wishlist and you might get lucky.

I encourage others to gift if they're feeling generous, too. And here's my wishlist: http://amzn.com/w/1XMGF2QA0MSVS

>> No.1518325 [View]
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pic related

>> No.1512568 [View]
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I have $3.45 store credit with Amazon.com. Recommend me a book that is $3.45 or less new. Don't worry about shipping; I have an Amazon Prime account so shipping is free.

>> No.1468413 [View]
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Yo, it's me again, the guy who gets gift cards from work. I've got $20 to spend gifting my fellow /lit/erati, so post your wishlists. I can only give to Americans with my gift card, but Canadians and Brits feel free to post too and maybe some other generous gent will gift you.

Here's mine, as always, in case anyone feels like returning the favor some day: http://amzn.com/w/1PW6VVESSYQID

tl;dr Wishlist Thread!

>> No.1423131 [View]
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amazon.com master race here. problem .co.uk and .ca fags?

>> No.1357630 [View]
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Hello again, /lit/. Just got another $20 Amazon gift card from work, looking to spend it gifting to my fellow nerds. I looked through a few pages and I don't think there's an active wish list thread, so post your Amazon wish lists here. Lists with cheap books preferred.

And, as always, if anyone wants to return the favor: http://amzn.com/w/1PW6VVESSYQID

>> No.1343769 [View]
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Where's the cheapest place to buy new books on-line? Is Amazon the cheapest?

>> No.1340196 [View]
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Just got a $20 Amazon gift card from work again, looking to re-gift at least part of it. So: wishlist thread time. Post your lists.

Here's mine in case anyone wants to return the favor: http://amzn.com/w/1PW6VVESSYQID

>> No.1331818 [View]
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I have been without Internet for the past two or so months... does /lit/ do these anymore? Anyway, you know the drill: post your Amazon wishlist, buy stuff for others, make everybody happy!

I'll buy a couple of books for others and post my list later.

>> No.1251265 [View]
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Let's say I have the address of a person and I want to give a gift to him through Amazon but I want to stay anonymous,
can I do this?
Will the gift be really anonymous?

>> No.1187949 [View]
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Didn't see one on the first couple of pages.

You know what yo do. Post them wishlists!

>> No.1129219 [View]
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Hi /lit/

Ausfag here, just wanted to ask about your experiences with Amazon used books. Are the ones that are going for $0.01 too good to be true? They usually have about $4 shipping on them but that's still cheaper than buying books in stores here.

I just want to buy everything from Isaac Asimov :(

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