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>> No.16771592 [View]
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>the people who represent order need to be purged out of civilized society so the guys who represent chaos can negotiate in "peace"

>> No.16738225 [View]
File: 16 KB, 480x360, Curtis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Imagine actually believing this. Anyone who's anyone understands the left is where the real power lies.

Any future Caesar will be a left-winger who capitulates on key right-wing issues in order to unify the country. Nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.16737971 [View]
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New article up by Moldbug on the election. He absolutely slaughters the Trumpians and Conservatives.

>> No.16453300 [View]
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>In America today, a Bond villain is obviously a Nazi. The institutions might be the Marines, Amazon, and Harvard. Since the rest of society does not change, you have to imagine not what a Nazi Amazon would want to do—but what it could get away with. What could the Nazi Marines get away with? What about the Nazi Harvard?

>We observe many structural constraints that would bar the Nazi Marines from any serious Nazi plans. It seems unlikely that they could even take San Diego and found a Surf Nazi city-state. The Marines don’t even have bullets—they would have to prevail by the arme blanche—the naked bayonet. Hard, even for Nazi Marines.

>And doesn’t half the country already think of Marines as halfway to Nazis? Military government is such an obvious alternative to every civilian regime that every civilian regime wraps its military in fifteen layers of rationally paranoid coup-phobia. Why do you think soldiers and sailors on domestic bases don’t have ammunition?

>As for the Nazi Amazon, Amazon delivers 2/3 of its own packages. Couldn’t it deliver them in a swastika van, with a snappy Roman salute? Hail Jeff and happy Prime Day! Just for this gesture, Amazon might lose a few subscribers. What that would do, or what more the organization could do, to advance the Führer’s agenda, is unclear. Fear of corporate fascism in the American intellectual narrative dates back to the Dearborn Observer and the Business Plot. This phobia too has grown stale, but it still works.

>The Nazi Harvard, however… look at the size of that endowment. Who tells Harvard what to do? No one. And since 1636, no one ever has—certainly not Amazon. And certainly not the Marines.

>> No.16411200 [View]
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And that's a good thing!

>> No.16189493 [View]
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I've been reading Moldbug's hackernews posts today and he's based and redpilled as fuck


>There are three kinds of blacks in America today - feral, traditional, assimilated. Traditional black people are the nicest people in the world and have the coolest churches. Unfortunately they're all over 50 and have high blood pressure. Assimilated black people are just like white people except for the little box they check when they want to get into Harvard. (Samuel R. Delany's memoir, The Motion of Light in Water, is among other things a wonderful evocation of the old "Jack and Jill" black upper class.) Feral black people need to be rounded up, flex-cuffed, laser de-tattooed, sent to boot camp for three months, and placed in the unconditional custody of traditional black people, who will know exactly what to do with them.


>Neighbor, please.

>"Most professionals" live and work within ten miles of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5MGJ87hPGw.. If you worked for me and weren't comfortable with this kind of diversity, I'd cap your ass. Period.

>Tech culture keeping it realer every year. Throw down some rude JS or get your app-cache timed out. That's the way we live and die in the 415, neighbor!

and responding in an argument about racial IQ differences (guess which side he's on)

>You seem interested in reading my comments. You'll read quite a few before you see me flame someone who hasn't already flamed me - usually twice.
It's everyone else who's obsessed with "IQ and Race stuff." They're just obsessed in the other direction. Worse still, they don't know it - because everyone they know has the same obsession. Fear is a kind of obsession, too. Don't we think of the Victorians as obsessed with sex?

>> No.14752730 [View]
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>is single biggest influence on the modern Right without anyone even knowing who he is
Heh, nothin' personnel, brahmin.

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