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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.11861669 [View]
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looks interesting. i've seen that title mentioned many times on /lit/, i'm sure it's good. last time i checked my tastes in fiction were pretty low/middlebrow, but this does sounds pretty thematic.

sometimes i do feel the pull of things other than a steady diet of continental phil, b/c it can drive you buggy and turn your heart into a black and shriveled thing. which isn't really good. judge holden always gets the last laugh in these things but he too looks better with a fence around him.

maybe it will be Great Books that patch up some of the damage done to the collective mind by two hundred years of socialist revolution and philosophers pulling apart the strings of reality w/arcane continental memery. we can't Go Back but eesh, sometimes life feels like the Blood War from PS:T. or maybe like the scene in the sopranos where butch realizes he can't go any farther with phil leotardo's crew and has a change of heart, where he's looking ahead into the snowy nothingness of the streets and realizes that he has to go another way. it's a subtle and powerful moment. happens at about 14:00.


abnett excepted, if it were possible to write really elegant 40K spy fiction i would snap that up in a heartbeat. like greene or malraux or st exupery but with a bolter. or maybe Conan In Paris. but i also had this deeply disturbing 40K-inspired dream last night that has left me feeling gross (even if a book called "Desire, Damnation and Technology" would be an amazon insta-buy). i don't know if it's because i ate shitty food late at night or just where my head is at these days, or both, but i don't want any of those visions again. so maybe some less XLR8R literature is a good look. but like i said my tastes are mostly lowbrow.

>heidegger's nightmare
poor old martin. all he wanted was a nice teutoburg cabin and the jug of milk on the stone counter next to a copy of holderlin
>and probably an obligatory mein kampf and a bust of nietzsche
>also no technology
>save that required to defend the third reich and the cabin within
>so long as it doesn't interrupt the peaceful forest walk
>and also no plato
>or empiricism/rationalism
>or anything, really, between the presocratics, him and nietzsche
>and no jews either
>martin was a genius but compromising and making nice with others was not his forte

anyways, all those triggers work for me, cheers anon.

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