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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.7035328 [View]
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it is good 2 b bad off when being v. lonely

perception in consequence of isolation will never rival worse perception as consequence of socialization

spooks of spook mean fuck all; every idea is dialectically approachable (even "abhorrent" [barf] 1s like racism n cuckolding)

im gay the rogaine way %^)

>> No.6442241 [DELETED]  [View]
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So I was browsing /lit/ today and I stumbled across a rlly cool word an anon used but I can't find the thread he said it in. It started w/ an A and related to the study of information kept from the public eye. Said anon noted that there might not b a wikipedia article on said word but regardless it was p. cool. Can anybody give me a hand?

To make this thread /lit/ related, post words that sound cool/relate to cool concepts/can possibly b extrapolated into cool book/poem/writing ideas.

>> No.6251610 [View]
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bc ideeawlogees-*sniffles abstractly*- fold diegetically in2 an eleemosynary dialectic-diacritic-elision spittle season of wittle-*sniffles incoherently*-weason IMO


>> No.6172386 [View]
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"It is a Big Jewry minstrel show. The white former Olympic hero, cuckolded by a whore and her coal burning whore daughters, then divorce-raped and turned into a faggot, all in the public eye.

It's PsyOps 101. This is the way the jews conduct warfare against a society. They build up Gentile idols, then smash them to bits."

.. "Bruce Jenner's Emasculated Faggotry Continues to Worsen." - News. F169BBS, 28 Oct. 2014. Web. 21 Feb. 2015. <http://www.f169bbs.com/bbs/show_topic/48977-bruce-jenners-emasculated-faggotry-continues-to-worsen>..

>> No.5921981 [View]
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>More like Detergent!

>> No.5904736 [View]
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to add to this critical race narratology (which is the germinating seed from which the parasite of intersectonalism emerged) began this fucked up cavalcade of making up shit 4 black ppl 2 rally behind that will only address the symptomatic outcomes of whats actually fuccin them over n not the thing thats actually fuccin them over natch

u can look @ ppl who monetize "feminism" n "race relation" type shit n find that more than not they're intersectionalists b/c its the best label under which 2 filch money from reel fuccin fools of broken n lost ppl (rachel maddox, anita w/e the jew, etc. types bein the foremost promulgators of this form of "commerce")

>> No.5841543 [View]
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n i use the phrase "primordially premeditated" not in the sense of ALIEN JEW REPTILIAN ILLUMINATI GRAB YA TIN FOIL HELMETS *heads 4 /pol/* but more in the sense of the solitary condition we can't exactly talk ourselves out of categorization and thinking in this manner. there doesn't need 2 be an illuminati or w/e kind of analog ne1 can conjure up when the systems you arrange for efficiency quickly spiral out of ur control and start gaining traction as entities in their own right.

>> No.4824165 [View]
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honestly u couldn't particularly call me a fan of this shit but its p. classically solid from the standpoint of what ppl enjoying see evoked from poems

you've got a forlorn geriatric gargling in the glaze of what she remembers and what she really can't access prolly in part b/c of her confinement to a place that doesn't care about her n isn't built to care about everything around her as well, only to ensure that her tie to the this world remains n doesn't remain all too invested in what worldliness pertains to human existence

good job on stuff in that regard, my other gripes would b biased on aesthetic perspective so i dont think i gotta warrant those a forum

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